We will get a ZSS game on Switch, right?

We will get a ZSS game on Switch, right?

>no games on wii-u
>no games on 3DS

you already know the answer, user

Please no. Keep her in the suit. It makes no sense to make her stronger as zss.

Kill yourself

How about a proper Metroid game?
Oh right, you don't care for Metroid, just the main character out of her suit.

I will after I get a ZSS focused game.


How about do it now. The ZSS gameplay was garbage in Zero Mission, and Other M was borderline shit, I really rather just have a proper 2D Metroid game where I play Samus in her suit for the game's entirety.

zss is probably the best thing to happen to the series

hopefully, tired of her bulky suit ruining her curves

> dat bulge


The only good Samus is a power-armor Samus

Metroid is dead and the world is better for it.

Bring back Panel de Pon.

Agreed, I'm fine with Zero Suit appearing but only when Samus dies and when players complete the game at the fastest time. But I DO NOT want to play Samus in her Zero Suit.

Exactly. The segment in Zero Mission was amazing for what it was, but it wouldn't really make sense in a new game.

Reminder that Waifufags ruin literally every franchise that panders to them, including Metroid.

Go play trash like Senran Kagura if you need to masturbate to video games

>how about we rehash the same game for the 80th time instead of doing something new?

ZSS needs to be in more things so there's more art made of her

We'll get #FE2 featuring Oboro before we get another Metroid game.

Completely agree. The zero suit should be eye candy and nothing else. Shoehorning bad gameplay segments in for the sake of the suit is a stupid idea. I'd rather have a NG+ that has Samus in the zero suit but still able to use her powers.

I'd be completely okay with that.


it's hot because it's so accurate

Metroid is dead. Which is a good thing for Nintendo, since Metroid fags are more whiny than retarded Smash Bros fags


Who are the whiniest Nintendo fans out there today?

Metroid fans top the list, closely followed by the Paper Mario fans butthurt about their deviantart tier OCs getting shafted. Third would probably be... Star Fox, maybe? Fourth is Smash Bros, but only because of the tourney and Project M scenes. Fifth might be Fire Emblem because of all the butthurt about Awakening and Fates doing well.

>Least interesting, most normie pandering, generic, entry-level-fetish shit that everyone just draws off-model anyway needs more exposure than fully armored Samus


If you want generic space marine, go play Halo or Warhammer 40k.

now we get to show how deep we are with fetishes
Sup Forums should be nuked

Careful with all of those buzzwords, friend.


ZSS is the most popuar thing from the Metroid series. Can't blame peole for wanting to see more.

It's popular with the people that don't buy the games at all.

That's why it's playable in so many Metroid games right, OH WAIT!

>mfw scum like this has wormed its way into the fanbase and dares think they have a say

I wouldn't mind if being in the zero suit was an option for new game plus. Like a way to make it harder cause she has less health, can't get as many upgrades and has different moves. But keep the normal suit for the normal game.

>wormed its way into the fanbase
>assumes I didn't beat Metroid on NES 20 years ago

>any kind of sequel can't use any familiar mechanics or themes whatsoever or it's a rehash

Based retard. Then we'd better not have a ZSS game thanks to Zero Mission.

>implying thirsty degenerate scum like you even played the original on the NES
>implying you're not a lying piece of shit
>implying you're not gonna die alone

Agreed I never want them to rehash the Zero Suit section in Zero Mission or the entirety of Other M.


>implying you're wearing a hat
>implying your facial hair's that well-maintained
>implying you even have facial hair
>implying you'll read this line


your gay and a retard

>All these faggots who want power suit even though you cannot see any of her features.

Who gives a fuck about her features, I play Metroid to explore alien worlds and shoot aliens in the face, not see Samus D-cup tits and big round ass all day.

Then go fucking play Mass Effect then. Samus' attraction to her games is her sex appeal.

Mother fucker I think you're the one that needs to play Mass Effect where you can go sex up aliens and shit. Metroid is about exploration and shooting aliens in the face.

>Samus' attraction to her games is her sex appeal.
What? Did we play different games? This is all fanart you're posting, the games were about exploring mysterious environments

You are in the minority these days.

>this is what underage actually believe

You had to git gud to even see Samus outside of her suit in the older games.

Great taste, user.

>all these faggots who want ZSS even though you can't see any of her best features
It breaks my heart, honestly. You people really are savages.

So it's not hyperbole to say zero suit killed the franch

I think you mean yourself son

>He hasn't played Other M. It is the best selling Metroid game and only got to be that way because of her beauty mark and more time in the Zero Suit. And it was a win win for the girl audience as well as it showed a more human side of Samus we never seen before and made her the strong female character Nintendo needed.

Stop responding to him, god damn you're both thick.

Jesus Christ, old Samus was hot

Here we go.

Smash ruined Metroid
It ruined F-Zero too

>Other M
>selling more than anything

>Implying I'm not telling the fucking truth

Here are some stats.

Global Total as of 28th Jan 2017 (units): 1.36m copies sold

MORE Than Prime.

>Sup Forums claims waifu pandering ruins franchises
>Fire Emblem starts waifu pandering with Awakening, the game that saved the franchise
Really makes you think

I hate Other M as a game but I love it for starting the Samus humiliation, bimbofication erotic fiction trend

>more human
She was a dumbass in other m. I wouldn't be idolising that version of samus desu.
It also destroyed all character she had built up to that point. A previously mute character suddenly sharing her inner thoughts about the GF brand pudding that was given for lunch in the cafeteria is such a harsh contrast that it barely feels like the same character we've been playing this whole time. Actually, considering how much of the timeline it rendered non canon, it may as well be an alternate samus where she started sniffing paint after zebes.

>here are some unsourced facts that I got by googling 'metroid other m sales'

It was a flop and didn't even get a sequel.

What if they made a new Metroid game where you have to regain your armor throughout the game, and using "abilities" is just summoning your armor for an instant, and by the end of the game you finally regain your entire armor permanently and use it against a boss?

Not a Prime fan but I like that you're using fake ass vgchartz numbers as facts. Even Nintendo stated it bombed.

Did it really? Or was it just a turd wearing the skin of the old fire emblem and waggling the series name in our faces to cover up the social links and 1000 year old lolis.

That sounds fucking awful.

>Samus humiliation, bimbofication erotic fiction trend

Don't be a fucking idiot. Being human does not mean being dumb. The entire point of the game was to show her growth. I swear to god you all have some hardon for protags having all the answers the first time around.

Do you have any conflicting stats?

It will get a sequel

There was no fucking growth, she regressed from an experienced and hardened bounty hunter into a lapdog for Adam to whom she willingly gives the power to authorize certain suit functions and who needs to approve her every move even though she's not even in the Fed. military anymore. Not to mention her starting to bawl when meeting Ridley, even though she had faced him multiple times before that. Shit doesn't make sense.

>samus prime's reaction to meta-ridley
>shoot the fucker, you're a space bounty hunter
>samus other m's reaction to ridley
>curl up into the foetal position and have a cry until someone tells you it'll be okay
Samus was a blubbering mess at the beginning and end, there was no growth. Only permission to feel pre-set emotions and talk like a paint drying commentator.





>conflicting stats
Sure do! Metroid prime sold 2.5 billion copies, and other m sold about 10-12 copies. My dad works for nintendo, I had him call Reggie to ask.




please tell me she's not wearing a diaper



Because this was her first few missions. You do realize this is her backstory right? The whole point is to compare her to how she started to who she is now. Nintendo told you this at early development and you all expected something different.



Other M was a much better game than Prime 3.

I love Samus! She's the role model that all women should strive to be


I know you are shitposting but yes she is a role model.

I'm gonna need you to kill yourself right now, senpaitaichi


Other M takes place after Super Metroid you humongous retard, it only has a few flashbacks that's it


>Other M was a much better game than Prime 3.


Again they said it was when she was still young you dick. She still was inexperienced and needed some mentoring. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. Sakamoto literally told you this when it was revealed.
