Decide to play team fortress 2 for the first time in 2 years

>decide to play team fortress 2 for the first time in 2 years
>"HAH YOU GET REKT!! *lenny face*"
>"If you were a shape, you'd be a REKTangle *LENNY FACE*
>"u wanna tussle with the muscle? *LENNY FACE*"

Why did this happen? I haven't seen that fucking face be used since I quit tf2. Do these people really think it's funny?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I haven't seen that fucking face be used since I quit tf2
>playing TF2
Well, there's your answer.

The only people playing tf2 are autistic-grade manchildren who value their lives in unusual hat jewing, and actual 12 year olds who were toddlers when TF2 was created.

It's gone, my man.

>Do these people really think it's funny?
No. They're using it to get a rise out of people and spark a reaction. Based on this thread, I'd say it's working.

>are the people trolling me trying to make me laugh

>enemy overextends to kill me
>his 10 damage scattergun shot allows him to get a kill assist on me after he dies

>can't handle the bantz
>comes to Sup Forums to cry

Because they're stuck in the past. Which is why they're still playing TF2

I love TF2 since day 1, it's my favorite shooter ever, I think it's the best teambased FPS ever made.

Yet, I absolutely can't stand the kids currently playing the game, to the extend that I can't stand playing my favorite game at all anymore.

It's like a whole new generation of dickwads joined the game back in the brief period where "REKT" and the lenny face were actually funny, then the entire playerbase got frozen in time.

shots fired

>people who post chat macro's every single time they get killed
is there anything more pathetic?

>tfw my favorite community server died years ago

>tf2 goes f2p
>billions of russians and brazillians join the scene
>every day 1.4 billion kids are born in russia and brazil alone
>they'll download tf2 as a rite of passage
>they learn the lingo
>perpetuate the meme
>american and european children get caught up in the endless cycle
>the virus spreads to them also

it'll never end. ever. until the sun goes supernova.

>take a few years off
>come back
>can't find the old community server I always played on
>can't even find the map

The best part is all these nerds have like 1000+ hours in the game.

We seriously need a TF3. Not just to fix the terrible performance issues with the current game, but to make it follow the CSGO formula of charging money for the actual game, weeding out most of the shitty kids.

>Not just muting everyone, hiding the chat, and just playing the game.

All the interaction you need is the voice commands, the rest can be turned off and ignored. Your fault for getting this shit get to you.

performance issues? are you kidding me? you can run that game on literally everything, hence the third world presence

I only have one friend who still plays TF2 and 95% of that is just him scamming people to make money off their hats. He bought his last 3 full price titles with a single TF2 scam

TF3, HL3, Portal 3 are all being released in the Orange Box 2.0, with the source engine 2.0. The games are finished for the most part, but Valve is waiting on VR interface to be smoothed out. HL1 was good, but valve wanted something more than a sequel. They built the source engine, and Steam was only an afterthought when Gaben got hacked. Requiring a steam account allowed valve to advertise games and make their billions. With HL3, they want something more than just a sequel. Source Engine 2.0, and VR to sell some HTC Vives.

TF3 will never come out and a new Counter Strike will never come out

The cash cow has been realised, unless they implement some sort of system to transfer over your skins then they cannot afford to drop their paying fanbase

You can run it, but the stuttering issues are present because of the way the game streams data. That's why most of the 3rd worlders suck so bad. Even decent rigs can't hold a stable FPS, and with every update, it just get's worse.

I guess I'm just not experiencing the stuttering then
in any case I still play it once in a while but there definitely aren't as many players

Honestly transferring items wouldn't be a problem, but the community would just bitch about all the changes, so it ain't worth it.

It varies from PC to PC. I have friends with toasters that can run the game no problemo without using configs, and then there's me, spending ton's of money on a custom built rig, and I can't hold stable 100fps.

Just get a job then?

He has a job but ~£150 for an hour's "work" is not bad


its used to make people mad

source: some people will complain about it anonymously online

i played rust once, and there was a guy who kept pasting a chat macro every time he killed someone, and whenever he got killed himself he'd start bitching and ranting in chat about how they must think they're so cool for killing one guy.

Yes, making a thread about it on Sup Forums.

>not just spamming chat macros all game

TF3 isn't gonna happen, just like Half-Life 3 isn't gonna happen. Fuck, even Left 4 Dead 3 probably isn't gonna happen. Valve has realized they can make money without sinking actual effort and time into big budget projects with the potential of flopping. They're all about the micro-transactions now. It was only a few weeks ago we were having all those threads about them potentially trying to bring back the pay-for-mods system.

>~150 eurobongs worth of valve funbux for an hour's work is "not bad"

user, if he is unscrupulous enough to scam kids for hat money, why the fuck not just pirate the video games?

>Why did this happen?

What the fuck is a commando grade? Are there hobby grade weapons too now?

>Even decent rigs can't hold a stable FPS
I am running a "stable" 288 FPS with chris' old ass dx9 script on a 5 years old rig
or at least I would be running it right now if the game didn't just remove my only reason to play it, which was "just fucking join a game" quickplay mechanics for "muh numbers and 10 mintues queue" *matchmaking*

matchmaking is a fucking placebo, you fucks

>Get invited to a Casual Mannpower game by a friend
>Group Party
>Entire game is spent spawn camping the other team and kicking people who try to "Speedcap" the flag.
>Get PMed when I start capturing breifcases to "Slow Down"

At that point I realized this game was never going to be fun again. You either solo matchmake and lose to a group that spawncamps while your team starts quitting in frustration or you join a Circlejerk party and get an effortless win.

It's a walking corpse.

Seriously, shit can be obnoxious, but crying about it is just as pathetic as being the guy lenny facing.

Plus you can mute a person's voice chat AND text, so just mute everyone in the server and enjoy the game.

>>billions of russians and brazillians join the scene
Dunno about you but I have barely seen a Russian or a Brazilian in Casual mode. Not lying.

>topping scoreboard
>dominate someone wearing $500 worth of glowing pixels
>they call you a cute little f2p tryhard
>have thousands of hours in the game since the Orange Box release and still don't wear any cosmetics
>shoot them again

That's why I said it depends on the PC. I don't know if it's just incompatibility with certain component's or just flood coding, but as I said, I met people that can run this game no problem, and others that have constant issues.

>playing mini sentry on hightower years ago
>usually one guy on enemy team shittalking all day about how OP it is on that map
>spam some macro in chat every time he dies
life was much simpler back then

wearing the gibus only was patrician, but i guess that's probably rare now

real gamers wear the saxton hale mask..

People that don't use performance scripts only have themselves to blame, TF2 could run on a Pentium 3 back in the day, probably still can run it to this day with all the added garbage


>It's a 'enemy team has unusual demos/heavies with pocket bitch medic gfs that steamroll your shitty f2p team in less than a minute, killing any potential fun for both sides and you can't do anything about it but get a few kills in' episode

Nowadays if you wanna get someone rump rustled you play with grey stock weapons only and equip the Ghastly Gibus with Pyrovision Goggles.

Gun Mettle was a mistake

it's, quite literally and post-ironically, reddit : the game

Go and try running it on a Pentium 3 fucko, I'm real tired of you acting like a smartass. Of course, i use performance script's, I use rhapsody config and have a fuck ton of commands in the command line. The point is, I shouldn't have to use them! I can run practically any game I want, and TF2, a 10 year old game is going to give me issues?

>playing since 2010 (was on the PS3 version beforehand)
>still put in the same fucking Bronze Medal class as cunts that signed up yesterday
>I even have a physical copy of the game


>making games after 2008

>TF2 could run on a Pentium 3 back in the day, probably still can run it to this day
lolnope, the cosmetics system was implemented horribly and without a doubt the game has succumbed to bitrot over time

Do you have any idea how many items there are that were never given proper LOD models (thus render at max detail at any distance)?

>someone sprays some dumb normalfag shit or some ancient spray they downloaded off gamebanana over my porn sprays
Nothing gets me more frustrated in all of vidya than this, holy shit

>Unusual demo/soldier/heavy with pocket medic girlfriend (male)
>they're always wearing an unsual plague doctor set with circling hearts
>their cosmetics are always pink
>they'll almost never heal anyone else but their boyfriend while they both smooch each other up in the chat

The Steam community was a mistake

What's that? Borrowing someone's melee weapon after killing them?
I've not played since MannConomy.


Picking up a dropped weapon in general. The wall of text in the last panel is from a famously ridiculed post on /r/tf2 where a Plebbitor was quitting TF2 just because F2Ps could now pick up his golden pan he worked so hard for

ever since they added in the gun mettle update which adds in skins, they made it to where the current held weapon is dropped when you die and can be swapped out with the one you have granted it's a weapon you can use. Since before dropped guns gave you ammo, they made it to where players drop medium ammo boxes when they die.

Got a link?

>Tranny medic gf: ~*~*UBER POPPED

Can't find the original thread (might be deleted) but here's the text;

>I DID NOT PAY THREE FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS JUST TO LET SOME WORTHLESS GIBUSVISION SCORE A LUCKY KILL ON ME AND USE MY GOD DAMN GOLDEN FRYING PAN. Just when I decided to leave this sub reddit and think things would get better for me, no, now this fucking shit happens. Now I'm going to be leaving the game entirely unless someone does the right thing, and makes a server pluggin that completely disables this new feature. This is the biggest fucking loadout of bullshit to ever have been dumped onto TF2. This makes EoTL look like a good update. I think it's safe to say all other gold pan owners, saxxy owners, and gold wrench owners agree with me 100%. IS NOTHING SACRED TO YOU PEOPLE? Suuuuuuuure people only are able to use the imbued weapons until someone kills them or they leave the server BUT EVEN THEN that is PLENTY of time for them to enjoy WHAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE. They didn't save money up for months. They didn't do hundreds of tours in MvM. They didn't make an amazing short film that earned them a saxxy award. They didn't get super fucking lucky and crafted a gold wrench. This is by far the single most unfair, inconsiderate, atrocious, move valve has ever fucking pulled. And it doesn't stop there, anyone who owns anything nice, something you hold dear to your heart. It could be something as simple as a specialized flaregun. Someone could just walk right along, pick it up, and use it against you. YOUR OWN WEAPON. How would you feel after getting blasted with your own pro ks aussie RL? or any other aussie for that matter? YOU'D FEEL LIKE SHIT. Now Imagine the situation I'm in. even if they killed someone else using MY pan, they do NOT deserve that kind of privilege upon scoring a melee kill.

>getting triggered by ironic memes

This reads like Chris-Chan. I wonder if this guy will try to mace a Valve employee.

Is this game still fun? Haven't played it since 2011.

>le epic pc gamer memes

It's still the same old TF2 but with less players and active servers.

>6 year old video of computer showing an ancient steam interface

Yeah, try that again with a recent version of the game.
2/10 made me reply

>video of TF2 lacking custom skins



I hope someone replied to the original rant with
>just borrowing it, bro :^)

I thought it died? It's never active when I'm on, but maybe that's cos I'm Yuropoor

The last time I plated TF2 was before hats. I will never come back. I would play TFC before TF2 again.

Friday Saturday nights

Eastern us nights

>Dominate someone
>They get a 5 damage revenge assist on you

lenny face? i thought that was the reddit face. only place i ever see it is in reddit comments.

What brazilian and russians have to do with your game? They had their own servers to play, everyone had. had...

>you live in a timeline where the 360 version of TF2 is better than the PC

basically every fucking game now or I'm on the team rolling. they need a noob play pen

>both the PS3 and 360 ports are still just about active

Still one of the biggest wonders of gaming

I stopped playing PS3 version years ago when people imported PC-exclusive content and flew around with god-mode on

>haven't changed my name in 4 years
>have tons of really cringy names from back in 2010 still in that drop down menu

It's not fucking fair.

My best memories of TF2 are playing the game at launch, and then later playing on the 'teek.

BTW, does anyone play TF2 Classic?

Same here, and it gets worse.
>look up profile on Steamrep
>even older and shittier names show up

weabootique was nothing compared to the party van server.

>best way to play tf2 is to wait for 360/ps3 emus to not be complete shit and play through them

that server is still up

makes me sad seeing it empty all the time

I miss tf2...

You try to play a video game and people there are acting like apes. It makes me think that said activity is degenerate and move on.

Lately im thinking whether the pros of browsing Sup Forums are more than the cons or not because it feels like its more shit more often.

>it feels like its more shit more often.

You're only just noticing this?

No. Its just that it pisses me off more and more every day. I've reached the point to despise people who identify as part of Sup Forums and act based on Sup Forums "culture"

literally this

I like it, those kids tend to get the most upset and its hilarious

>I've reached the point to despise people who identify as part of Sup Forums and act based on Sup Forums "culture"
It's a lot worse on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums isn't shit compared to what I've seen over there.

I've never been there but sure as hell i have never ever heard anything good about this board ,just the opposite.

>Do these people really think it's funny?

Said the person who posts on a site that still things PEEPEEPOOPOO and Wojakoff is still funny.