It's a glorious day, the fighting game community is almost dead!

It's a glorious day, the fighting game community is almost dead!

>No more ghetto shit tournaments with stabbings

>no more nerds trying to act tough because they played a shit game long enough to get over the awful controls

>No more people saying that they had a good read when it was just a random guess

Good riddance fighting games.

Other urls found in this thread:

>fighting game tournament


>playing fighting games

is guilty gear worth getting on pc if i am a complete casual?

I'm glad.

The streetfighter 2 community killed fighting games. 3 was superior in every way shape and form but it didn't get the respect it deserved because of poorer sales than the second. But as we can all see, it wasn't the gameplay that made street fighter 2 good, no, it was just a cultural fluke that made the sales so good.

>league of legends
You must be 18 or older to post on this board, kiddo.

Absolutely not. Guilty gear is one of the most "hardcore" fighting games there is. It's exclusively for the people that really want to get into fighting games at the highest level. That's why its community is so small.

>guy gets stabbed but his attacker immediately apologizes and no one dies

>guy puts his woman in her place

>fight breaks out, something that happens in literally every sport

you know how i know you're a nu-male?

Yes if the price tag doesn't bother you, go for it.
No reason not to.

Did you know that civilized adults don't assault eachother over video games?

Of course you didn't, you are in the FGC.


>implying subhuman spics who play kof count
>chris G in general
>fight breaks out = ghetto shit
your bait is weak my dude

>5 millions copies sold
>15 million players

Why does this not make sense?

yeah it's great


>Did you know that civilized adults don't assault eachother over soccer matches?
>Of course you didn't, you are in the ASC.

It was available on PS+ so many people didn't buy a copy.

did you know that real men occasionally have to channel their testosterone through brawls over competitive events?

of course not, you're a nu-male.

It makes sense the most skill intensive genre is dying. People want gratification with less effort.

Grand Strategy survives just because it's prrtty much a cultural thing now.

Team based esports are way easier for the individual than a single payer game.

The FGC has always been a niche community. Occasionally, you'll see some sponsored tournaments but most of the time, it's just a bunch of community-organized bros looking to have fun.

how does someone become this autistic

The only thing fighting games are good for anymore is the girls.

Ironic shit posting is still shit posting. Unless of course you are actually this low. Then bravo and thank you for the "Nu" word filter ;)

Smash is just as skill intensive and is thriving.

The more traditional Fighting games just have shit controls and a terrible learning curve.

moba babby detected

wtf it's not fair FGCbros

>Smash is just as skill intensive and is thriving.

Am I being trolled, you don't mean those shitty nintendo games that people mastered and quit when they were like what, 14?

Holy shit fuck off.

>someone doesn't agree with me?
>well, i'm a genius, so anyone who disagrees with me must be a butthurt baby
no, seriously, how stupid do you have to be to become this autistic

It's always fun to watch people who don't kbow what they'ra talking about making threads.


Go win a major tournament then. It's worth tens of thousands dollars. Hell you can probably get a sponsorship and even build a brand around yourself for more money if you can do it multiple times.

what revamps are the community calling for?

yeah there's a great tutorial and you can find matches with other beginners by joining the discord

Literally a childrens game, that yes, kids at that MASTERED, than got bored an quit.
THAT game?

I'm going to take my own advice and fuck off.
Smash games are a kiddie fest joke, entry level lulz.

Oh god.
No wonder why this shits dying.
Its full of over-aged autismos who think they are good at kids games. LOL Oh god


you're an idiot

you're not good at thinking and you're not good at trolling and you just seem to be overall mentally incompetent in general, from your strange grammar and lack of knowledge about how to use capitalization
like really, you seem absolutely retarded and everyone in this thread is laughing at you

you do know street fighter is more popular than smash right?

No, it's actually not even remotely close.

Super Smash Bros 5.55 million
Super Smash Bros. Melee 7.41 million (March 2014)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl 13.10 million (March 2016)
3DS Super Smash Bros. for 3DS 8.23 million (June 2016)
Wii U Super Smash Bros. for Wii U 4.90 million (June 2016)
Street Fighter IV 3.4 million
Street Fighter IV 0.1625 million
Super Street Fighter IV 1.9 million
Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition 1.2 million
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition 1.1 million
Ultra Street Fighter IV 1 million
Street Fighter V 1.4 million

The FGC has never been the focus of fighting games. SFV fucked up because it attempted to bank on the FGC/esports crowd instead of just making a good game.

Holy shit what a faggot

this reads like an r/kappa post
maybe you should go back and keep masturbating to traps

why is this community so fucking stupid
every single dipshit autist thinks he knows everything about everything
fuck you guys, i'm going to GAF

>enjoy racing games
>talk about racing games
>threads constantly get derailed by Nintoddlers talking about Mario Kart instead
This might seem bizarre to you, but for fighting games, it's real.

>No wonder why this shits dying.

Smash is doing better than ever right now though.

>I'm going to GAF
Good. Go there and stay there you dumb fucking faggot. You would fit right in with the rest of the mentally stunted trannies.

Mario Kart is the most popular racing game, why would you be upset if people talk about it in a racing game thread?

Same thing for smash, it's the most popular fighting game.

But more people like Mario Kart than people like your shitty autism simulator, user.

Why do you deserve to have a safe space? You're the minority.

oh i was talking about the competitive communities

Mario Kart and Smash are both party games for kids. That's it.

easy there bud don't cut yourself on that edge
your mom might get mad at you and take away computer rights

Nobody enjoys having their racing games thread derailed by literal manchildren who can't let go of Nintendo party games for kiddies.

Are you pretending to be retarded? Each SSB game takes a shit-ton of skill. Only a few super dedicated players consistently win the big tournaments, even when there are 1000+ entrants. And obviously, not everyone has "mastered" Smash, because they keep finding new techniques.

Oops meant to reply to him

Why haven't you gone to GAF yet? You're still posting here. Go. The trannies and niggers are eagerly waiting for you to join their circlejerks.

Autism is marked by a lack of empathy for others and a lack of understanding of why others react to you poorly. It's okay, user!

Is that Jwong and that pokken girl?

B-but muh twitch Evo viewer numbers

Empathy is exactly what the Nintendo manchildren lack when they try to push their party kiddie games on people who want to talk about racing/fighting games.

>waaa everybody who isn't like me is plotting against me in a conspiracy
>i, on the other hand, am smart and enlightened

I bet you voted for Trump

>all these enraged man babies crying cause they are 'experts' at a childrens game

>Neofagger still at it
You've already embarrassed yourself more than once. And it seems you're still keen on staying around despite just prior saying you would fuck off. What's keeping you? The SJW circlejerk is waiting.

>ESL has a 250k tournament for SFV
>invite only
>shitters like fucking Gootecks got in
The FGC is a fucking joke


>he's making fun of me! he must be part of the conspiracy to destroy me!
>how dare he not obey me when i tell him to fuck off! MOOOOOOOM!

i've never actually been to GAF, and you're a manchild

You still haven't fucked off. Very predictable. Makes a dramatic post of leaving, yet still remains because of lacking any sort of self-respect. You know what, I think you would actually fit in with the Neofaggers just fine.

I bet you're used to Mommy doing exactly what you say, and this must make your autism so upset.

What makes a game a "party kiddie game"? Anything with a rating below T? Define.

The Neofagger can't even spell anymore with all his spaghetti leaking. Why would my mother do exactly as I say, you fucking moron? You really are in dire need of your desired safe space now that I think of it.

>What makes a game a "party kiddie game"
When the devs specifically say that's the target audience and they are pissed off by people pretending it's anything but, such as Sakurai and Miyamoto.

>can't even spell anymore
Haha, okay, wait, I was just fucking with you since you're a sperglord, but what did I misspell? Go on, tell me. Demonstrate your superior intelligence, faggot.

>Smash is just as skill intensive

>>fight breaks out = ghetto shit
that's pretty true
I mean seriously it's a fucking video game either get good or stop being a little bitch
though I'm sure if you just ban all black people then it would be perfectly fine place to enjoy some games

>this stuff happens in fgc
>people still swat each other over twitch
>people go try ro kill people in real life over counter strike
>people still get outrageously mad over SC2 or LoL or DotA2
>people get mad at each other over sports video games

It fucking happens everywhwre with every game. People can be violent petty losers, the FGC is not unique on this.

If anything down with the melee community

>white people have never done anything violent
lol okay

subhuman trash

I don't think I've ever heard Sakurai or Miyamoto call one of their games a "party kiddie game." If they did, link the source. It's not like anyone cares about target demographics anyway. That's why kids play M-rated games.

if you dont play online and only want sp content then maybe, but online is fucking dead and the one guy plating will eat tou alive

>>No more ghetto shit tournaments with stabbings
That only happens in korean starcraft tournaments, though.

Haha, PC Master Race wins again :)))

retarded console "e-sports" fighting community, don't even have proper online PvP options, hahaha cancerous kiddos.

Best PVP experience is on PC Master race, god tier games:

League of Legendary


This brings me back.

That's what they've always been good for.

>TFW I''m literally only into Fighting Games for strange fetishistic fap fodder.

To be fair to fighting game tournaments and their community, almost all tournaments based on video games are filled with autism.

GG is legit hard to play and near impossible to master. I got sign when it game out and have been playing ever since and im only above average.

this thread is gayer than trap general on Sup Forums

>GG Xrd bores me
>SFV was a huge let down
>KI is near dead and is Windows 10/Xbox One only
>Skullgirls, LOL
>Any other fightan game is shit too

I'm so glad I picked up Rocket League. 550 Hours in, still not bored. Just hit Shooting Star is 3s and doubles.
So glad I dropped SFV as my main source of fun.

>tfw you're a huge fighting game fan but also really happy SFV flopped
Fuck that game, we couldve had 3rd Strike 3D but we got baby's first fighter

One question, why not just play old games if they are better? Is it because Capcom sponsors the event?

>wanting 3S
Just playing 3S you stupid cunt.
I'm not happy with SFV but to be happy it flopped is literal autism

Why is SF5 so dead? It takes ages finding opponents and when I do I'm lucky if they're not lagging assholes


As opposed to good old traditional males who break out pointy implements over video games?

Why would you cherish the death of a genre? Somebody truly passionate would be happy if all kinds of games could thrive.
Beware, you are doomed if you continue along this path.

Because old fighting games dont receive updates and dont have chaning meta.

Think of them as highly linear. People are bored of 3s. People are bored of USF4. There's no reason to return to them other than autisticly grinding forever.

Starcraft 1 still have tournaments and is still popular in some places. A decades old game and their tournaments will probably outlast SF tourneys and maybe the game itself.

>tfw fighting game autism is on its death bed

Feels good that the worst genre is on the way out

Why shouldn't I be happy it flopped? It's a complete travesty. The input lag is abhorrent, the netcode is ass, the balance is awful, and Capcom refuses to even TRY to fix the game. You can't even change keybinds on PC.

For EVO, yeah. Capcom really rolled out the dough for it, got it on ESPN2 last year and all that. There's no reason to play SFIV now (besides casually of course) because it gets no support while Capcom throws down hundreds of thousands of dollars for tournaments every year, no matter how much top players show their disdain for the game. Marvel will likely be similar, but it has the potential to be good so it could avoid all of the flak that SFV has gotten.

It's not like Capcom is the only company that does this, after EVO Blazblue will get benched by Arcsys for the forseeable future (they'll have it at Arc Revo I guess) and Guilty Gear will be the spotlight series again. If you want to be a top player and make a living, you have to get with the times or support your scene yourself. If you want to be a casual and just enjoy locals or whatever, play what you like.

because it's shit

Honestly, T7 is going to be the last chance saloon for my tolerance with fighters. I used to fucking love them as a kid, but I lost my edge over the years, and just didn't have the time to dedicate to being good at them,

As Tekken is 80% about the neutral game and not *massively* focused on execution, I'm hoping I can still hold my own in it. I did alright in Tekken Rev.

If I can't, then the genre is dead for me as well.

i bet you go to beingliberal and watch cnn/msnbc for your news

Because the old games generally aren't 'better' in any real sense. They have their own share of problems that people gloss over so they can shit over whatever's new. Suddenly they're well balanced games even though it's a lie and X mechanic was generally good even though it was dropped for good reason.

When the FGC dies again, they'll have no one to blame but their own constantly negative attitude to every game or change that comes out.

>When the FGC dies again

The FGC never died. You just didn't know anything about it.

Fighting games are great. I'm autistic and one of my favourite hobbies is memorizing series upon series of combinations so I can decimate normies who just spam. I love drinking normie tears. I tell them to kill themselves and then I go back to the lab to work on new fifty+ input combos to make them cry some more. I've never touched a girl in my life, but luckily fighting games are practically hentai with how huge the girls' proportions are, so I can masturbate to them after a good eight hour session. Finally the fighting community has a lot of great memes. I'm really bad at talking to people, so I can "memorize" memes just like how I memorize combinations and people respect me because I say all of the best memes in the most optimal way.