Ready for next week...

Ready for next week? Can already hear the "not muh Zelda" people praising Skyward sword for its linearity and handholding.

I think we might finally break the cycle. I think this zelda can do it.

The "zelda cycle" is a myth perpetuated by TPfags.

The Zelda cycle isn't real. It's just changing demographics. For example, the people who disliked Twilight Princess still dislike it but have mostly grown out of video games, and now people who grew up with it like it have a voice.

Skyward Sword was alright

Twilight Princess is still a bad game. Just because Skyward Sword was worse doesn't change anything about TP.

Anyone still complaining about MUH KIDDIE GRAPHICS in Wind Waker should eat a shotgun, Zelda has never and should never be a dark game for "adults"

This stuff about people 'hating' Zelda games is so stupid. All Zelda games are at least good games, just like the Mario games. Not every single one is revolutionary, but from time to time, one is. Why do people on Sup Forums insist that the games are hated?

Retards already say that Skyward Sword is a good game

SS still sucks balls and the new one looks like open world fad chasing

Skyward Sword is unironically the best 3D Zelda game though (Breath of the Wild can change this). The only people who didn't like it were fat neckbeards (Sup Forums is mostly this, no surprise) who complained that things wouldn't die when they waggled the Wii Remotes around aimlessly.

People have already been crying about the open world and non-linearity. But this applies to every sequel ever.

People that doesn't like Skyward Sword are EgoRaptor followers. That's all.

that's not the zelda cycle you fucking faggot. Cycle is
>new game comes out
>people hate it
>people start saying the last game was actually good and like it

I wish the rehashed shit were true
Cuz I want a Zelda that plays like MM

We need a new MM

Majora's Mask was only as good as it was because of it's atmosphere and time-loop shenanigans.

> Game was only good because of the parts that were unique to it

Guy said he wanted a game that PLAYs like MM, implying the gameplay was what made the game good

The Zelda cycle never existed and even if it did, SS would still be seen as one of the worst Zelda games regardless of how BotW turns out.

tehres already peoploe complaining about how shit is gonna be, the cycle still exist

the 3d games slowly filtering out combat and turning it into more puzzles is the weakest part of the series. When was the last time that you walked through a hallway filled with monsters, and the door at the end wasn't even locked and you could just choose to ignore them? LTTP?

the zelda cycle is over faggot. deal with it

What a load of shit. First Zelda, AlttP, Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask were all dark and pretty gritty for the majority of time. If anything the happier style Nintendo was going for with LA was the exception at the time of WW release.

The zelda cycle isn't real, Zelda just has two main groups of fans.

The people who like the "original" Zeldas and hate the "rehash" Zeldas are not the same people as those who hate the "originals" and like the "rehashes" just because a new game came out.

It's a classic case of people assuming a fanbase is one hypocritical person because some fans may like some aspects of a series but other fans dislike those aspects in favour of others.

Twilight's only real crime is rehashing too much.

This has to be bait.

I unironcially had more fun with Phantom Hourglass and Spirits Tracks than with Skyward Sword.

I never hated SS. or any Zelda for that matter.

>back in a days of Wind Waker
WW suck zelda should mature game for mature gamer such as myself and its the worst game ever
>back in the days of Heil Hitler
TP suck Zelda should not be realistic and its the worst game ever
>back in the days of Skyward Sword
SS is the worst game ever