Switch joycons are shoddy pieces of shits

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Nintendo literally on it is death bed.


I can't wait to see numale Nintend children playing the switch in public just to have it slip through the joycons.

I also can't wait to see it topple over a table because the kick stand it a joke.



Jeff mentions worrying about the controllers falling out just while playing it, would that be grounds for a lawsuit if it broke?

If you force something to move it moves. It was provably even designed so with enough force if comes loose so that it doesn't break. Wooooow. Thanks a lot Kojima.

>would that be grounds for a lawsuit if it broke?

Of course not, it would be grounds for getting a new replacement

That's shoddy as fuck though. The locks are obvious going to be worn out with time and eventually you cant even hold it like a handheld without it slipping off

>3 hours of Rorie


>I wonder what happens when I try to force it off
>It comes off?! What the fuck Nintendo????

>force it off

That's the thing, there's barely any force


It can slide through the bottom and top? Holyshit its not going to last.

because you fucking have to grab it properly and not like a total retard?????????

why the fuck do the joycons insert top down instead of down up


someone link to full video

First reveal of this thing I knew having those stupid ass joycons were a horrible idea. Imagine how much better this system would be without detachable joycons?

If you smack at it with force, of course it will be worn out, what kind of neanderthal treats electronics like that?

Wow it has no snap on locks?
Jesus Christ

I don't get it. The controllers are supposed to be removeable, aren't they?

So you could get them out of the dock.


It's not even forceful holy shit just shut the fuck up already

but then how would you play wagglan shit and local multiplayer?

>Breaking news
Good one, sir.

With the press of the latch button, not by applying little pressure.

They have locks you have to push in while you remove the cons.

Can you stop? It's not making anyone mad, it's making you look childish and cringeworthy.

The best part? Dropping the system ONE TIME and it landing on the controllers will probably snap them out horizontally and permanently fuck up the locking mechanism.

>bashing the controllers off
Are these guys mongoloids?


If you are going to false flag, at least use the right hat,

Doesnt look that way at all

>Literally winds up fist to smack at joycon in webm

I'm sorry, you are just too stupid to converse with anymore.

are you retarded? they have a lock button that doesn't even lock them

What the hell are they doing? You are supposed to press a button on the Joycon and then slide it out. If you punch it like that, you are just going to break it.


There you go again. Are your judgements this poor or are you just the paid NIDF on Sup Forums?

>literally punching it

Seriously what the fuck? If it was the other way around wouldn't the drop out threat be a non issue?


Except those retards are already mistreating the thing as hard as they can and everything still works perfectly fine.

You can tell he's using absolutely no pressure at all. You're retarded, just shut the fuck up

>Kickstand has only 1 position, barely holds the console upright, and breaks off super easily
>The controllers can be flung off the tablet without disengaging the locks
>The controllers lose sync underneath a blanket

So much for the 'comfy' console.

Where can I see this giant bombcast? I don't see it on their website.

This is exactly why parents are going to flip the fuck out when Timmy's tablet is worthless after he drops it once or twice.

>blocks your path

Thread will be deleted and wojaks poster will banned.

You have my assurance.

I can already see the future, they'll release a Switch without the detachable joycons but packaged in with a wireless pro controller, after they realize nobody uses the Switch in any way other than plugged into a TV or in the handheld giant Vita mode.

Just as they made a 2DS eventually and stopped supporting the 3D all together. Or how the DS lite came out and fixed all the shoddy construction that was built into the original DS.

lol look how tiny this lock is

>Nintendo fans have no muscles and are so weak that when a normal guy presses on the JoyCons and they fall off despite being locked in place they all cry and say that he's using too much force

Literally can't make this shit up. I knew Nintendo fans were all 12 year old kids that have never lifted a weight in their life, but this takes the cake. You Nintendo boys need to hit the gym hard.

Why is he tasting his hat?

this is a sonygger

This was on UPF, their premium live show on fridays. Probably need a link from someone on here.

>These people have hundred thousand of followers


Let me guess they have fanboys as well right who defend these turds

>Punching your controller

For those who do not know Rorie please excuse his behavior he is retarded from drinking bathtub gin and fucking puppies.

Almost as tiny as the fucking dpad

> abuse the locks and joycons

Fucking americans cant deal with sophisticated superior electronics.

Just throw them a burger and an xbox one, no wonder its not selling well worldwide as the rest of the world isnt useless fat mongolids.


The point is that the lock doesn't work, you literal fucking retard

>latch is not working
>wow why do you expect latch to lock controller in place


No wonder they come off so easily

WOAH. Now I'm a pretty hardcore gamer, and I've been known to get very upset during my gaming sessions when the game is being unfair and not letting me win. I've thrown my 360 out a window, I've stomped on my GBA, Hell, I've even thrown a Wiimote in a blender.

BUT? Now you're telling me the Switch can't handle some light-hearted physical abuse? This thing will just up and break if I mistreat it? Fucking pathetic.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go run a lawnmower over my PS4.


but giantbomb are xbox fanboys, and gave mario maker goty like 2 yrs ago

they arent sony fans, they hate sony actually, and shit on sony at every opportunity

>If you punch it like that, you are just going to break it.

If they used metal anchors and gave the joycons a metal frame inside they wouldn't be breakable.

This would add approximately 50 cents to the production cost of any pair of joycons.


I legitiamtely can't tell if you fucks are being ironically or un-ironically retarded anymore. This place is a shit hole and I can't believe you're all supposed to be humans.

Jeff literally just gave Horizon a perfect score. What the fuck are you on about.

GEEZ I wonder why everybody thinks this board is shit?

Nintendogaf is here

> big lock

Oh man, Nintendo should have made this smaller I keep hitting it by mistake

> small lock

Oh wtf Nintendo why hide this lock like this, so fuckin cheap and pathetic.

Nintendo cant win with you autistic sony fags.

nintendo scamming their drones with cheap as shit hardware to milk them for maxiumum profit. what else is new


Name one other controller that literally falls to pieces when you apply a small amount of force to it.


embarrassing that there are people on Sup Forums and probably in this thread right now that pay for the """content""" these people put out.

>GEEZ I wonder why everybody thinks this board is shit?

This board has the same build quality as the nintendo switch

>ninty uses Anons suggested deathgrip locking mechanism
>giantbomb tries to stress test it
>lock breaks, Switch is now completely unusable until you buy replacement joycons
eat a bullet you stupid fuck. The locking mechanism works fine, Nintendo just made it retard proof for people like you.

>Latch is working
>Use even more force to force the mechnism open


You deranged mongoloid are you fucking stupid?
Do you need a machiene to breath because oyur stupid little brain cant even work on the level to support your degenerate life in this world?
Are you so fucking dense and is your head so far up your ass you cant see that they use more force than anybody would ever use in normal condition with a Switch controller in their hand?

The motions they make are completly unnatural why would you even but your thumbs up there and push downwards?

Tell me you stinking piece of shit infesting this board with your braindead shitposting opinion

>nintencucks are actually defending it

Jesus fuck what a loser


>Poor connection on controllers
>Poor snap design on controllers

Is this the end of Nintendo?
Are we about to see the biggest console flaw since flying wiimotes?

not really they're just showing the cons pop off easily without the latch button. although all the absolute mongoloid corporate drones in this are calling a light tap "punching it as hard as he can" because they're literally useful shills

This, I stopped listening to them because they hate Nintendo.

Now we know why they're charging $79.99 for them.
That's what I call a Bait and Switch

>kneejerk reaction a pleb would make
no ive followed giantbomb for many many years, theyve always hated sony, and shit on it always.

completely unusable in portable mode*
but even that's incorrect, you can just use the kickstand.

Name one controller that cn hold your entire screen whie playing and can be docked an undocked from that screen

>Falls to pieces

Nice hyperbole shitposter

don't forget the garbage kickstand

lil tripcuck mad y'all lol

>Shitpost a board into hell because its not your main website

Dude I'm not even a fucking Nintendo fan and I think you faggots need to die. Like seriously, its just plain cringeworthy. Leave.

>Gladium being a faggot
wow shocker




why do they call it Nintendo Switch? because when you play it you switch to Vita

Hey Sup Forums guess what, I DON'T CARE.


4 days from now I'll be playing the greatest game of all time on a Nintendo system, and you'll still be sitting here shitposting about nothing.

>Are we about to see the biggest console flaw since flying wiimotes?
Retards breaking shit out of their own stupidity? God I hope so, those Wii videos still crack me up.

>The motions they make are completley unnatural

Look at the first webm, you drooling faggot. That is not an unnatural motion. That is a light push. A light fucking push. You are a Nintendo dick sucking faggot and you should kill yourself.
then you've never watched them