Thank you to the XBots who normalized paying for online play on consoles

Thank you to all the XBots who bent over gladly and defended Microsoft while they fucked you up the ass with XBox Live.

And a special thanks to all the Sony fanboys who followed suit after years of pretending they wouldn't if they were in the same shoes.

You're all pathetic, and we owe you a debt of gratitude for not protesting at all for paying for a 'service' that amounts to allowing you to use the device, internet connection, and game you already payed for.

Much like buying a car from Toyota, where you pay Toyota an extra fee to drive on highways they didn't build, and don't own.

Good job, dumbfucks.

PS: If you're an idiot who thinks that paying for online gave you a superior service, please take a couple of hours to take note of every service online that doesn't require payment, and also try to understand how matchmaking takes less bandwidth than typing this post.

You're paying for nothing, and half of you idiots defended it mumbling stupidly, with Microsoft's dick hanging halfway out of your mouth.

You suck.

You dont pay toyota but there are highway tolls

Your point?
You pay for your internet too.

Yes, you pay for access to those roads, to the government who built them. That's the point of the analogy. It would be as if ONE car company started charging you their own fee, and owners of those cars defending the practice online, like complete fucking idiots.

Fees and downloadable content is bullshit, no matter who it comes from. That includes fees to cover the games server.

A game should be completed and ready for launch on the day it is for sale. All of the product should be there. I would pay $160 up front for the full game.

>pay toyota for a car, pay highway tolls to the government for maintenance of roads
>give money to your isp for internet access, buy console/pc for games and shit
>pay the console company a monthly subscription for what you are paying the isp for, but is blocked for ((((reasons)))))
>a few years later the company capitulates to the impotent rage of its consumer base and gives them "free" games with the service

>I would pay $160 up front for the full game.
ya blew it

That includes skins, maps, any extra storyline.

Most games now release all that stuff over time anyway.

talk about being part of the problem

I never once defended the practice. It's not my fault the Xbox 360 was so good and to play those games online I had to pay for it. It's still shitty.

I own a ps4 but have never once paid for psplus.

>being THIS mad
This is how we know you're a NEET poorfag, because anyone even working a lpart-time min wage job can afford 60 bucks a year.

>b-but Steam!!
Yeah because there's so many great games to play on your petition machine, right?

Thank Sony and Nintendo for not offering decent competition until the Ps3/Wii.

Ps2's online was a joke compared to Xbox Live.

>Fees and downloadable content is bullshit, no matter who it comes from. That includes fees to cover the games server.
>being part of the problem

you only pay for your car once. the highway tolls go to the government and are comparable to your internet provider fee. stupid comparison

You're quite welcome.


>nintendo does something

Oh fuck off, back when Halo 2 release everyone and I mean EVERYONE ran off to buy 3 memberships

You're welcome :)

>yes because there are so many great games to play on steam

...yeah? How did n the world did you fags delude yourself into thinking PC was the platform starved for games? Honestly

You're one of them ey? I can afford to throw money in the gutter, too, but I don't want to do that either. I pay for more services than I will bother to count (streaming services, naturebox, audible, prime to name a few), but they all actually provide me with something.

And uh yeah, Steam has more games than all the other consoles combined, by a huge margin. What planet do you live on?

Besides, if there were no console games I wanted to play I wouldn't mind that some people enjoy supporting shitty business practices on those platforms.

Don't even know what you're petition machine comment is supposed to mean.

>You have to pay for your console
>and the internet
>and the games you want to play
>and the chair or couch you sit on
>and the house/apartment to play in
>and the tv
>and the electricity bill
>and the food to eat so you don't starve to death while playing
>and the haircut that will keep your hair out of your eyes so you can see the screen
>wooooooow thanks Sony

This is how you spot NEETs, ladies and gentlemen.

I can afford $60 a year easily. But I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO! Sony and Nintendo were perfectly able to have an online service without a monthly/yearly fee for years. Every PC game outside of WoW and FFXIV has free online.

It was a joke compared to Xbox Live. Not because those fees enabled a superior service, but because MS had years of experience making OS's and online services. Doesn't change the fact you were paying for nothing.

Yeah, I know they did. Way to prove my point.

>the dick that rams my ass isn't that big so it's no big deal

Yeah so many EPIC games on Steam! Who needs Bloodborne or Red Dead Redemption when you can play THIS!

As a PC user watching you consolecucks getting fucked in every hole you have is highly entertaining. Please continue to entertain me like the stupid bitches you all are.

your point?

>on Sup Forums


That all you niggers do is sign petitions because any and all games worth playing either stay exclusive to console, or get ported to them anyway.

PC has no worthwhile exclusives.

>tfw avoiding subscribing to online bullshit service but all constructors give up with free online

Farewell online gaming on console (you were shitty anyway)

Every platform has exclusives or games that don't arrive there. Has zero to do with paying for a nonservice.

I am a PC user, exclusively at this point, but there's a couple of PS4 and Switch games I'd like to play. I can afford the consoles, and the online play, but I'm a little bit torn, because I don't want to support them in this current shit-tier era.

I don't
Also the most popular video game titles are on PC
yeah as if your opinion matters more than anyone else's

Keep telling yourself that. Also the increasing number of games that come to PC always show the endless gulf in graphical quality that consoles are always a decade behind on.

>This is how you spot NEETs, ladies and gentlemen.

People who are willing to throw money away in return for literally no service are stupid, irrespective of whether or not they can "afford" to.

That's actually not bad. With Toyota being the console provider, and the government or transit authority being the service maintainer. Of course, a lot of console online services are maintained by the console maker, so it'd make more sense if the person selling you the car was also the one building the highways.

You don't just pay once. Gasoline has a high tax placed on it, and virtually all of that goes to federal highway funds. When you register your vehicle or get it inspected, part of that is tax as well. Many states have a "vehicle tax" where registration costs a percentage of your car's estimated value, which is added on when you pay registration fees, and pays for state roads. Most toll roads actually aren't run by governments; private contractors design toll roads with the intent to collect the tolls themselves for maintaining the road (and making themselves a nice profit) while promising to give the government a cut of the toll income.

Toyota didn't build the highway. Microsoft didn't build and doesn't run the game servers (except their own studios' games). Matchmaking is such a tiny bit of bandwidth, you'd be overpaying for it, even if it was a dollar a year.

You pay for your vehicle to Toyota once. In your elaboration, it'd be the equivalent of paying the gas station for your gas, and then also having Toyota deduct their own Toyota tax, even though they aren't involved in the gas process at all. If you didn't pay the fee, your gas cover wouldn't open, much like gamers pay their console manufacturers to allow them to use their console's innate ability to be on the internet and play games.

>MS had years of experience
Didn't Sega basically give them all the work where the Dreamcast had left off on as well?

Not sure about any relationship between Sega and MS (aside from Xbox getting a bunch of sequels to Dreamcast games).

If only Sega or some new player would swoop in with a new console (a real console, not a PlaySkool toy like Switch), with superior free online play. Or if Sony or MS would try to one up the other by suddenly dropping the online paywall, would be a lovely day.

Previously when you paid for a game, you were also paying into the online services. Its not like we ever had free online. The cost was just not as obvious, but it was something that developers considered when making a budget. If we stick with the car analogy it would be like getting a limited warranty when you buy the car. It works well because there was no guarantee that servers maintained by the company would be around forever. After that it was up to the players to maintain their own servers, which is not even an option that developers gave anymore.

I told many time to my xbotters about tunngle and xlink kai programs. No, they still prefer the lazy part.

Highway tolls are the equivalent for paying for internet, which we already did you retard.

>Buy a car
>Have to continue paying gasoline for it to work

classic ad hominem

I'd rather a userbase that signs petitions (like xbots did temporarily for drm), than a userbase that blindly defends their corporate overlords.

btw, many years ago, when MS tried to create Games for Windows Live as a paid service like XBox Live, the boycott and backlash was so swift and powerful, I don't think it even lasted a month, before they quit that trying that shit.

You pay the people who built your car to use the gas on top of the gas station you buy gas from?

>someone points out how customers get shafted when they have to pay extra to play their already-paid-for game on an already-paid-for internet connection
>it's a Nintendo thread

Really makes you think

Consoles don't run out of internet though you mong

>pay for gas
>have to pay an extra 30 bucks to todd whos in the backseat eating cheetos and getting dust everywhere to actually use the gas.

>buy a console
>have to keep buying games to keep your intrest

Can you play Zelda BOTW offline?

Do you need to be online to even use Switch?

>shows a game noones heard of
>pretends the ps store isn't full of shitty indie games at a higher price

>Online subscription will be required to play Monster Hunter.
Congratulations, you fucking console-only retards.
You stood by and defended getting fucked up the ass and now everything is tainted with your shit and corporate jizz.

>playing any game online

You idiots are just as stupid as the people paying for online play. Offline LAN is the only respectable way to play multiplayer games. Only friendless autist faggots play online.

>because I don't want to support them in this current shit-tier era.
It's only going to get worse for console users Microsoft tested the waters and everyone else followed. I can't wait for E3 to hear more about how console users are going to get fucked. I expect them to tackle used games next or restricting your games from being used on other systems once registered to one.

Yeah, the really surprising (maybe it shouldn't have been) thing was how rabid and pissy both Xbots and Sony fanboys would get when you spoke out against the practice.