Tales of Berseria

Will you save the world with Eizen and Edna in Tales of Orfellia?

But Eizen is dead

He got purified in the Anime

>tfw i thought people saying eizen would come back were memeing
>tfw eizen will actually return for a sequel

Im so happy now

First for Velvet is wife material etc etc

what episode?

Also he's lying he doesn't get purified but Sorey does purify a dragon and tells Edna we can purify your brother now

it's not him it's another dragon , but yes they can save him in the anime

Best boy!


I didn't like Zesteria but I really liked Edna as a character. It would have been hilarious seeing her and Magilou interact.

uh, the fuck is this retarded second eleanor fight when nothing has been remotely as hard on intense so far

suddenly the enemy AI starts focusing on my own AI characters and destroys them within one of eleanor's combos + the orderlies

To be fair she would have been hilarious with most of the cast of Berseria. Her trolling Laphicet would be pure gold.

>being this deluded to the rules of storytelling
>actually thinking that this means Eizen will live rather than making his inevitable death more tragic

It's like you've never watched any form of media. Nothing works twice.

A-are we getting Eizen to return?

I can finally see Eizen and Edna interact with one another now. Thank fucking christ. This means he has to return for Tales of Orfellia right?

They're shitting all over their own game.
Are we getting a Zestiria R?

I'm aware that it's a definite possibility.
Although it's also possible that they noticed that people love the characters and therefore want to keep a backdoor to bring him back somehow in the future because MONEY.
Never underestimate the power of popularity and money, it tends to bring characters back from the dead. I wouldn't bet my hand on it, but this scene could very well be here because of this too.
If anything it might be better thanthe original, I mean, it's not like Zestiria has a lot left to shit over to begin with.

Too soon to confirm Eizen can be purified.

If it doesn't happen that would be quite a big froll and fuck you to the fanbase.

This anime shit worth watching or what?

Honestly, no.
Alisha, Alisha, Alisha and Alisha again. And sometimes, very rarely, they remember that Sorey exists.

At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if the anime went full retcon and just turned Alisha into a Seraph at the end as well just to justify dragging her into the next game with Sorey and Mikleo

Is Alisha going to return for another game as a Seraph?

Please tell me that the anime will kill rose.

Rose became a Shepard after Sorey went to sleep.

As long as she's not there anymore in the eventual sequel, it's fine by me.

But is it worth watching as a substitute for the game while knowing that the animation studio has the biggest boner for Alisha and is shoehorning her in places she wouldn't normally be? I don't want to play the game after hearing about the way the gameplay turned out but I want to know where the story goes after Berseria

Just watch a few episodes and see if you like it? It's not like you have to pay for anime.

>Lailah made Michael into a Shepherd at age 11

Suddenly I feel sorry for the guy. I can only imagine what being brought up with Lailah's outlook on humanity would do to a kid.

Just finished Berseria, reading up on stuff that happens in Zestria, should I just play the game or watch the anime?
Is the anime good?

Game. Anime isn't canon.

First talk between Phi inside Sorey and Lailah sure will be awkward.

Is the game good then?
Heard some pretty mixed things about it

So the anime is not just fujoshit pandering, surprising.

Not really, but it's worth playing after Berseria just for continuation if you enjoyed the world.

not him, its meh, this coming form a massive tales fan.

ill probably skip it then, I have too much too play and watch right now anyway, I'll just read what happens somewhere thanks friendos

Why the hell do some very useful moves and spells only have HP/SP recovery effects on them? Everytime I use them, it feels like a missed opportunity to proc a stun or status effect.

Rokurou, my man.

Just watch the anime. It's miles better than the cluster fuck that was the game. You're just listening to assblasted Tales fans who meme this hatred of the anime. It also properly ties Berseria and Zestiria and will be established as the new canon

Now now, while the hate of the anime is a bit meme'd, saying that it is "miles" better is a bit much. It's not like it's great neither.

It's been more coherent and better than the game. I actually enjoy watching each episode and seeing the party progress, especially with today's episode with the implications of dragon purification

>also properly ties Berseria and Zestiria and will be established as the new canon
You can stop living in delusion now. Anime adaptations are never canon.

True that, the point is just that it isn't that hard
To be fair if the devs have any brain they'll decide that the game wasn't canon neither.

The game isn't not canon until they make a remake. And they likely won't because Zestiria is cancer and they need to move away from this universe as soon as they can. Makes sense.

>started a prison riot, burnt a faggot's face, chopped a lizard man's tail off, and burnt some docks
Man being on an edgy adventure for vengeance is surprisingly fun

Or they can just go on the retcon route now that Baba is gone.
We'll see at the tales festival I guess.

>Alisha and Velvet

Too bad the two will never meet. I would've loved to see how the two got along

should I play Zestiria before Berseria?

You can, but it isn't mandatory at all.

Before. Zestiria is a waste of time.

Just watch the anime instead and you get the same info

The anime is the perfect way for them to retcon the shit out of everything too. I mean Sorey literally purified a dragon which was impossible before. Eizen is coming back

I want Velvet back

She's going to return at this rate. The anime is making it blatantly clear that they're retconning things to make certain things fall in line for the Tales of Orfellia game.

Velvet, Sorey, and Meebo will be back as will Eizen and Edna. I don't know who else.

The walking speed for this game is horrid

the surfing speed is pretty great though

If he doesn't, you'll look stupid as fuck, but if he does, more power to you.

>every thread

I don't think I've gotten that far

I've never played any Tales game but I'm trying this one out. Does the combat stay this shallow and repetitive through the whole game or does it get any better? I feel like I'm completely missing something.

Yeah, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a memer OR someone who started with Berseria and regretted it knowing how many great moments that reference Zestiria they missed out on.