Breath of the wild purchased

hey Sup Forums i just purchased this from a local Media Markt in the eu, they were told they were allowed to sell the wii u version LOL

Other urls found in this thread:

Tik or gtfo

Upload for us so we can play it on Cemu 1.7.2.

Are you the real person from facebook? Show us a pic of your hand with the game + a piece of paper saying hi or something.

alright give me a couple minutes

i have no idea how to do that sorry

what the fuck is up with that eu cover


lol, wii u

Ik ga morgen kijken.

Ik wil zo graag BotW spelen maar als hij lekkerder op de Switch speelt heb ik liever die versie. Aan de andere hand, geen geld voor een Switch.

Fucking kutzooi.

If you know how to dump the game, you'll share with us ?

You can dump tickets using this:

put it in ur wiiu and go to and give us the tik pls

you can dump it using disc2wud and/or disc2app

OP doesn't need to dump the full game. We only need the .tik file since the EUR game files were obtained via Ninty's official servers.

Het enige wat je hoeft te doen is de disc in de wii u te stoppen en dan in de browser naar deze site gaan:


Upload dan de tik of post de title key en eeuwige internet faam zal van u zijn.

Fuck you

>OP image is literally a screencap of a facebook post
>people still act like it's real
holy fuck

that was the same person

Don't post your name or anything that'd link to you in real life. Remember your safety comes before the game.

lol someone is going to murder him for Zelda on wii u?

Nintendo Community Vlaanderen / Nederland on Facebook

Did she take that post down?

someone already posted my facebook

its a girl xD

nah, but ninty ninjas could get him and sue like they did with the guy who leaked new super mario bros wii

Grill gets game early, shares tik worldwide! I can see the headline now.

So tomorrow is the day guys, will you miss this place or no?

Don't post your name or anything that'd link to you in real life. Remember your safety comes before the game. She's a girl, and the Nintendo ninjas might

i can see the headlines, justice league fails, clown kills millions

>paying 60 yurops for a fucking game
How much disposable income can you have?

No one will link anything to her. I mean, no one here has a reason for this

I guess no tik

Upload it for us. The wait is literally killing me and I can't afford a WiiU/Switch right now.

>alright give me a couple minutes
Confirmed fake faggot.


burn her ass alive

Looks like I don't have to dump doujins to ban myself from this place just yet.

i have seen gravity rush 2 for 75 (seventy-five) euros at fucking gamestop (germany)

A lot, if you aren't a NEET cuck

No, she doesn't need to share if she don't want to. Also, someone will leak the damn tik file very soon, just wait a little more user

White knight faggot.


Disposable income unless you're saving in Yurop is like 1-2k yurops a month. For a low paying job.


Fuck her

now let the wrath of Sup Forums rain down on her for the next week. Hang her like a nigger

Guys please no

can confirm

fuck rent

while it's not 'I live in downtown manhatten'-high, it's way more than it should be


You're so fucking underage that it isn't funny

Mediamarkt employee here.

This is fake. Not only are we not allowed to sell the game, but that cover isnt even real. The real one is completely different. The real one has link doing a dive arrow shot on a black/gold motif background

its not supposed to be funny faggot


How do we know you're a REAAAL media markt employee!? >:^(


Tbh, When I lived in a small apartment with a friend sharing rent during my early 20s I only made 1.6k yurops.
Still had 1k or more to fuck around with and I never managed to spend it all as someone who doesn't really go out alot.
>tfw jobless at the moment

It's coming boys, prepare your Cemu config!


Are you guys really going to Doxx this girl over this?

5/10, wouldn't bang

welcome to Sup Forums

Where exactly do you see people doxxing this person?

Let's hope not. The game comes out in 5 days, patience is all they need. Doxxing her cuz a company screwed up isn't right.

Sup Forums

Write "Hi Sup Forums" on it. You could easily have gotten this from somewhere else!

It's the exact one that Dutch girl has

Prepare ? Why ? The game should have no problem running at default settings, but yeap, you can just boost the resolution creating a GraphicPack for Breath of the Wild (I don't need to do this now, I've already created a 1080p pack for BotW)

It looks like he's about to initiate a conversation Oblivion style.

>now let the wrath of Sup Forums
Simmer down faggot. Bath, bitty, and bed for you.

She is a poser. She knows the game's release is in 5 days and posted her 'triumph' on facebook. Fucking attention whore.

And something said to you on Sup Forums matters because... ?

Just 5 more hours guys. Kick the chair from under her

many people here have actually done what those teenagers say

what's the point of korok seeds besides inventory? why are there 900 puzzles?

5 more until what?

Can you give me an example ? For real

Please no bully the Dutch girls.

is just an old shit post from a few days ago.

well until the release

Why do people do this?
>I just got a new game wait let me post it on Facebook

I'm too excited to play to even think about showing it off on social media

For the love of god, don't upload the game anywhere prerelease. There's a pretty big chance it can be traced back to you and you could be facing a pretty harsch punishment.

let the retard face her punishment for not posting the tik

but shut up fuck up ! UPLOAD IT! COME ON!

don't listen to this guy, just use VPN or some shit and upload it to MEGA

i agree ! But not MEGA XD something else

agreed. fuck MEGA

well there was this one family that now thinks the internet is satan incarnate because we harassed them for wanting to take down pictures of their murdered daughter

You guys wouldn't care if someone could get jail time, just so you could pirate a game a week earlier. As Trump would say: Sad, just sad.

what the FUCK is tik. what is this language that's been posted in this thread

Trump would be on our side you Clinton Cuck

>All these people begging them to upload it so they can shitpost, gloat and post falseflag wojaks
I don't know why I come here anymore


the ticket file to unencrypt the zelda game files that ninty accidentally put up.


did you mean wouldn't?

I hate the people that have the games and can upload and do all that shit but choose to not do it like this faggot did with Sun/Moon. Glad someone else dumped it though and killed this guy's 5 seconds of fame

omg that's what it means? I thought it meant "pic" in whatever language people keep using

Learn to read. it clearly says would.

lmao she's not even relevant anymore. just looking for attention... again