Well Sup Forums, you were right. This game is fantastic and I can't believe I waited to play it

Well Sup Forums, you were right. This game is fantastic and I can't believe I waited to play it.

Now how do I get gud? Currently stuck with Shadow of Yarnham...

>terrible framepacing
>chalice dungeons
>great mechanics like insight almost unused
>fantastic game

Cleave if weapon appropriate otherwise focus fire one

Kill the caster second. When there is one swordsman alive he turns into a complete pussy. Also, as with any BB boss, don't give them any breathing room.

>optional, FRC's most difficult content in the series
>One mediocre area, nothing compared to Lost Izalith, The Gutter etc
>Tiny nitpick about a minor mechanic

I just fought the shadows yesterday. This game gets easier after practicing. I would recommend harvesting blood echoes and improve your attack on the right hand weapons.


Why do you lie on the internet?

Don't listen to this ass hole. Focus down the katana first then katana torch. Fire dude is easy to avoid and doesn't evolve into turbo nightmare in later phases.

Also if you bully enough they won't summon snakes

You haven't played bloodborne then. Whatever dude, don't shitpost about a game you haven't even finished.

Shadows of Yharnam are probably the hardest main game boss - best way is to hide form the ranged one by the giant tombstones and focus on parrying the aggressive katana one until he is dead, then kill the guy with the candle.

Then finally go full on at the ranged guy so he cant summon snakes.

Parry swordbro to death
Repeat with sword+flame bro, if you're consistent you should get his health down to about a quarter-half by the time snakes start sprouting. Keep up the parry tactics but be aware that his Dhalsim arm stretches the length of like half the arena, so be cautious if you have to run.
Save macebro for last, you can get him in an endless loop. R1 once, he'll dodge to the left. Let him, then R1 once again. Repeat until dead.

>Shadow of Yharnam
Just circle around the big gravestone to use it as a shield against the flames and kill them one by one.

Try and learn to fight without locking on, it allows you to sprint, roll, and move much sharper than it does when locking on.

>Shadows of Yharnam are probably the hardest main game boss
That's the blood-starved beast though.

>projecting this hard

Bloodborne is one of the two games I have the platinum trophy, your pathetic shilling is the reason we are despised

>yes it is

No It fucking isnt retard

Why the fuck would I be a shill for a game that game out years ago? Do you even know what that word means?

Shadows are ez

Blood starved beast is one of two bosses I can kill on first try. The other being Witches

Did you fall or how did Micolash kill you?

you tell us, shill

Disagree, i found him easy. I think shadows are hardest overall and gascoigne is hardest forhis relative stage in the game.

Not him, but sometimes when you drop down into his final arena he's already mid ACB and you get insta-killed.

If you don't have a quick weapon micolash is actually a real pain. I found him boringly easy my first two runs and then really hard on my arcan run. I couldn't get hits in before he call beyonded me.

>"you think x is hard, just wait until you get to y"
>"you think y is hard, just wait until you get to z"
Every fucking soulsborne thread ever, it's almost as if different individuals have different experiences.

I've had that happen several times. He's still my most dreaded boss on NG+ and beyond for that reason. Now I always invest at least a little bit into Arcane regardless of what build type I'm going for just so I can Beast Roar cheese him.

You think being a different individual is hard, just wait until you have a different experience

You can apply that argument to pretty much any Soulsborne discussion pertaining to difficulty. Like people who claim Dark Souls 3 was the easiest and Demon's was the hardest, chances are they started with DeS and it was the most difficult because the series was new to them. By the time they got to DaS3, they'd familiarized themselves with the gameplay and knew how to react appropriately to certain situations. It's all the same formula with a different coat of paint, just pattern recognition and reaction time.
The Souls game you start out on is gonna be the hardest one for you.

This shit is all ironic, right?

I mean this has to be just clever marketing. I've never heard the course of 2 buttons sound so technical.

The game progressively gets easier and its impossible to fail because its so easy to reach level 9000 in all the time it'd make you keep killing shit.

>tfw beat Shadow of Yarnham first try

I took out the aggressive one first, then the flame sword, then the mage.

Used Tonitrus +6 i believe