Do you prefer any f2p clones over the original?

Do you prefer any f2p clones over the original?

Nope, since they always get infested with third world scum.

I'd much rather deal with Koreans than BRs or Slavs

paladins is actually not bad, considering its free

BR's, PL's and RU's turn me off almost any online game. Paragon is a bad example of all of these.

Paladins is pretty good and its fucking FREE OP!

>not just farming them endlessly
>not just using the mute button

This game is great but the playerbase was for a while was worse than overwatch they evened out now

Is evie better or any different? She was my favorite.


*was good, now it's p2w.

Honestly I'd rather try Gigantic now.

Christ what shit-awful character design and art direction. I just vomited blood.

Latest patch buffed a ton of champions whereas she didn't get a buff. So she's relatively nerfed.

Gigantic is great but it's pretty dead desu. A shame because it's a lot of fun and really unique. It could have been great but Micro$oft killed it.

fucking A I guess there is still no reason to come back

Pay 2 win? Honestly gigantic was great but pretty barren with what it had to offer playing the twin pistol jetpack chick and sword loli was fun.

yes. path of exile is way better than diablo ii

this game is chock full of aimbots

They've added a lot more content but it's still pretty dead. The exclusivity killed it. When it's not even in the top 5 free games on Xbox, getting beat out by fucking Roblox and Trove, you know it's a goner.

>When it's not even in the top 5 free games on Xbox, getting beat out by fucking Roblox and Trove

Well shit. What are the top 5 on xbox by the way? F2P on consoles are underutilized. I feel like the model would do well there and I'm pretty pissed I don't see more on the ps4 when its basically a PC lite.

the bots are perfect aimbots too, playing the PvE is a pain in the ass with 5 perfect aimbots who have buffed hp, damage and reduced cooldowns

Not currently at my box but I know the top 3 are Roblox, Trove, and Warframe. I think World of Tanks is fourth. Can't remember beyond that. Gigantic was top for like a week before dying off. Xbox is too casual of a console for the playerbase to be interested in a MOBA that requires a lot of skill and knowledge of meta, map layout, positioning etc. Kids just wanna kill things.

>MOBA that requires a lot of skill and knowledge of meta, map layout, positioning etc. Kids just wanna kill things.

I played gigantic and did just that though and won tons of games. The most complicated thing about gigantic was the monsters you can summon and how the point system worked so you can get points quickly to attack the other guardian. Its a very simple game and I'm honestly surprised that its not top 5 and that warfame still places even though the game is pure trash.

Warframe is not trash fuck you.

And yeah in the beginning when no one knew what was going on you could just kill people and win in Gigantic, same with say Overwatch where low levels of play aren't very involved beyond killing people. But if the other team knows what they're doing, you can't just go nuts and try to kill people because you'll most likely just end up feeding. Gigantic actually has pretty deep gameplay at higher levels where map control and creature protection are paramount and killing is secondary.

>Warframe is not trash fuck you.

I was with you until here friend. I guess it was time anyway since we seem to be the only ones bumping this shit thread.

Warframe is fun as fuck my man. What about it makes it trash? The F2P? Because it has one of the least-intrusive F2P models out there. Sure it's grindy; so is every F2P PvE game. The combat is some of the most fun around.

Not even trolling. I still play daily after like a year.


This isn't a bad character design thread

it seems people stopped complaining about p2w

did they fix their game


what? Can you elaborate? I've not seen an aspect where you can fork out cash to gain an advantage.

It got dangerously close to that with the most recent patch, but after much community outcry they fixed it by giving lots of currency and lowering the price of the legendary cards.

>windows 10 only
no thanks

Legendary cards? All cards are purchasable for 1200 in game currency each

Unless they added new cards that are considered legendary.

It's not win10 only


Play the beta first on Xbox One and Windows 10

This game is a work in progress. It may or may not change over time or release as a final product. Purchase only if you are comfortable with the current state of the unfinished game.

>play the beta first
It's been released already dickwad, and you can get in on Win7/8 on their client

They added a new currency (essence) to "craft" cards now and for a moment it was difficult to get this currency plus legendary cards costed way to much.
Things are better now after much outcry from the community

No because I'm not poor, the fuck?

>Legendary cards?
New types of cards that can drastically change one of your abilities. Things like Ying's clones now heal two people at once or Grumpy Bomb now destroys shields. Each champ has one unlocked for free. You do not get to choose which one. You can buy a specific legendary for 12k of the new currency. You start with 54k or some shit like that. Enough to get a few. To get more, open a chest and the new currency will replace any duplicate items you would receive. A new player would be a little bit on the royally fucked side for a while unless he opens his wallet.

>All cards are purchasable for 1200 in game currency each
The prices have been changed. The "rarer" cards can cost up to 5,000.

Is Paladins ever fucking coming to console or is it trapped in the eternal early access meme on PC?

Beta starts in the first quarter of 2017. There is a closed beta on consoles right now but no clue how to get access.

>but after much community outcry they fixed it by giving lots of currency and lowering the price of the legendary cards.

Oh. This I didn't hear about, thanks user.

I like the girls costumes of Paladins way more then that of overwatch

The only bad thing here is her boots. Should be wearing sandals or something else that showed her feet


It's such an ugly game compared to OW but I'm still gonna try it out once it hits console just because it's free.

Nasty footfags please leave forever