Well, looks like poor Soundquake is going to be on the backburner for a while, like Sombra when they made the Shimada Bros. On the other hand Anchora looks like it can feasibly take on Doomfist in a straight-up 1v1 and win.
Well, looks like poor Soundquake is going to be on the backburner for a while...
>literally tumblr in the OP
Just leave Sup Forums already.
>don't talk about video games here!
>filenames make me angry!
Excellent on-topic post there, child.
>video games don't belong on Sup Forums
designated shitposting board.
This isnt fucking riddit.
But is correct.
What the fuck does reddit have to do with this. If Overwatch threads piss you off this much then hide them.
Will this be Anchora's body, or Athena's when she eventually gets in?
>The most advanced technology for Africa was a leather shield
>Somehow they've advanced beyond even god-like AI technology-wise when left alone in the desert for 50 years
Why don't you faggots just go back to /r/overwatch and talk there, instead of shitting up our board, where we don't like you or your shitty game?
>Some how a scientist,
>Dresses in uncomfortable useless shit.
We've already seen Athena's body (please god be her final design)
>stop talking about video games I hate on the video game board!
I hate Final Fantasy but I don't run into every FF thread shitting all over the place and demanding they leave.
Kys fag
Go back to your elite Sup Forums group you made on steam
>Somehow they've advanced beyond even god-like AI technology-wise when left alone in the desert for 50 years
What makes you think that?
It's just yet another robot.
Because there is no "us" you dumb cunt.
People here like to talk about overwatch. Stop projecting yourself into the board and thinking people here only like what you like
What the fuck are you talking about.
Seriously, where the fuck did you get any of that info.
How do you know that the robot is called Soundquake?
>On the other hand Anchora looks like it can feasibly take on Doomfist in a straight-up 1v1 and win.
How do you know that?
What's the point of this thread?
I dunno, man, the quadruped walker has Athena's symbol on it. Though it would be cool if she transformed between humanoid and quadruped for different roles, like in humanoid mode she's a tank and in quadruped mode she's offense.
It's fiction, no one has any control over fiction.
Anything else is censorship.
What would Athena's breasts feel like?
>Sup Forums is one person
You're the odd one out here, faggot
I like Overwatch and have been coming to this board for 9 years.
Fuck off.
I'll explain it very easily for you.
-Big Red Robot has been theorized to be Soundquake, one of the established members of Overwatch.
-Efi is African, and many African tribal art uses mainly earthy-red tones with white and triangles.
-Now the theory is that the AI and robot she built is Big Red because of the colors and triangles.
-Which means that Soundquake's design is now a mystery.
Where's that walker shown?
I thought about the same thing but I can't figure out how exactly she would transform into a walker that big
One of the pre-release shorts.
Notable here is that the Doomfist as well as this quadruped robot were in the same short, also set in Numbani.
Fuck off reddit
They'd likely have the walker mode scaled down a tad from the trailer appearance so she's not so big she can't fit in the indoor areas.
Athena's body parts are found on Anubis
It's safe to assume it is her final design
I just want to be able to drive on walls like a Tachikoma.
Hard plastic
If we get a character who can crawl around on walls and ceilings, it needs to be this guy.
>crawl around placing proximity mines and motion sensors in awkward spots
>attack from weird angles then scurry away
>jump between walls like Samus
...that's symmetra's old turret design, user.
it's gonna be this big motherfucker on the far right, if we're getting a UGV
why the fuck would the announcer character become playable, and then get some other name? stupid.
I hope we get the big red dude, the green hazmat dude, and the pyro-lookalike
Also, I bet that the bare-chested dude next to the spider-tank on the right is a doomfist design
>why the fuck would the announcer character become playable, and then get some other name? stupid.
Athena's not getting her name changed. Efi's robot's name is Anchora. And right now the theory is that Anchora is the huge red-and-white robot behind Reaper and Genji.
The sleep white quadruped in and is likely to be Athena's body when she makes it in, if it's not this one or she can transform between them.
I kinda hope that creepy BDSM bitch in the top back gets in. Her design is interesting if a bit edgy.
What's that from?
>new hero is a spider tank that can walk on walls
>lucio can wall run and hop around walls to stay high up
>Mercy can stay up there too by spamming her jump
>pharah too
how are you going to deal with a team that can hold a map choke point.... FROM ABOVE? Just imagine it. The first door choke in Hanamura or Temple of Anubis and the whole team is actually ABOVE the door. WHAT DO YOU DO?
>Efi's robot's name is Anchora.
>Anchora is the huge red-and-white robot behind Reaper and Genji.
Lmao how fucking stupid are you?
fuck off to tumblr and never comeback niggers
>Reaper with only one shotgun
>Roadhog with no stomach exposure
>Completely different interface
Interesting how different the concept art was to the end product.
>black girl gets enhanced by white and asian made cybernetic technology
>we wuz scientists n sheit
>le back le to le reddit le meme le xd
Go do something better with your time like playing in traffic.
That Athena is just symmetra before they made her a shitskin
I think Roadhogs chest is exposed, he just has green skin. Probably from radiation and so he looks more like Abomination.
Overwatch has a Disney style graphics, a well known company behind it, racial diversity pandering , a huge marketing campaign for it, and tons of good content and mechanics ripped straight from lesser known games, that a CoD/normie audience wouldn't know of(Valve, Hi-Rez games, other smaller shooters, etc).
It was bound to be successful. It doesn't matter the shitty map design, the slow as fuck gameplay, the lack of skill in almost any facet of the game, the atrocious balance, the updates being released at a snails pace, etc etc.
Overwatch is a calculated business strategy. It is designed to spread out and cater to the absolute largest audience possible. It is the game you describe when making a counterpoint to "games as art".
>the only place where blacks create a successful civilization is entirely fictitious
Sup Forums is not tumblr, you are the ones that have to go back
Going to present any actual information or are you just going to say "roflcopter you so wrong!" and skip away claiming you win?
Numbani is basically Overwatch's version of Wakanda, it's just an entirely unfeasible civilization that only exists so that subhumans can say "we wuz an advanced civilizations an shit"
Move swiftly and erratically with Genji while reflecting projectiles.
The real joke is that the africans didn't do shit.
The omnics built it all.
So, assuming the new character is a spider boss, what will its Q, shift, and E moves be?
>Still no pyro equivalent
What is Blizzard doing?
The blacks bought parts from white people and asians and then claimed they invented civilization.
>the only successful black civilization was one built by robots
reddit thread?
It's so cute how Sup Forums completely lost its collective shit over a video game character you don't even play as and now has to fall over itself running into every Overwatch thread to throw a screaming shitfit about it.
Q to cloak, shift to engage enhanced wall jumping and e to launch mines obviously
I'm not even Sup Forums, I just love a shitstorm.
Mei is literally just the pyro, only instead of a fire hose it's an ice hose and instead of controlling movement with airblasts you control movement with walls. They both also have a difficult to use but extremely powerful long range projectile
Avoiding DoT effects because they are "anti-fun"
>shift to cloak
somebody already has that ability. I don't think they're just going to have an exact duplicate ability since they haven't done that with any other character
>It's pyro but ice!
Nigga, it ain't no pyro unless there's a flamethrower involved. And the wall isn't even comparable to the utility of the airblast.
>difficult to use
Git gud scrub
She doesn't need her name to be changed.
Mercy, Tracer, Reaper and Widowmaker are also not called by their actual names, instead their in-game names are like an alias that describes them.
The "Anchora" name was only mentioned by the leaker and he said she'd be something like an "anchor" to the team and so the name Anchora fits.
>DoT is anti-fun
>spammable grenade that blocks healing is fine
seriously the fucking Ana grenade is the most anti-fun thing in Overwatch
Ana's "DoT" is pretty much instant damage. A proper DoT is something that lasts for a good while after the initial damage has been dealt.
Pyro's afterburn lasts for 10 seconds, for example.
What do you use the Airblast for? To keep people from running away? Ice wall does that. To help you run away? Ice wall does that. To stop an enemy projectile from hitting you or a teammate? Ice wall does that. To slow an enemy push? Ice wall does that. The only thing it doesn't do is let you push people into environmental hazards and reflect attacks back. It still lets you control movement.
The push effect of the airblast is useful for many reasons, and pushing people off cliffs is only one of them. You can use it to separate weaker classes from stronger ones, disrupt healers etc.
The ice wall can be as much of a detriment to your own team as it is to the enemy team if utilized poorly. There's no such drawback to the airblast.
>forgetting about Widowmaker's Spider Mine that does DoT poison damage
The reason we don't and won't have fire DoT is because characters being on fire is too violent for Overwatch.
The original reveal trailer.
Maybe eventually since you do have a few voice lines in game like Winston's "PUT IT OUT"
But getting electrocuted, complete with agonized voiceover is not?
Green Hazmat dude apparently became Mei. I sure in the fuck don't want another one of her.
>There's no such drawback to the airblast.
I like to knock enemies out of the way when my faggot bow sniper team mate shoots at them -all the time. s'good fun.
Wrong, in a livestream with some of the Blizzard devs, they said that some of the Hazmat's elements were implemented for Ana. They also said that there was still interest in him
Electrocution is funny. Burning is not.
>Red pyro-lookalike has "Stasis" written on his gun
Man, now I am envisioning a character based on the chrono legionnaire from RA2
>You can use it to separate weaker classes from stronger ones
Ice wall does this perfectly. Cut somebody off and your whole team tears them to pieces, and blocks them from the healer
They are fundimentally different abilities, I'm just saying that thematically Pyro and Mei have two big things in common; 1, their primary weapon is a hose you spray at somebody that causes a status effect, and 2, their secondary ability is to control movement
Neither being lit on fire or electrocuted by a strong current is funny.
It's mostly because making a DoT an important part of a character's damage output is pretty pointless in a game with as many healers stacked to a team as Overwatch. The DoT either needs to have a duration so short it might as well be instant like Ana's, or be a minor part of the character's kit, like Widowmaker's venom mine.
RA2 is a goldmine for character concepts.
>inb4 strongest
>inb4 smartest
>inb4 most OP character
>inb4 flying pyramid vehicle
The virtue signaling that comes out of the game industry these days is more than pathetic, it's cringe. I feel embarrassed for these people.
Then that's a fault of the designers. If an entire concept is made useless by the existence of another concept, someone fucked up somewhere.
Wasn't the Anchora leak sort of debunked? While some aspects of it were true (likely that they were calculated guesses), there were some untrue parts that were ignored for whatever reason like the Qi-pao for Mei, skins for Hanzo and Genji, there would be no major event and just skins etc.
So, is overwatch just going to add a nigger every time there's a new hero or something?
First new character: Old brown lady.
Second new character: Young brown lady.
Newest character: Very young brown girl.
Are you the official voice of Sup Forums? This can't be, because I am the official voice of Sup Forums
I disagree. You can't just throw every single concept you ever think of into a game and hope it will magically all work out somehow. Overwatch just has a lot of mechanics that would make a DoT focused character just not work very well, so there isn't one. Not just all the healers, but also the regenerating shields that a lot of characters have would mess it up.