If Healer is the hardest/most stressful role to play as then how come girls always choose to play them?
If Healer is the hardest/most stressful role to play as then how come girls always choose to play them?
Cause people believe is the simplest role. And that's why healears sucks bad all the time.
>healthbar whack-a-mole
I giggled.
when everything goes perfectly it's a very lazy job.
that almost never happens outside of an outgeared group.
dps dancing in fire and tanks who forget to taunt or general ignoring of mechanics makes the healers life absolute hell because then they have to try their damn hardest to keep the group alive through damage you arn't supposed to even take.
because girls are better at games than boys
I always play healer, but I'm not a girl.
Think of how easy it is to find groups as a healer.
Now think of how easy it is to find groups as a girl.
They will literally never have to play alone.
They usually come attached to a boyfriend or orbiter tank who will white knight the shit out of them before the fallout of failure gets to stressful/they have to change how they play in any way.
Fucking this
If a good player plays a healer you are truly in for a ride.
Because healer roles are played by sluts.
>Think of how easy it is to find groups as a healer.
>Now think of how easy it is to find groups as a girl.
Not sure on this though, most mmos have too many men playing female characters that I don't know if anyone would actually believe them without getting on mic.
In a guild though? Probably.
girls are better at manager type shit and telling dumb guys what to do
totally, that's why all our leaders are girls right?
Because it's worth it for the stress relief.
By which I mean the relief that my tank must feel after pulling his thick throbbing cock out of my freshly painted mouth after a job well done.
Don't lie to me faggot. You sure as hell ain't a man.
All 3 roles are easy as shit, might as well be dps for the competition.
Because healer is the nursing role and it fits what they think they should be.
My female cousin is a hunter, so how the fuck should I know?
healing isn't that hard, it's just fun to make the other players like you and get a feeling of validation
healing makes me feel more wanted
Guilds were what I was thinking of for the most part.
As a female, she already has a disproportionately large pull on determining when the group is playing, but as a healer? And likely one of the only ones? Nobody's playing without this bitch.
i always play healer, are you saying im a girl?
also not stressful, i used to watch tv-shows/movies on my screen while healing and still got the job done
That's sad, you should look into that.
If healing is so easy how come dpscucks can't do it?
I want to be a healer too
I saw just as many girls playing hunter back in the day, actually. It was weird.
Healer is only the hardest role in (mostly early) MMOs where healing/buffing as a role is based heavily on consumables and/or limited-use spells, where each heal, cleanse, and buff needs to be seriously valued because each heal early means you will not have another heal later on.
In modern MMOs where you just heal anyone the moment they pop below 70%, pop AoE heals as a pavlovian response to the animations of boss AoE damage skills, running out of resources is never a real issue, and CDs are only relevant if you are undergeared and underleveled for the encounter, healing is not actually difficult at all.
healing is more fun than dps and tanking.
Tanking is only fun if you KNOW you have a good healer.
Healing is more fun when you DONT KNOW if the tank will be good.
the fun part of healing is actually trying to be aware of the situations around you.
Playing tank has that same effect, but having a shit healer ruins the fun.
DPS is fucking braindead "rotations" over and over again.
>inb4 healslut ERPposting
Healer is a hard role to play only because you have to not fuck up. Being a successful healer isn't as mechanically hard as knowing and executing the proper rotations as a DPS, or having the knowledge of every boss fight/encounter as a tank and leashing the right targets. It's simple stuff, you just have to do it right or the group wipes.
Tfw I like to bully my healer as a tank if they aren't constantly healing me.
Made 2 girls cry and got called a mysoginist in overwatch
Oh I know why I'm sad, healing just makes me feel better
sadly I don't have any MMOs to play right now though
that might be true, i know i've been a slut and always play a healer
When I played WoW all I did was tank. Now I'm playing FF14 I decided to give healing a spin, especially since I've always really liked the whole 'White Mage' thing in final fantasys. Its actually pretty fun, its so easy its kind of relaxing.
>Normie Guild
>The Girl is ALWAYS either a Resto Druid or Holy Priest
healing is the only role where difficulty and stress is determined mostly by the people you are playing with.
it is the hardest/most stressful if you are doing the hardest content you ever did with people who do not know how to avoid damage (not as if they are bad, just not experienced in that fight).
while if you are doing a content with people that are overkilling the content, healer is easiest role.
for example in raid you can see guilds bringing more healer to the first few kills, and then reduce the number when people learn the fight.
or you can see people doing hard content even without a healer if they know how to do it.
Roles can have a range of difficulty.
The floor and ceiling on each may vary on who you group with, which game, and the different situations encounter in the game.
Don't pretend that healing as a Clerc in EQ, tanking as a Warrior in WoW, and dpsing as a Black Mage in FFXIV could all be measured by the same yardstick.
Women and degenerates gravitate to healer roles because they think they can just tag a long and be kawaii not realizing that when shit hits the fan it'll be their job to prevent a wipe.
The rest of us just like playing support roles and propping up the group when things get rough. I think people are too used to gf and fag healers because I constantly get comments on how good my healing is.
Ragnarok Online's Priest was pretty damn fun to play.
Healing in a shooter is a whole different story.
Healer is popular for girls because it has a very low entry level but incredibly high skill ceiling. It's difficult to be a good healer, most people aren't anywhere near good healers
Because girls are better at games then you OP.
How the fuck did you post paint?
>being the little bitch that needs constant healing or they piss themselves scared
Disgusting, Healers have better things to do than fix your scratch damage.
>start playing a mmo with one of my best friends
>his gf plays too
>she's the 'girl only plays healer/support' stereotype
>but she's actually good at it
>duo-tank with my bro and do amazing every week
If she wasn't condescending when we don't figure out mechanics quickly, or act like a drama queen when we want to do things sometimes, it'd be heaven
I played ffxiv once on the free trial but some stuff happened and I didn't get to play much, but it seemed kinda fun
is it worth getting into?
tank is the hardest role, much more resource management and looking out for team mates, healer just needs to keep a good position and keep an eye on everyones health bar.
hit the wrong screen capture keybind and didnt verify what i captured
>makes the healers life absolute hell
you mean absolute fun
Depends on the game
In TF2 Medic is the easiest class objectively, but its also the best class without question.
In an MMO like FFXIV you can go white mage and dish out mad heals and as long as no one is stupid you should be fine.
>tfw you're the only healer left alive in the raid
Grill here
Wow characters
1) Outlaw Rogue is my favorite
2) Disc Priest is my main healer
3) Frost Mage is my second DPS
4) Resto Shaman is my second healer
Theyre all Blood Elves (the Shaman is a Panda :^))
I play a Astrologan female Au Ra
That's about it for MMOs in Tera I played a Lala lancer and in BDO I played a witch but I don't play those anymore.
The tanks job is to hold aggro and not have completely shit gear. that's about it.
Me too
You really cant fail mechanics as a healer. There is no rotation so all spells are situational unless you are a proactive healer and even then there's usually a OH SHI button. You have to pay attention to the healthbar and alignment status of multiple people while not tunnel visioning.
Girls are good at healing because they can multitask. They should play a dps, Muh rutation, muh dps, muh no mechanics. DPS are literally the niggers of the mmos.
depends on the situation, to an extent it's fun but once it starts getting beyond your control it gets stressful.
maybe it's may fault for trying to play a disc healer when i used to play in raid settings and the whole party is getting nuked while the tanks needed little attention.
>"wow, that's the fastest anyone has ever cleansed my debuff, dude you're a great healer!"
>mfw i was actually being slower than usual that day
Maybe casual guilds, anything that requires meritocracy to be a part of will make the persons gender irrelevant.
All the female healers I know are awful.
All the best Healers are men.
DPS: Kill the thing, wait for prompt, use cooldowns / buffs to dps more, dont stand in graphics.
Tank: Manage aggro, keep defensive cooldowns when possible, keep eye on resource, save long cooldowns for harder hits / healer down
Healer: Stop retard DPS dying from graphics, stop retard dps dying for avoidable damage, stop retard dps dying when they pull, stop tank dying at all times. Triage when multiple people are fucking up, ask 'who can we afford to lose?' - End result, get shit from people who can't do basic shit to keep themselves alive and triage as bet you can to take more shit from people who think you should let X die so they can keep being retards.
Skillwise, healers arent special, but it has an extra layer of thought / motive to be considered.
I'd imagine girls tend to gravitate more towards healer roles because girls typically prefer care roles than damage dealing roles. Same reason why women are more represented in teaching and nursing.
Ehhhh I do WH in FFXIV and Imo while Healers have a higher skill floor then DPS they have a lower skill ceiling.
what mmo has fun healing and nice social players? Preferably with people who will carry me socially because I'm shy
Healer is the easiest role to play if everyone plays properly. That never happens, and healers are often reduced to being tard-wranglers trying to keep people from killing themselves. If they can't do that, they are shit and probably a girl.
Show us your au ra. I want to know if you're as bad at making them cute as all the girls I know personally.
People in my guild would suck my dick over my healing and I was completely new to mmos at that point. Shit healers are just so abundant that anyone halfway decent gets treated like pros.
There is no MMO like that. Theres a bunch of assholes and a bunch of great people in all games, even games like EVE. You could always try to add someone from a /vg/ community.
And cc/disruption of enemies, preventing and smoothing damage spikes, taking bosses out of the dont step circles so braindead melee dps dont die, redirecting line/cone/area effects to where it doesnt hurt your teammates, etc
Holy fuck I wish this would happen to me.
I want that maid outfit in FFXIV
Sup Forums people tend to be very mean to me, but I guess I mean MMOs where enough people are social to meet nice people
healing is really easy and girls still suck at it most of the time
You sound autistic.
>disc healer
There's your problem
It's a fun spec but it's not really good
>cc/disruption of enemies
dps job
>preventing and smoothing damage spikes
healer job
Cool that you can help out though. Regardless of what role you play, the better players will be the ones who are mindful of everyone else.
yes I have autism
>tfw no pro co-healer gf to insult and belittle me when I can't solo heal so she can get great parses
but the real question is, are you cute?
It's the unassertive wanting to be helpful class
What are the best MMOs to heal in?
>lurking for healslut ERP thread
don't mind me
it used to be.
now it's only half decent in 5 mans unless you enjoy stress
never really cared for other healers, i've played them all.
>tfw no one ever understands you in healer threads because you can count the number of people on Sup Forums that play your mmo on one hand
Wildstar is a lot of fun.
user... it's time to let go of wildstar... it was never good.
>Play healer to scout out dungeons and raids
>Switch to tank when I have observed enough to understand mechanics.
Healing and Tanking is not really hard, but there is more responsibility to being a Tank.
>Be healer
>Do random dungeons with a tank friend
>When dps that steps out of line he would drop aggro and I wouldn't heal or ress them
Never had so much fun playing an MMO
It's ok, if you wear a skirt then that means you're a girl too
Then play FFXIV and get on balmung, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's active and has a nice community. And ERP if you're into that.
I recently tried healing in an MMO for the first time. Playing a holy paladin in vanilla WoW (elysium private server). Having a great time getting carried and getting free gear! Really easy to play too - like 4 buttons to press.
>female MMO players
Apart from a few extremely rare exceptions, they're all cancer. They have no fucking idea of how the game works and they all expect to be carried by others in every kind of content. As if that wasn't enough, they just HAVE to create drama everywhere they go, they whore themselves to everyone they can find (wrecking guilds in the process) and they are almost all ugly as fuck in real life too.
Avoid them at all costs.
I started playing xiv but it's nowhere near as fun as wildstar is. It's pretty polished and has a comfy FF feel to it though.
>using promotional bullshots instead of her actual in-game model
Wildshit deserved to die
Cause it's not
tf you on nigga, people think being a woman is being harder than a man for the same reason
Healing was the hardest, or at least the most engaging, role in some games like FFXI.
In fact, everyone else could play at near max level while shooting the shit with their LS or watching TV. Support/healer, on the other hand, was engaged the entire time even for leveling groups.