In your opinion who is the absolute worst character in all of Mortal Kombat history? For me It's Darrius...

In your opinion who is the absolute worst character in all of Mortal Kombat history? For me It's Darrius. The worst Mortal Kombat character ever. Your thoughts?

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Kobra was pretty shitty

those oni demons were pretty dumb

Fuck this guy, I hate fighting him in every game he's in.

Darrius was fun to play as tho. He did heaps of damage.

For me it's that fuck Bo Rai Cho. Disgusting mess of a character. Complete waste. Sindel sucks too.


>Reiko (before he was redesigned into a vaguely tolerable Shao Kahn lite)
In that order.

Kobra did suck. Darrius sucked even more though. At least Kobra looked kind of cool.

If Kobra had been in MK1 as a generic kung fu guy with Liu Kang and Johnny Cage you all would be worshiping him as a classic.

Mavado at least had a somewhat interesting story behind him. Reiko turned out to be kind of funny sneaking into Shao Kahns throne room and wearing his helmet and shit. Darrius has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

This guy's right.

Darrius had a funny ass fatality.

Hsu Hao and Moloch/Drahmin are the worst MK characters ever.

Erron Black and Dvorah suck pretty bad too, most of the new guys in MKX were decent at best.

Mavado could've been cool but Boon was a shit back then and was lazy as fuck. Pic related. C'mon.


he's a classic too and i don't think anyone misses him

They made him such a dick in MK9. I kind of like it, actually.

>no mention of the most blandest and stupidest character.

HarĂ¡ kiri yourselves.

I miss him. He finally looked cool in MK9.

MK11 should have him revived and be an ICE agent deporting all those Outworld (((refugees)))


We do not speak of Armageddon here.

I hate reptile too

>chest core
>chinese hat

He is Ed Boon's most hated MK character

Thank god there are more people than him making MK that can overrule him. Kano in MKX was basically Hsu Hao with the glowing chest and the grapple moves.

Cassie Cage, Jacquie Briggs and D'vorah

the sorely needed feminist package

Send this idea over to Boon.

Pretty much every new character in Deception and Armageddon, except for Havok and the guy with the samurai armor

Stryker is my favorite character in UMK3.

This fagopuss

Ashrah was pretty cool conceptually.

A demon in the form of some mystic who was actually good.

And yeah havik is cool in how he is some weird ass priest and mutilates himself.

>implying boon gives a shit about what fans want

>literally voiced by generic anime english voice
It was too easy to hate him.

Erron is probably one of the most interesting characters

Does this fucker count as a character?

I hate Smoke too.

No. Hsu Hao and Drahmin have more of a chance to be in a game again because NRS is too inept to animate a quadruped.

>okay, we need main character for the story mode and it needs to be a second gen character so it's easier to introduce all of them
>how about Jax's daughter, she's pretty cool, and she even has robot arms
>nah, no one wants to play as black people
>how about Kung Jin, he has a bow that he can also use as a staff and we barely no anything about him
>nah no one wants to play as a fag
>how about Takeda? even though he was the main character of the comic, he's by far the most interesting character and has a fucking metal bladed whip
>nah, let's just go with generic stronk wymen character

Shame he played as well as a stiff board

Jacqui sucks, D'vorah sucks, but Cassie is my main in MKX. Johnny Cage is my favorite all time MK fighter since MK1 and I like her. Fuck you.

I cannot fucking stand Cassie's screams. It's like nails on chalkboard. I can't play as her for this reason and she's always a pain to fight because I have to go find the remote and mute the TV.

>there are plebs hate motaro

fuck of shitty animator

I hate how cucked NRS has become. I fully expect there to be a post-op tranny in the next game.

Oh come on, Dvorah's actually cool with her bug theme

No wonder since she's voiced by fem Burch. You know who else she voiced?

D'vorah's cool because she can envenomate you and it slowly drains your health.

this. Him and Kira were both super fun to play. Kobra wasn't bad either.

Deception was the best Mortal Kombat game desu.

Kobra had some really easy 35% combos with the kali sticks. I think people who hate on him are just bandwagoning and never played the game.

Are you joking? Stryker and Rain went through a dragon ball miracle

Like it's actually impressive that these two went through reverse JUST

Then play Johnny you fucking faggot, Cassie Cage is a literal clone but shittier, also she's not threatening at all and doesn't stand out as a MK character

MK4, MKDA, MKD and MKA had some of the worst newcomers. Jarek, Hsu Hao, Kobra, Darrius and the twins felt crappy.

The closest to a cool new character in those games was Kenshi and maybe Havik.

I dont really like any of the 4 kids very much. They just feel over generic or lesser version of their parents/family.

For Cassie, I felt that her characterization was pretty inconsistent between the story mode and the snark in the other modes.

Kobra was basically just an evil Ken. He's lame.

Also MK9 was the best mortal kombat.

I fucking love the way Stryker reloads his gun between rounds. He does it with such force and fluidity. It's sexy.

pretty much any of the new characters in alliance, deception and armageddon

Why did Ed Boon become such a kuck?

Nitara was great too.

>coolest newcomers post-MK3
>no mention of Quan Chi

Takeda is the most interesting character in the whole group, he's the only character who has gets any sort of backstory in the game, as well as being the main character of the comic, and he goes through some fucked up shit in the comic

I know some people that hate Quan Chi, but I like him

His costume is ass. Give him some new clothes and bring him back in 11 and ditch the other three kiddos and we're gold.

Hi. I'm so uninspired my name literally means "protagonist", and every move I have is borrowed from someone else. I'm also the main character of Deception, meaning you'll have to endure me for hours.

Worst or most forgettable? Literally just looks like a generic henchman.

every MK is irrelevant past UMK3

so I don't know half of these shitters mentioned in this thread

Forgot about Quan-Chi, but he appeared before on that abomination that was Mythologies. Agree that he is a cool character.

Haven't read the comics DESU, but in the game he just feels sort of generic shounen guy. He feels pretty bland.

She's faster and also has some of Sonya's good points. I'm happy that she's carrying on the Cage legacy and we didn't get some forced bullshit like Liu Kang and Kitana's long lost chink baby to lead the next generation.

>tfw never able to get the dragon boat and all they had in stock were those see through sub zeros and scorpions.

Felt bad.

How did I write This I was trying to write DESU?
I'll commit sudoku.

I'd agree with you if you had said any MK character not in MK9 is irrelevant.

I forgot that I cannot write T B H, been a while.

Quan Chi is a cool necromancer design, people probably hate him because he was a total bitch in X

Is kotal the most based character in all of MK?

>respects his subordinates
>legitimately wants what's best for outworld and it's citizens
>doesn't just for power
>is willing to work with other realms
>is actually competent
>Is pretty much the incarnate of "X did nothing wrong", except not ironically

Is he /our guy/?

Cyborg Sub Zero was shitty though

At least they could have made him look unique

So who did you main, Sup Forums?

>no robo smoke action figure.

I dunno, he acted like a retard for most of the story mode.

I can understand hating the other 3 but cassie is pretty much all the best parts of both johnny and sonya in one package.

She's almost an objective improvement on both of them. They should have just had her in and then used her parent's slots for Fujin and Rain

>become a murderer
>why are you locking me up bro, that's not fair!!

What a dumbass character.

Not really. The only dumb thing he did was job and that wasn't really his fault.

kek! you're right! I'm a huge MK nerd and I completely forgot about that dude.

Why did Necrid get gayer and lose all that weight?



you're basically saying why have a hard or easy mode when there's a normal mode

What's wrong with mileena? She's great at mix ups.

Also enjoyed Johnny as a rush down guy and Reptile was cool too.

I really wish the new MK would stick to MK9s style instead of the injustice garbage.

>the best parts of both johnny and sonya in one package

The best part of Johnny is his humor and he is still better at it than her. There are no best parts of Sonya whatsoever.

fucking chameleon

We need an MK9 port

Johnny Cage, as always.
Also, for the protocol, I like Stryker and find it sad that he didn't get a description.

You mean the multiple styles shit?
Yeah they're kinda annoying

The only time he looked dumb was when he was invading Earthrealm.

He captured Cassie's team knowing it was practically a declaration of war. Then he crosses realms to kill them when they escape. He violated so many peace treaties it's not even funny.

Yeh, as well as the stage interactions.

Also really enjoyed tag teaming in MK9.

>tfw Nightwolf with Stryker as my second

Guess the good news is if no one else plays them no one knows the matchups and I have the tactical advantage.

This. Every single character in mk is trash

>your favorite from X won't return in 11
>the remaining revenants from 9 will stay dead and unplayable
>more shitty newbies like Jacqui's cousin or some shit
>even less stages

We're in for dark times

I'm guessing that X's ending leaves a possibility for actually using revenant characters.

maybe they will, I don't read the comic but I don't think they have anywhere else to go with the story anymore

>Sektor and Cyrax

I just like robots.

I actually liked that, it was my main in MKV

>kung lao
I always pick one of those three.

If I'm playing UMK3 then it's Kabal always Kabal.

Kobra is dead.

>Deception was the best Mortal Kombat game
My nigga. It's a shame it got sandwiched between a couple of the worst MK's.

Quan Chi is the blackest character in the game, thats why people dont like him.

Jarek. Literal fucking who.
Is known only because of this "masterpiece":