Women are physically and intellectually inferior to men...

Women are physically and intellectually inferior to men. Their role is to bear children and ensure the survival of our New Vegas thread.

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He's right you know.

wtf i love the legion now?

>women are simultaneously allowed to stay at home and avoid the harshest labors of life while also being the most valuable component of a society
>they manage to be dissatisfied with this arrangement and complain about it

can someone explain women to me

Kys stupid feminist

women are physically weaker on average but not less intelligent. they are simply driven to more emotional responses because of their hormonal load, but are equally capable of rational though. that's why betas are always saying they "don't get women"


Shut up, whore

this is idiotic. There are multiple intelligences, the fact that women are on average less intelligent is because they usually have worst results in the mathematical-logical IQ

Now how can he tell my Courier was a woman if she's walking around in T-51b Power Armor?


post your courier


someone shop a fedora on him

just because someone's intelligent, doesn't mean they're not stupid.
you can be informed, but still choosing to make the wrong decision despite knowing better makes you a dumb dumb.

How many hours in this game?

post steam times

Recommend me some good mods. I already have a shitload installed but I want more, preferably something that would be good in a new playthrough.

Not true.

Men and women are both about equal in terms of IQ on average, but men have greater extremes (extreme stupidity or genius).

Think it's actually more like 500 hours since I would often launch it through NVSE and bypass steam.

>Want to get back into F:NV
>Remember it was a bitch to mod
>When I did have plenty installed working fine, the next day i go to play the textures have black spots on trees and such


303 on steam

500+ on console

considering what a cuck he is, when it comes to MUH FEMINISM and MUH DIVERSITY, is this "explanation" pretty well phrased (for retards that get triggered by videogame-narrative rape, while blowing limbs from bodies with mini-nuke launchers)

cant argue with that.

>but not less intelligent


20 on steam, countless more on consoles though since I've only played through twice on steam but multiple times on both 360/ps4

Women aren't always the stay at home mom's, in lots of third world countries they usually do the work. There's absolutely no fucking excuse for women complaining about it in first world countries though

you're going to have to elaborate on the diversity and the feminism thing, I haven't seen him mention it before

He seems to be a bretty cool guy, namely his unapologetic love of guns. Even bringing some so the designers and modellers could get better detail for NV.

Reminder to report the underaged

>often have zero choice about anything in their life
gilded cages are still cages


He didn't know anything about guns before starting on NV, but buckled down and learned a shitload about them for the game. He does that often, apparently

In this case men would have limited freedoms as well, because you are forced to take a job, forced to fight in the military in order to take care of and defend the women. You give up some individual freedoms to ensure the stability of the greater society. This is how it worked in Greece.


Sunny is one of the few characters with a very good karma rating

What did she do to deserve that?


he backed and defended Anita and her little Con-project a time ago, and was a staunch defender of her and her goons.

don't you have a bull to prep ?

That's a sign of a good game designer,

also SJW appeasement


She defends a small town, will stand against any sort of injustices, takes in lost souls and teaches them to survive and apparently asks for nothing in return.


>Sup Forums has started high-jacking threads from Sup Forums to push their bullshit.

backing FF before it was obvious she was a total gender-baiting fraud and not liking jokes about trannies isn't really SJW. It's moderate left at worst.
Going full SJW would be if he constantly tweeted about hating trump and made every character in his games coloured trans women. There is a difference between being a liberal and being an SJW

thats life as a whole though, its not unique to women

might as well start bitching at the universe to stop being such a pain in the ass to live in ive spent most of my life trying this, it doesn't work

women are simply emotions-driven.

you could be einstein-smart woman, but if you make choices based on your emotional response and eventually get a shitty outcome, then your iq is completely pointless


defying perks
>lady killer
>shotgun surgeon
>and stay back
>trigger discipline
fav weapons
>dinner bell
>hunting revolver
>cowboy repeater
>arcade gannon
persona alignment
>neutral karma
>yes man route
sworn enemies
favorite songs
>where have you been all my life?
>i'm so blue
>jingle jangle
favorite edibles
>coyote steak
>lucky 38
favorite factions

>implying men had any choice to not be the breadwinner


>not even NV threads are safe anymore
God dammit. At least RoR threads are still untainted

I'm no feminist but I totally eliminated those rump ranging cocksuckers wherever I saw them.

>tfw going to Caesar's camp with Boone


Killing Benny after having sex will always be the best way to complete Ring-a-Ding-Ding!

>not liking abe lincoln's beard

Going to side with legion this time, any mods that are recommended?

It's not Sup Forums and it never was. It's just people man. Most of the people making Sup Forums posts may have never even visited that board.


Look up a quest restoration mod at least. Legion gives you fuck all to do in the game if you side with them.

fuck the image didn't post



Every human, including you, is driven by emotions.

Sure buddy, sure.





Why is Obscurum Pandemic so bad?

I wouldn't go that far man.

I was watching the joe rogan podcast and he had Dr. Rhonda Patrick on. I've never seen anyone more methodical and basically, unemotional. Spend four minutes trying to follow her train of thought on biochemistry and it's going to make your head tired, at least a little.

Ever meet somebody who has so much mental energy that it makes you feel tired just listening to them? Yeah it's sort of like that.

Nuh uh, I got an IQ of 160 (university tested) and performed multiple studies on the mind and how religion "poisons" it and I can confirm my thoughts and actions are IN FACT based of truth not emotions

Then why are most of the important discoveries and inventions of history done by men hmm?

>how to wake /r9k/ up

Well done.


What was that Sawyer tweet in response to?

>stating your IQ on a Kurdish gymnastics discussion forum

So they are in fact less intelligent than men. Gotcha.

the description looks like cancer
>Sure, sure, we've all seen survival simulators made before. Hell, I invented the concept more or less
>Satire. Lots and lots of satire.
>Only mod that lets you kill Stalin. That's right. Stalin.

>all these people talking about IQ as if it matters
Can we actually have a NV thread now instead of a /r9k/ and Sup Forums flame war

everyone just stop this bullshit please
So what was your favorite minor faction? I really liked the Boomers and the Omertas.

Then maybe OP shouldn't of started the thread with a controversial quote.

Btw, what the best way to rp honest hearts while playing for the legion?

In the future don't start a New Vegas thread with the legion, man. It's a horribly fleshed out faction that you can't really argue in favor of. It's an incomplete faction to the hilt. They come off as a bunch of retarded savages because they definitely are. If Obsidian had more time to develop them it would probably be different. As they are however they're completely unlikable to anyone who's sane. Otherwise you're having a chaos theory play through.

>tfw you can't side with the Tunnelers

Killing everyone. Unfortunately there isn't really a Legion option

Because men were the only ones who got proper education
Not even a "SJW" just using historical context

I liked the boomers a lot too. Followers and the Kings are great as well, all of Freeside really

I love the Boomers. They call your character a "savage" but they're so completely ignorant of their own stupidity that it's kind of endearing.

Still mad that they wouldn't let me play with their flight simulator. Even after I basically made all their dreams come true.

The kings
>thought it was gonna be another raider gang
>its a bunch of Elvis impersonators

>all of Freeside really
except for the van graffs
fuck them

>Want to play NV again
>Don't want to deal with mod limits


>he believes in the education meme
Most of the great innovators throughout history were autodidacts. Men learn through hands-on experimentation.

I remain under the opinion that if you have that many fucking mods, you're not playing New Vegas anymore.

Not relevant.

>can't argue in favor of
Just fucking watch me.
Legion is superior to every other major faction because they're the only ones who accept the reality of the wasteland and want to adapt humanity to take on the challenges of the new world. NCR is a corrupt mess that can't even wipe its own ass and is on a fast track to collapsing. House doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone else and will at best turn the wasteland into the Industrial Age where everyone works for him.
Only the Legion sees that the old ways don't work, and need to be cast aside. They see humans as weak and needing to be reforged through struggle in order to meet the challenges that the world throws at them. They're tearing civilisation down to its base, which is man, and rebuilding it stronger than ever.
Consider this: when House or NCR collapses, what happens? If House dies with noone to take over, at best the wasteland just stays the same with no changes. If the NCR collapses, the average citizen's quality of life plummets and the death-toll would be in the thousands as the country fractures and the rich become like feudal kings. At best it'll go back to pre-Fallout 1 tier society, at worst Fallout 3 style
If the Legion dies, every man from it is stronger, every man is taught to leave civilians alone, and every man can build anew using only hard work and determination. And without a long history of raiders too, since the Legion have systematically exterminated them

Just merge your mods.


She loves doggos

Their female contemporaries were often not allowed the same freedom to experiment though, and if they were then they were only humored like one would a child.
It doesn't matter how smart you are if noone lets you use it or takes you seriously

It's like Jontron's retarded gook brother.

>that's why betas are always saying they "don't get women"
How does this tie in to what you said exactly? I'm confused.

Even alpha men don't really understand women. You think an alpha sits around caring what women think? No, he gets laid because he looks good and doesn't care what they think. It's just easy and natural for an alpha.

On the contrary, a beta's best way of getting laid is doing lots of research and basically becoming a psychology expert and learning how to lie and manipulate, and memorizing each excuse a girl might use to not have sex, and knowing every rebuttal to give.

What the fuck do you mean by not relevant
I don't mind if you disagree but what point are you even trying to make?