What's the fastest way to hit 100?

What's the fastest way to hit 100?

I've been doing the Twilly vs Zorbak fight over and over but is there anything more time-efficient?

Also what gear should I have at level 75? Half the guides I find for this game are lv130+ and the other half are on the forums and deny access for whatever reason.

There must be someone left on this board who knows AQ still.

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How did AQ not go under yet? Is there still anyone paying for the premium things to warrant its existence?

Dude they're still UPDATING AQ. They're on revision 39 of the game and hit their 13th year of consecutive weekly events. I just got back into it after a 3 year break, which was me coming back after a 5 year break.

They just NEVER delete premium accounts, and I guess Worlds did well for them because fuck knows nothing else has. I think AE made some apps that did ok. But they're still truckin.

You can download the beta for AQ3D off steam and play the intro(?) area. But yeah they're making bank off something, maybe Z-tokens.

Now i want to play again.
But i know i'll start bleeding money.

Post your char user

I thought I was the only one here to play this
how old is this game now

As pathetic as it is.


Heres mine, are any of these items rare?



Most rare items in here are flagged as such.

>became a guardian in 4 days
Damn, I didn't become a guardian for a long while after playing.
>9417 players online right now
DAMN, this game has longevity. Well, here's mine. Haven't actually sat down and played this in years. I wouldn't know where to pick back up.


Well my method of playing back then was make an account, runs out my 5 log ins, then make a new one.

Back then once you didn't have an in, you were fucked. On my account I got the Blade of Awe in 4 days and freaked.

I played the Dragon one, whatever it was called, I can't believe any of those games is still around.

meant for

Last time I played I discovered you could buy gold and levels with the premium currency. Sold and repurchased my home and got to level 150 in a couple hours.


Jesus, teach me.

How do I int good gear?

You can hack that game really easily. And i guess they dont ban because my level 125 character that i spent 1 hour on hasnt been banned yet

My current strategy is to buy a house/estate and then not play for a few years. They increase in value over time.


Where do you go to buy XP?

Sorry, it took me a while to find it again.
Battleon » Speak to Valencia » What are Golden Giftboxes
Two of the items in that shop are EXP and Gold

Didn't they make an Adventure Quest 3D or something? I think it's on mobile.

It's in "beta" (they're already selling Z-tokens).

It's cross-platform mobile and steam.

Last time I played I remember watching some youtuber beat the "unbeatable" werepyredragongod or whatever its called. That was sweet.

My build was inspired by that dude guardian.battleon.com/Build30/charview.asp?temp=9307196

is it gud

Fuck no.

: - (

It plays like a really unresponsive WoW with way more restricted combat ranges.

Also wait times on item crafting.