Why do you want them to fail so badly?

Why do you want them to fail so badly?

To see their annoying fanbase knocked down a peg

But really who cares it's just consumer electronics. Buy whatever you want.

Because mom bought me an XBox and I have brand loyalty to the point of not being able to objectively value video games.

Their fans are mad creepy fuckers who spend way too much time defending it.
They are incompetent as fuck and one generation behind on everything.
They need a reality check

Because they honestly deserve it for being so shit for such a long time now.

I don't want them to fail, but a lot of the decisions that they make around their hardware frustrate me. I would love to play their games, but I don't like having to buy their consoles to do so.

I am sick of the arrogance from them as a company and from the fans who think they can do nothing wrong. When I see Nintendo I just see an overload of arrogance

I feel like Nintendo gets the most shit on this board and this is coming from a pcfag. Also, I almost never see people defending it as much as people are attacking them.

I think everyone realizes that Nintendo isn't going to be the leader in gaming anymore. They'll always be everyone's second console.

because I want them to learn that graphics matter

and kiddie parental control tier shit is not okay


Because they make bad business decisions and they are less consumer friendly than their competitors

so, In conclusion, it's not Nintendo itself that attracts the hate; it's their popularity

t. nintendo shill

>hourly Sony hate threads
>mods ban you if you say something bad about nintendo
>normal sony thread instantly shit up by buttblasted nintendrones
>''but why u want nintenod to fail?!??1''

Are you retarded?

Instead of an actual home console they decided to stick with WiiU v2.0 I seriously hope they just die, but too big to fail due to the lucky success of Wii. The SNES/GC era was the peak of Nintendo.

Nope. If anything that is Sony and the PS4


I've been waiting for nintendo to fail since their draconian business practices screwed over the PC gaming industry in the 80s
Fuck em, I won't miss them

nice victim complex

Their fans are cringe inducing brainwashed nutjobs who will allways no matter what defend them.
They associate themselves with PC gamers for some reason ("pc + nintendo" meme pushed by nintendrones)
They bash other consoles all the time for something then blame them for 'making Nintendo do the same thing' (paid online, dlc, etc)

because they are a bad company kept afloat by their IP and the people that follow them to the point of blind fanaticism?

because i want them to make good games again instead of quirky hardware

what really attracts hate is that nintendrones fall for the bait

I swear you visit a different board than I do. All I've seen for the last half year is nothing but hate for Nintendo, but hey, I'll get called a shill because this board resorts to hyperbole so much.

There are 4 switch hate threads at this very moment.

That's hardly an argument when you consider the same can be said of any fanboy

And there are at least as many Horizon hate threads as well.

Making nintendrones extremely mad is so fucking easy kek. The saddest and funniest thing is that they will respond to something like 'lmao nintendo will die soon' with whole paragraphs of arguments, statistics and stock data to prove shitposters wrong, it's amusing

I want to see the loud mouthed nintendroneson this god forsaken board cry out to the sky and wept tears of blood while trying desperately to rationalize their purchases and the increasingly jewish practice of nintendo

other than that I have no beef with nintendo, if the switch succeeded then I will purchase it because I love handhelds, if they fail I can laugh at the subhuman nintendrones on this board, it's a win-win situation for me

>Getting this concerned over anonymous strangers on the internet disliking your preferred Japanese electronics company

Am I allowed to like Nintendo and Sony at the same time? Can I hope that both companies succeed and continue to create the fun games?

Nice assumptions, as usual

Calling it like it isn't doesn't mean I have a desire to see them fail. I like Nintendo games and I wish they'd stop fucking up when it comes to their hardware. Any perceived "desire to see them fail" stems from the fact that I want them to see the error of their ways and correct their mistakes.

tbqh I prefer a nintendo/sony competition then a microshit/sony competition, americans should stay far away from anything because they ruin anything that's not a burger.

because they are part of the weaboo subculture that has spread all over the world. I want to see my friends cry for busting my nuts about everything japanese on a daily basis.

Also their games and consoles are bad.

because Sup Forums is retarded. think about how most boards will crucify you for talking about anime or acting like a weeb. same thing as people who claim to enjoy video games hating on nintendo. literally retarded

I like them both too, but for whatever reason, that's blasphemy.

80% of Sup Forums are probably poorfags/neet so no you have to pick one.

>weeaboo subculture
>not sony
Are you fucking retarded? Go look at the JP exclusives for Sony. It's literally plastered with anime.

but sony has all the weeb pandering games

>Don't want to buy a console to play its games
I bet the console wars of the 90's pissed you right off.

Why do people want Nintendo consoles to be exactly like Sony's and Microsoft's?

I don't, but they wont just get a free fucking pass either. Since i was a child, apart from the gameboy, their platfroms were for thier own first party games and this gave you about 10-15 games tops.

I am impressed that a company who ONLY makes video games has made it in this day and age, but they have been dicks to the growing insustry my whole life and we always knew it was about first parties.

You're both blinded by your biases. I've seen a million threads the joycon's issue, whatever that is, and how that means NIntendo can expect their stock to fall and their HQ to sink into lava, and also a million threads about how horizon is shit and how anyone who looked in the direction of a PS4 in the last two years should commit suicide because of it.

Only thing happening on this board since last week is hyperbolic faggotry.

Why the fuck do I keep coming back?

>since last week
user, this board has been host to irrational manchildren for years.



Because regular consoles are nearly perfect for gaming. Don't fix what aint broken. Nintendo keeps trying to be a special snowflake in every generation

I don't want them to fail. I just want to see them get better software wise. The WiiU's library was a disaster, even the Wii was better. The Switch looks like a return to form.

So I can play Mario/Zelda on my PS4

I don't. Me calling out all of the Switch's flaws doesn't mean I hate them. I'm just letting them dig their own coffin.

Because they failed me

You dont know what that word means

implying weaboos and japfags dont sperg out "muh murioz n zeldaz" all the time. They are also the same games gamur grills amd pretentious manchildren hipsters play.

I don't actually, but times have changed.

The average (and un-average even) consumer of video games:
>sure, super mario mang! I like it!
>now? Hey mang i guess not im no kid anymore. I mean, if it was on my PS4 id play it sure! Does nintendo have GTA? No? Maybe anither time my man.

>hourly Sony hate threads
Really? Because I don't see threads dissing the light bar on the DS4 like they do the Joycon bluetooth.
Or making fun of Sony losing every industry they're in except gaming and insurance like they do Nintendo's stock value every month.
Or how Sony tried to trademark Let's Plays last year like Nintendo's Youtube program.

I don't, I grew up playing nintendo games and I want them to be good. however, their consumer practises suck, charging mad prices for 2 little switch controllers+amibo's+the wii u have removed a lot of sympathy I had for them

>"I'm completely fucking retarded and clueless. What is this.. Usenet.. you speak of?"

Have you been to Japan? I saw more Mobage and Vitas. The saw only one 3DS that wasn't at the Pokemon Center. You really don't have a basis comparing a half dozen franchises to several dozen.

If you are not going to just spoon feed me that there was a "world wide web" thingy before like 1994, then you might as well fuck off loser, no one cares.

Beat it nerd.

Why do I want Nintendo to fail?

>Asks "wot" in his original post.
>Cannot handle receiving an answer to his post. Gets mad when I respond to his question.
What the fuck are you trying to argue then?

What game is his from? It's fucking weird.

Well I guess you should be on this board for longer than an hour. I'll never forget some faggot complained (in a DS4 hate thread of course) that the DS4 is garbage because it hurts his thumbs. It's ridiculous. I remember when I was getting a console about 2 years ago and reading all the shit people posted here about the PS4, made me question whether I should go for it, but I did anyway since I never had an issue with a Sony product of any kind, ever. Literally everything they said about it was a lie.

you cant prove to me that im delusional and what happens in my country is a lie.

Every god damn fucking "otaku" or whatever you call them owns at least two ds and a wii ,watches sub-mainstream anime and tries to prove that everything eastern is somehow better without even asking them. They are also the only people that actually play zelda and such.

The sonyggers and normies dont even annoy me. They keep casual relationships with everyone, talk about movies and series and football and doesnt bother to force you into any of this.

I fucking hate Japan because of what their fanbase did. Im sure the Japanese people are way less retarded than those im talking about but ill never meet any. Instead im getting fuckos ruining my country's youth


Companies should be punished for bad practices, but wanting any to fail is something I can only imagine of the most simple minded console warriors.

While the Wii U is weak on the hardware side and had few sales, it has a reasonable, if not optimal, first party line-up. Meanwhile both the XBone and the PS4 have better hardware and lineups, but suffer from a multiplat focus and don't have many interesting exclusives. Competing with PC is also a generally bad idea.

The Switch take a couple steps forward and also a bunch backwards.What's important is that they feel the impact of the bad decision and react accordingly. I'll probably get a ps4 pro before I get a switch, but as long as there are 10~15 interesting games ANY console is worth buying imho.

Do you find answering like a condecending prick about stuff YOU do know about that others don't works out for you well irl user? You seem pretty confused about why this might not be acceptable social etiquette?

I don't want them to fail, I want them to stop making shitty fucking gimmicks.

Because nintendo has dropped the ball so many times.

I'd say the PS4 is finally starting to get itself some major exclusives, it's just weak that it took this long.

who's that faggot in the portrait?

It was "internet" before "world wide web" became a thing, with URLs and shit. I knew that but I was taken a back by the color in that image considering how much of computer stuff was monochrome back then.

Sonygger or xbitch detected!

Because those that practice bad business practices deserve to fail. Withholding and delaying Zelda this long just to sell their new system is shit. Focusing on gimmicks instead of good hardware and having a good line up of games. Refusing to understand your fanbase is older and although I respect then trying to keep their child and family friendly persona they completely ignore their older fans.

this is what happens when you have a sega growing up and also never got laid. so sad.

>who's that faggot in the portrait?


It's not just them. I want everything to fail. The only thing that can save video games now is for the slate to be wiped clean and everything restarting from zero.

>you cant prove to me that im delusional and what happens in my country is a lie.
Are you some kind of dumbass? Your original post implies that both Japs and Americans are the same. Now you're taking it back and saying it's just your country after a legit retort? Sounds like you don't have much of an argument.

>Every god damn fucking "otaku" or whatever you call them owns at least two ds and a wii ,watches sub-mainstream anime and tries to prove that everything eastern is somehow better without even asking them. They are also the only people that actually play zelda and such.
Stop blaming the Wii and the DS. A lot of people bought those consoles and that pretty much has no bearing on the topic, and most Wii owners are normalfags. The US took forever to start seeing a constant flow of Anime-themed IPs on the DS. It was dominated by Sony for forever.

>They are also the only people that actually play zelda and such.
I've several people around me who barely watch anime shit and just enjoy Nintendo IPs. I'm sorry you don't know people outside of Sup Forums.

>The sonyggers and normies dont even annoy me. They keep casual relationships with everyone, talk about movies and series and football and doesnt bother to force you into any of this.
I'd take the sony fans out of that statement, since I've just sat and watched the same first reply happen in the majority of Nintendo threads being some shitty "DELETE THIS" post.

>Im sure the Japanese people are way less retarded than those im talking about but ill never meet any.
Jokes on you, most are worse than even American trash. Look at Idols plaguing games they typically don't, or waifu tier shit. This is Japan's fault, not america.

This. They haven't been halfway decent since the Gamecube days. Being knocked down a peg or two sometimes does wonders.

>Using Yakuza for console war shitposting

it implies something in your dreamworld which im not able to understand because i have the substantial intelligence to not mistake strangers on the internet for americans .

IRL i never said anything about americans and i dont give a damn about what happens over there.

Their completely unchecked arrogance and ego need to be addressed. They still think it's the early 90s and they can get by just because they're Nintendo. They don't realize that Nintendo is not a name associated with quality nowadays, but delusional incompetence.

Even if you change the country around, it doesn't change the fact that you are bitching about shit with baseless arguments when you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

He has Sony, and microsoft stuff in the background as well...

I see your Sup Forums autist so I raise you with an Sup Forums autist


I just want them to stop making their own systems.

That's almost all their systems are good for, and they get too caught up with trying to sell gimmicks and it hurts their game design.

Forced motion controls made a lot of wii games worse, forced tablet made some wii u games worse.

I just want them to make games like they used to, without worrying about whether they can justify a gimmick with it.

I vaguely remember playing some iteration of Mario somewhere as a kid, other than that I've never played anything else by Nintendo on account of never having owned a console.

Twenty-ish years later they're still rehashing moderately obnoxious cartoon characters in ""new"" releases, characters that couldn't hold my interest as a child let alone as an adult, and despite this they somehow maintain a huge supposedly adult fanbase.

To be fair I've never given enough of a shit to actively look up anything regarding Nintendo so I only know of Mario and Zelda as their main franchises, both look like casual games for children and I just don't see the appeal.

As for wanting them to fail, I'm honestly ambivalent, never cared either way and I'm not about to start now.

>no idea what im talking about
>have friends that keep saying "man i wish everything here was like in japan ,welp might aswell play my wii"

Which is why BOTW, a game that makes innovations other games already made years ago, is being protected as loudly as it is with as wide deflections as possible. Makes sense.


>in japan
It sounds like you are blurring the lines between your "friends" and a whole audience. Nice bias, though.

I want them to fail because they set themselves up for it.

>Horizon sells a lot more than Battleborn
>BOTW doesn't sell nearly as much as Overmeme
It's like pottery.

Because at one point in history they were willing to let the government censor the entire videogames industry just to get rid of Sega.
Fucking slimy kikes need to die just because of that.

If they stop making their own consoles, we can get rid of amiibos.

I hate amiibos.

It's anticonsumer shit and I won't buy in to it.

>losing a company that hasn't been any good for almost 2 decades
I'm not sure it would have been much of a loss.

With that attitude we'd still be playing shitty arcade ports with shitty Atari joysticks. Nintendo "gimmicks" are what allowed consoles to be "nearly perfect for gaming" in the first place.

Weird. Usually Nintendo fanboys are hardcore libcucks.

Sure, but this past week has been specially aggravating.