How's your backlog coming, user? I finally organized mine and I'm starting to make real progress.
How's your backlog coming, user? I finally organized mine and I'm starting to make real progress
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Slow but steady. Bouncing back and forth between Bloodborne and Estival Versus.
What program is that?
If I send you my list of games will you make one of those for me too?
>52 unfinished game
most of them suck anyway
>what program is that
how are do you even know how to use a keyboard?
its Excel you retard, can you read?
That's Microsoft Excel. Have you never seen a fucking spreadsheet before?
you tell me op
nigga u serious?
Slow and steady but motivates me to keep playing.
what the fuck
>how are do you even
>LOTR: War in the North still installed
My Nigga, top tier taste!
>needing to organize a backlog that small
>actually being 12
Not gonna make it, brehs
Seriously, how old are you?
i greatly envy someone who has not seen an excel before
you can easily finish that in a year.
You haven't known suffering till you're doing advanced chemical engineering problems on excel.
I just play whatever game I want to play at any given moment. I don't give a fuck about completion, I just do whatever I think will be the most enjoyable use of my time.
I really don't have a backlog since I mostly buy games I've pirated before and found enjoyable.
ironically this is the most surefire way to make progress through your backlog, since you're actually having fun
I tried to clear the backlog and it just felt like I was forcing myself through games as if they were work.
I've been trying to buy less games but I've come to terms with the fact I'll never beat most of what I buy. So long as I at least put a couple hours into them its not a huge waste of time; its not like I've ever finished half the tv shows I've watched either.
It's a good game, but could be a lot better with other players. Can't seem to find any.
Nigga I got a life. I can't just sit around and play video games all day every day (although I'd be doing something that I enjoy for once).
Mass effect 2 is free right now on origin I think
>Inb4 Origin
Progress has been slow because of school.
Also fucking FFX takes forever to play
Do you prioritize unfinished games over replaying games you know you'd like?
Sugestion: Finish in this order:
>Dead Space
>Far Cry 2
You're welcome.
this isn't my actual backlog just stuff I'm playing now
the bottom two are on a temp hiatus until I feel like playing them again
I doubt I'll ever actually write my entire backlog down but if I do I'll probably use backloggery
It's not going much of anywhere, thanks to my buying a bunch of movies recently and picking up an anime series. I really should play some Fire Emblem Fates, though, seeing as how it is Beruka's and my birthday today.
Why? What do I get out of it?
Also Dead Space's FOV and controls make me wanna quit as soon as I load my save, which is a shame because I love horror games.
mfw I have a backlog of hundreds of games and will probably die without having played more than a quarter of them