>you still live with your mom
Where were you when even Sony admits Sonyggers are 30 year old virgins who still live with their moms.
New Horizon Zero Dawn Commercial
I guess there's 4 times more 30 year old virgins who still live with their moms than there are kids buying Nintendo consoles
Wonder what happened
Usually advertising the consumer as anything negative is poor marketing.
They know their audience.
>guy walks in your house and makes you spend more digitally than if you bought physical
They outgrew Nintendo
Lmao at least Sony has the balls to admit to its consumer base
>single and ready to flamingo
my sides
Agreed, this is what I like about Sony, they have integrity to them, they never lie to their consumer
At least Sony is honest
>Switch commercials are all rich models who also think playing fucking Mario at a bar is normal
>playing games at 3 in the morning
Sony admits Sonyggers are NEETs as well.
I have never seen a company BTFO its own consumer base as much as this before. It's literally unheard of in the history of marketing.
He does it so quickly too
>Having a bedtime
S-s-sony bros, h-how could Sony do this to us after we constantly defend all their anticonsumer policies.
I've rebought all my PS2 games on PS4, and even subscribe to PSNow despite it being a laggy mess.
I don't know if I can continue after seeing this.
I guess it's time to look into getting a Switch second hand.
Dodged a bullet there.
>nintenchildren this desperate
Enjoy your barely functioning """""console"""""
HOLY FUCK. HAHAHA. SONY KNOWS THEIR AUDIENCE. Seriously though, this hits close to home. Feelsbadman.
>I really liked it [referring to Horizon Zero Dawn]. But playing Zelda is really making me question- jeez. Horizon is a great game, it’s a fantastic game. But next to this, it’s like, shoot! If I was to make a list about what I like about both these games, the Zelda one would be as twice as long, I think.
- Gamestop's Peter Brown
>A lot of open world games feel checklisty. This is a big Ubisoft problem, but it also came up again for Horizon Zero Dawn, and was one of my biggest criticisms for that game. But with Breath of the Wild, it doesn't feel like going through the motions. You can make your own stories by raiding a Bokoblin camp, finding out a new cooking recipe on your own, chopping down some trees, or meet some wacky Nintendo character while you're traveling from point A to point B. The map isn't loaded down with billions of icons to fetch, just the active quest you've chosen at the time.
>Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda. You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle. Boomerangs have to be caught manually on their return and the best way to defeat the skeletons that appear at night is to chop off their head and punt it into a river, like a goalkeeper trying to make a clearance.
- Metro UK
>implying Horizon Zero out of Ten is any better than Botch of the Wild
Console wars are pathetic.
Any EUbros notice there was no Zelda or Horizon shitposting this morning while Americans were asleep? Now there are a bunch of threads.
I kinda liked this commercial. It's more 90s than the recent "Hey look I'm intelligent and abstract xD" Sony/PS material.
This is the shirt he's wearing. Lol my gf bought me this and I thought it was a gag shirt and no-one ever wore it
>Switch commercials are all rich models who also think playing fucking Mario at a bar is normal
Social interaction is based exclusively on how people look. If you are a Chad and are playing Pokemon Go, girls will fawn over you. If you are a fedora clad supreme gentleman playing Pokemon S/M, you will be seen as a loser and as a creep.
Why do you need to use a commercial to start a console war?
The commercial is ok, is nothing special. It's actually not too bad.
Sonyggers are:
30 years old
Live with mom
Have curfew
Did I miss anything from that commercial?
Do you prefer the Nintendo commercial they aired during Superbowl?
>If you play Pokemon with only the first 151, girls will fawn over you.
If you play Nu-Pokemon, you will be seen as a loser and as a creep.
I wonder why.
>objective analysis
>left: I was a kid when I played these games
>right: I wasn't
I'm Sony and PC only this gen, but lmao at these Sony fanboys. Damage control out the ass.
>>Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda. You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle. Boomerangs have to be caught manually on their return and the best way to defeat the skeletons that appear at night is to chop off their head and punt it into a river, like a goalkeeper trying to make a clearance.
>You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air
>Boomerangs have to be caught manually on their return and the best way to defeat the skeletons
please tell me this is not real.
like PCucks are any better.
Does anyone have that pasta that, among other things, talks about 'playing the Switch in the corner with *bing* *bing* *WAHOO* at full volume'?
It is real, what's the problem?
Both are true
Why do you need it?
begging all of ya to reavulate your lives if you care about this shit
>37 posts
>Control-F Nintendo
>Already 4 results
I want raffs.