what does she smell like Sup Forums?
What does she smell like Sup Forums?
Bags of sand
Fish or salmon
l wonder if she uses regular or heavy duty tampons
Bokoblin dick
My semen.
Realistically speaking likely sweat or ass
She has a muff as thick as her eyebrows.
Horse jizz.
Probably like this person
Reeks of deleted thread desu senpai.
disgusting elves
Gerudo cock
Have you ever smelled a corpse user ?
Why post an image of yourself?
Rice pudding
Probably like a corpse, because she is dead
She smells of parsley and SAGE
Autism, smelly obese manchildren sweat, dorito scent dripped semen,
Let's see... Fairly active life, so slight sweat, but takes care to stay clean. Access to only natural materials so unlikely to have the strong scents we associate with modern perfume, deodorant and soap, but still traces of various flowers or fruits, possibly spices.
Why do you ask?
Today, I learned that salmon is not a fish
lol, I meant haddock or salmon
Source friend
>he cant tell from the sameface
You're doing this on porpoise, aren't you?