Hey Sup Forums. My cat died this morning and I had to bury him. What games will allow me to move on?
Hey Sup Forums. My cat died this morning and I had to bury him. What games will allow me to move on?
Bad Rats
Exploding kittens
Shit, man. I'm sorry.
Postal 2
grim fandango
Nobody cares, fuck off and get an actual pet, you retarded manlet.
Tokyo Jungle
Ghost Trick
this desu
nothing, brace yourself for a year of depression
nier automata is pretty good though, plus you get to see lovely doujins in 6 months.
Blogshit should be an instante ban
I recommend a dog. They actually care about you.
>randoms freak outs during night
>shitting in a box
>not giving a shit about you when you call them
>fur fucking everywhere
i hate my sister's cats, one of them is literally fucked in the head
Just understand that the world is full of things that are going to disappear eventually no matter what you do.
New Vegas
You didn't bury him with your favorite game? :(
After my kitty spent so much time in my lap playing Final Fantasy 8 with me, I put the game booklet in the shoebox casket I made for him.
Man, I already miss him.
Thanks, I'll check these out.
I do have a pomeranian dog. I love him but parting with pets is never easy.
It depends on the cat and how you raise it desu.
Already tried New Vegas, wasn't my thing. Though I'm gonna borrow Fallout 4 next week so I have something to play on my PS4. Is it any good?
-4st vs Dex
Play Tower Unite, the minigolf mode, while listening to comedie shows in the background.
Yeah but when those die it REALLY hurts.
At least a cat you can just get a new one and it's generally just as good as the last one.
>Is it any good?
Not really.
>Though I'm gonna borrow Fallout 4 next week so I have something to play on my PS4. Is it any good?
a thousand fucking times no
if you want a fun open world sandbox game play just cause 2, the side quests are few but they are crazy as fuck.
Post more cats
Cats are vidya
>Yeah but when those die it REALLY hurts.
i don't want another pet ever after my dog died tbqh with you
I know that feel OP. My catbro has been dead for years now. I still miss him.
That's one fat liger.
So nobody is going to comment on that strange appendage?
geez OP, i feel you, my cat died like a year ago and sometimes i still have feel related to it
>cats don't care about you
my cats always used to sit behind me for no real reason, one time i was fighting with my mother and she actualy understood that and tried to break the fight between me and her
i miss my cat ;_;
Your cat was a faggot I'm glad it's dead. Bet it hated you. Everyone hates you. Did you at least sex it before it died? Fucking faggot your parents wish it was you that was dead
ahwell, still gonna borrow it anyway since I have nothing else to play on the PS4 right now until I have enough money for both Horizon: Zero Dawn and Persona 5.
Beautiful cat you have there
He is just big