To the user who asked if EDF 4.1 works, yes it does, but it goes down to around 24 FPS while there are shitloads of insects on the screen.

Thread about questions, tips and tricks related to GPD Win.

Other urls found in this thread: win


wtf is this

that's ugly and underpowered

a tiny chinese Pee Cee ment mostly for emulation and some native gayming


"Underpowered" would be a good term to use if there was actually possible to build a better x86 device with current hardware sticking to the size restrictions

Ugly? Keyboard looks like something out of a N900 and ruins it, else it reminds me of a DS, can't complain

>I don't want a gaming laptop because it's too big and not portable but I also want it to be weak so I can have less games to choose from and it need bugs too but I am willing to pay top dollar for it

Who are you quoting

Pretty much this, it's small and good enough for most shit.

does it have cellular?
how expensive is it?

No cellular. Full size USB on the back if you want a cellular dongle.
330 bucks from China.

>it need bugs
Good you brought that up, I'm actually surprised that it's way more solid than I read, probably because it's a revision 2 unit and not the early adopters one?
No problems with cooling, I though I will have to do a heatsink mod, but nope, setting the thermal throttling temperature at 85C (default it had, the older units had 60C) the most I got it to was 74C, while in a warm room, usually it stais in the high 60C while playing.

Haven't had problems with it crashing, even when running the memory as "Fast", no display driver crashes, even when the automatic rotation is turned on.
Sleep seems to be working fine, haven't had it freeze once after coming out from sleep, still I decided to disable CSleep.

I'm pretty glad I didn't get one earlier actually, if you buy one, be sure it's revision 2.

>This handheld runs EDD better than consoles

>when u need a psp but want to pay $400 for it

720p... 5.5in
lemmy get my glasses, son

Horrible with Windows, good with games.
You can get away with low resolutions even looking great on it, which is good, because the GPU sucks balls.

>dat Wii emulation
psp can't even do Amiga properly to be a noteworthy emulation handheld anymore



I wish I had reading glasses, I bet it would be awesome with a high DPI screen like that.

i'd rather just try to find some vita then. thanks for the info user!

Will the Pocket have cellular? I know it's pretty useless to have it nowadays since you probably have a good data plan and can create a hotspot with your phone anyways, but I think it's still a cool thing to have

No problem, what are you planning to use it for? Emulation and web on the go?

yeah something like that. my data plan is like 50 gigs so i figured if the pc you posted had cellular i could use that to just go anywhere and download the games i need when i need them. see if there are any neat GUI solutions to make your own game library or something idk.

honestly i just want a use for my 50 gigs of data, i only use like 7 for my phone.

That's neat, comfy as fuck to be able to download something on the go.

with a screen that small what's the need for higher resolution

None, it's already high enough for what it's worth. Hence the glasses joke.

>This thing + Dorf Fort, Doom WADs, and ROMs

Holy shit sign me the fuck up.

It's comfy as fuck user.

Are you enjoying your unit?

I enjoy mine. I got a rev 1 model and apart from it needing a reset once in a while it has served me really well.

Very much so, it's been far better than I actually hoped for.

It's really something I always wanted, a gaming oriented UMPC, good replacement for a cfw PSP also and better than just a Android tablet with a controller.
I wanted to get a Pandora way back when they came out, but missed that, but this thing just rocks.

Can I play Steam games on it? What OS is it running?

Yes. It comes with official Windows 10 Home.

Windows 10 I believe. So yes, you could play Steam games on the device. Nothing too taxing of course but it seems to run Skyrim at around 30FPS at low settings.

It actually has a Steam installer file on the desktop when you first fire it up kek

Why not just get a 3DS or Vita?

I managed to get into the steady 40's with a low resolution texture mod, plays pretty much perfect now.

Because then OP's employers won't get your $400.

Fuck that, I just want to play all those 2D games I never bothered with. 330 USD is a hefty price, though. I guess I'll wait and see. Thanks.

Well, it obviously does something different. Much more than the 3DS, especially.

Cause those are for fags

Make sure you get the PC version of outrun 2006.
It looks and plays amazingly well on this.

>high end emulation
>native x86 windows gaming
>possible to stream PC/PS4/XBONE
>plus normal computer functions

With some mods I got Fallout New Vegas running at a stable 30-40fps.

Is that so? That's awesome to hear, homie. Is there anything else you could do to gain more frames?

Can your 3DS or your Vita run Dolphin or a PS2 emulator?

Thanks, I love arcade style racing, I was just playing TrackMania Turbo on it, works perfectly.

>Fallout New Vegas running at a stable 30-40fps.
Portable NV, even at 30 - 40FPS would make me beyond diamonds. How well does the device work with say quest mods?

Also this was 30-40fps in its 1.6ghz state, unturbo'd.

Handheld laptop with a built-in controller for handheld gamin.

>Is that so? That's awesome to hear, homie. Is there anything else you could do to gain more frames?
Probably by disabling shadows and stuff? I just have the normal low (except stuff like actors and shadows) settings with the texture mod.

I don't want to make it uglier then I must tho, I still have shadows enabled at a nice distance, also TreesRecieveShadows and DrawLandShadows enabled.
Same goes for actors, max distance and some other stuff like lights is pretty high up.

>Can your 3DS or your Vita run Dolphin or a PS2 emulator?
Man Dolphin runs like a treat, been playing Smash Bros Brawl, I wish Cemu would too, I can get solid 30+ FPS in Super Mario 3D World, but that's just 50% the speed, it's like running it in slow motion, maybe, just maybe it's a emulator limitation and will actually be playable in the future? I sure hope so.

>Dolphin runs like a treat
>I can get solid 30+ FPS in Super Mario 3D World
>that's just 50% the speed, it's like running it in slow motion, maybe
Wow so much bullshit in one post. I hope you are getting paid for this.

This is fucking nuts, you would probably squeeze out a long afternoon playing from the battery like that.

Battery life with the turbo off is really solid.

I've spent about 6 or so hours setting up emulators today and last night.
I got 26% battery left.

Dolphin does run fine, Ishiiruka Dolphin, running PAL games, fixed 50 frames without problems.

>Wow so much bullshit in one post. I hope you are getting paid for this.
Well, I don't, because I don't work for anyone. Just talking about my experience with the device.


Most GPD users probably already know that you can get one of the slim USB 3.0 flash drives to give additional fast storage space, not just the microSD.

But this is another awesome thing, magnetic USB-C lead, MagSafe for the GPD Win! Kek.

Apparently they figured out a workaround for the sleep issue but you have to have some kind of special BIOS.

I use the downgraded BIOS, I think it was 20161025
It has a bunch of options the newer ones lack

Your game looks literally worse than the Wii U.

Can't really tell on a 5.5 inch screen.
Running it at native Wii U 720p res, same as the screen, won't even make it any slower, it's strictly a emulation issue and not related to graphics.
Just hoped it would play faster.

I have a 3DS and a Vita and I'm considering getting this shit.

Handhelds are timewasting machines with a few good exclusives.

What better timewasting machine than one that can run PC exclusive Grand Strategy and 4X games?
Not to mention older RPGs and all the anime you can pack in your external HDD.

That was me, like last week.
Kinda neato, buildings falling is just a generic expectation of framedrops.
It runs better than PS3, but not as well as PS4 but it would still be nice to get my cross save from PC.

why do you think it's bullshit? it it just because you think it's bullshit? I don't see any evidence
meanwhile everyone who owns the device knows that you are just buttblasting away

Because this is shill central. This thing is a piece of shit.

>For Emulators
If it works, you will experience FPS issues and more in PSP, some PSX games. PS2, Wii and more is only great for a few games
>Old Games
Really really old ones and you have to do lowend mods.

>but it would still be nice to get my cross save from PC
Save game is under Documents/My Games

How old we talking here?

The notion of playing Medieval 2 TW and other games from that era on a handheld is extremely appealing to me.

How is the stick for mouse control by the way?

Steam already does that shit automatically.
I just mean when I stop playing on my main desktop I can just switch to the GPD and it'll download the latest save.
But honestly I'd rather get a 1050ti and an eGPU for my T420

>Because this is shill central. This thing is a piece of shit.
Why the buttmad?

>If it works, you will experience FPS issues and more in PSP, some PSX games. PS2, Wii and more is only great for a few games
Anything under PS2 and Wii is plain perfect.

>Really really old ones and you have to do lowend mods.
The only games I had to do lowend mods are GTA V, Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

Else, games from 5 years ago, like Mass Effect 3 run just perfect with normal low settings.

This sound literary like "stop liking what I don't like" - the post

is ugly your catchphrase?
i want to see what true ugly is
post your face for us

>2 weeks ago
>Not a word
>1 week ago
>Suddenly see a GPD Win thread once everyday

Really makes me think.

So exactly how good are the parts in the damn thing? Last time I came to one of these threads, everyone was talking about how 3D games literally killed the device. I want one but not if it can't handle 3d for long periods of time.

This is my first thread, I was in a thread about it a week ago while I already had ordered mine and an user asked if EDF4.1 would work on it, I promised him to make a thread once I try it.

plenty of videos on youtube

So what's your opinion on the thing then? Whenever I look at it I just wish it was just a tablet style with usb ports for mouse and keyboard and maybe bluetooth for controllers. win

I used to see threads about it often about a month ago.

I'm still sceptical about it without a trusted source on it's performance and how good the joystick is for mouse control, but I can definitely see the appeal.

I couldn't justify the tiny controller for PC games, but I got an XP a couple weeks ago and I agree these things are awesome.

I already posted two posts of what I think about it.

Also that's the exact reason I got it, I used to use a nigger rigged phablet with a controller mount too, this is a whole handheld in one.
There's plenty of x86 tablets with USB and stands for what you are looking for.

>What better timewasting machine than one that can run PC exclusive Grand Strategy and 4X games?

I can't imagine playing mouse and keyboard intensive games being anything other than miserable on this thing

Does this have a touchscreen? I feel that the tiny awkward keyboard is a waste of space just looking at it, wouldn't it make more sense to use an on screen keyboard and have more space for the game controls?


And it's ruined

That's why I'm sceptical on getting one untill I see concrete evidence that's not the case.

RTS games that don't use the keyboard much, are fine, just to select unit groups quick or a few hotkey or two with the thumb is fine.

The mouse probably takes getting used to, but I find it alright for most things.

Touchscreen yes, but at the size of the thing, making the controls bigger would be awkward anyways, the keyboard is a nice touch and actually fine for thumb typing when chatting and in game use if you need to press a button or two or type something in.

I'm not asking for "Can it run Skyrim?". I'm asking how many of you fucks have had it for a lengthy period of time and do they still work after intense 3d games have been played on them.

Watch some videos.

But generally, if you are skeptical that it will suck for your needs it probably will.

Naw I specifically chose it because of Android over Win10.

>do they still work after intense 3d games have been played on them
As in, controls keeping up or heat? Heat wise there was already a post saying the rev 2 units run cool and fine, myself I have played around a few hours straight demanding games on it without problems.
The controls aren't that flimsy to begin with, the thumbsticks don't have that much travel (not a good thing, but they are small anyways) and the other buttons are just domes or clicky switches, so I think they will be fine.

>rev 2
how many versions are there? is there a particular version I should avoid?

Two revisions, Rev 2 is the new one that came this year, Rev 1 is the first edition from last year, the same founders got. I think most units being imported to resellers will be rev 2 anyways now.

So, something only hipsters and actual retards should buy?

Man, I wish the chink government would contact me to shill their products, I could use a few extra bucks

>projecting this hard
if that's what you think, obviously it's not for you

Tell me, what is, in any way, smart about buying something of that size, underpowered to fuck and bug ridden as that thing is? Games are going to look butt ugly on it and thats if they even run smoothly, because with something of that size you also have to think about how its going to burn like the heart of a fucking supernova and make everything slow to a crawl

Whats in it for you to shill this shit?

>just because I don't like it, nobody else should

So, instead of giving any argument or even trying to refute anything I said you just double down on your bullshit

Stay classy you subhuman chink

>I shitpost instead reading the thread
literary every answer to your questions already posted

Why not get a Nintendo Switch? Seems better than this in every way, plus cheaper.

Indeed, someone said they will have to mod the heatsink showing the craftsmanship of the thing because it needs to be tinkered instead of already coming without problems, good job wang chong

>So, instead of giving any argument or even trying to refute anything I said you just double down on your bullshit

What's the point in responding to autists who shitpost? You will just start calling anyone a shill who says something positive about it.
Also, there already was mentioning about how the device runs, about it's bugs and thermals, lurk moar faggot.

I plan on getting a Switch too, just for the first party Nintendo games, once it matures more, like gets access to virtual console.
This is something totally different then the Switch, mostly aimed at emulation and already released PC games.

>I can't read for shit
>the post
what do you think your shitposting will accomplish? people getting butthurt and taking your shitty bait?