What is the best MMORPG and why is it Final Fantasy XIV?

What is the best MMORPG and why is it Final Fantasy XIV?

Other MMORPG devs keeps talking about boring shit such as raids and gear progression. Naoki Yoshida is the only one that knows what's important.

Wowfags please refrain from replying.

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Final Fantasy XIV is the best single player MMORPG I have ever played.

>hat is the best MMORPG and why is it Final Fantasy XIV?

XIV might be fun, but the player base is fucking stupid as shit who get offended at the slightest joke.

>join an FC
>crack a joke about Sastasha and it being a secret brothel instead of a pirate lair, and the player characters being cops to storm in to put an end to it
>"Please stop, this is really offensive to brothel workers"
>leave the FC as soon as I finish the dungeon

what the fuck happened to MMO communities? I swear I cracked more jokes about Mithra being prostitutes in XI which was more "offensive" than cracking jokes about a fucking dungeon.

When did MMO communities become so fucking pussified

FFXIV is yet another shitty vertical progression themepark.

you think that's bad?

>join new FC
>hitting it off with some of the members
>decide to clip through one of the members standing in front of the market board and go /afk as a joke
>come back from my afk to find him saying "Seriously stop afking ontop of my character"
>this guy got seriously mad that someone clipped through his character and went /afk
>do that in any other mmo you just get a simple lol
>do that in FFXIV you're suddenly harassing another's character
>decided to just ditch the FC all together and return to playing the game solo

I don't even know why I bother with guilds in this game, the people in them are the snowiest of snowflakes.

Oh, the player character I clipped through was a Lalafell.

>Only 5 people in Mhach over 1k DPS

that's autism for ya

Sounds like that guy has some major autism

Samurai LB needs to be shooting star

XIV won't be good until DRK gets a rework.

>3 of them are healers

>mfw seeing a shitty "punts lalafell !!" custom emote for the billionth time
>90% of the time it's some dumb cat player


>All these babies with inferior taste begging for a butt slider

Why can't you just accept that you find the wrong anatomy attractive? Breasts are more beautiful and more sexually arousing, hence why there are often sliders for them but not for butts.

You're no better than SJWs when you constantly demand devs to cater to you.

I hope RDM LB is some kind of super chainspell and they throw like 200 spells at the enemy all at once.

>People who take their MMO character seriously

It's against the ToS to call people out for being ass. As singling someone out in a group and saying a mean could hurt their feelings.

Hell you can't even show/post other character names on the forum without a ban.

I'd be fine without a butt slider, but they really do need to give our characters a butt even if we can't adjust it.


The butts are fine. I'm sorry for your THICC meme never reaching Japan, I guess.

I'm not asking for thicc, the characters actually have no butt and it just looks off

>Learn yesterday that You can use Feint on BRD with Minuet on without cast
>It also get powered by Minuet
>Try it out in PVP
>Tfw finally able to hit/finish people while moving with Minuet
>All those kills I couldn't get before

God damn, I wish I knew that sooner.


What have I done.

How often do SCH use dissipation?

Our SCH used it yesterday twice.
It was a misclick.


Not often unless it's an emergency and you need the extra aetherflow stacks for healing.

Your fairy provides a ton of free healing and having to resummon it is expensive.

FF14 is most certainly not the best mmo.

I usually use it before a thing dies for the 3x energy drains, and for openers in dumb shit like Zurvan that doesnt do any damage

The only time I've noticed my SCH use it is in A12S before Divine Judgment for superpowered Adlo + Deploy. She has plenty of time to get her fairy back out by the time the intermission is over.


It's not the BEST, but it's the most polished turd in a sea of diarrhea.



Sleep tight, mhigger.

I just wish I didn't have to actually party up with people at times.

Characters in FFXIV now have no butts at all though.

This fucking gets me everytime these are the kind of people we play in duty finder with.

>tell people to regroup or protect last big crystal
>like 8 of not even the same group spread out trying to get bases or small crystals
>even before this last chance there's several more who do what they want and don't work as a team

>2.5 gcd
>streamlined ass classes
>now they're going to streamline them anymore cause babies can't push 3 buttons in sequence
>"optional" cash shop
>practically a waifu sim at this point

The characters literally have no ass. If you've ever seen a woman, their ass has a different shape than a man's. A man's is more straight and flat, a woman's is more rounded.

Every ass in this game is a man's.

Have you tried being less autistic? MMO players are adults now.


Dex used to increase block rate actually

XIV characters have neither.

>SAM was not fun in FFXI
I didn't know people could be so wrong.

>"optional cash shop"
what are you implying? I agree it's shitty for a game like this to have a cash shop, but it really is optional, it's only cosmetic things

where did this whole "respect the content" meme come from?

XIV is basically a casualized WoW. The entire point of 2.0 changes were to get WoWfags. Most of the playerbase is WoW.

But hey, at least you got mad erp like in pastebin.com/mt8BPAFx

Either OF or that very Kelly edit.

>casualized WoW

You apparently haven't played WoW since Vanilla. Each class has about 8 abilities. There are no rotations. Most "fun" abilities like Far Sight are removed. Mythic raids are cleared the same day they're released.

It's literally the most casual it's ever been. FFXIV isn't hardcore at all, but it's more than Legion WoW.

Guess this is the best thread to ask this in. Is thief a good starting class in FFXI if I'm just going to be soloing and using trust NPCs?

This game's boob options aren't good enough either, fwiw.

the job choice doesn't matter that much since you can find npcs to fill any role. Just be sure you level a mage sub for sneak and invis since you'll be going all over places for story. I went pld and its awful having to go switch between war sub to actually tank and whm sub to go explore without it being a pain in the ass

Kk, I haven't even started yet so maybe I'll make a White Mage, its my favorite FF class I just wasn't sure how well it would work here.

the only annoying part about being a mage is that trusts don't attack something until you melee it. I'm guessing it's so you could sleep/bind a mob and run away but its still annoying so just be aware of that.

Are you ready for Da Zhloe?!



I'm sure we'll get a Live Letter in march talking a bit about 3.56 and more about Stormblood.

When he was answering those questions the Sup Forums threads were full of people complaining that none of the questions were about raids or balancing.


>muh raids
>muh balance
This obsession is what kill MMORPGs.

Konsuba crossover event when?

Those older games had things worth doing that weren't raids though.
If you don't raid in XIV you may as well not play it; except for the month before and the month after a new expansion when there's enough novel story content to justify a subscription.

Honestly it triggers me too when people clip through me but I keep the autism inside.

Like what?

>Sohm Al HM
>Tank says this is first time tanking this so we should be nice
>All fine and well
>Dies because he doesnt use CDs on tank busters on last boss
>We all die
>Tell him to use CDs

FFxiv is trash. It doesn't feel like a mmo. Just a single player rpg where you do co-op during the dungeons.

Isn't that all MMOs?


FFXIV still doesn't have their side of the PSO2/FFXIV collab
We're more likely to get another DQ event than anything

>he still tries to give retards advice on anything in this game
How do you find the will to continue?

it wasn't like that on ffxi

t. only started playing MMOs after Cataclysm

The game where you could hire an NPC party?

Surprised you didn't get kicked.

I played it in 2005. I never remember doing that.

Trusts are a recent thing, you fucking underage idiot. Until the past few years, FFXI required you to gather a full player party to accomplish nearly anything.

No, instead XI was just a bad game.

i remember people using bots to play ffxi because the game was so tedious and boring

That is a feature added in fairly recently. When you compare EQ, FFXI, early WoW etc. to modern MMOs, it's really stunning how hard they abandoned the community aspect. I play XIV and I just wordlessly hit up duty finder to wordlessly join a dungeon to wordlessly grind out exp with other people who I never see again. Meanwhile I still remember to this day fucking around with total strangers and shooting the shit grinding in Valkurm Dunes in like 2003. You don't even really venture out in the overworld in XIV, especially when you get a house with your FC. So much potential is just wasted because nu-WoW utterly eviscerated the lifeforce of this genre.

Open world dungeons, faction systems and economies that aren't stillborn, rare enemies and world bosses, seasonal events that last longer than 15 minutes, dynamic multiplayer activities (think FATEs like attack on Highbridge but longer and more involving with actual rewards), and instanced grindable content without arbitrary lockouts/caps.

PotD is the closest they've come to making anything with a degree of longevity besides the raids. And that's relegated because it awards gear that isn't raid-level. What they should do next time is to add the gold saucer battle arena as the next Deep Dungeon, implement a shitload more GATEs to the Gold Saucer such that there's always 1-2 on, and let people keep grinding it all for MGP, and use that MGP to buy upgrades that make MGP-bought Mandervillian equipment stronger.

>Random c@ blows kisses at me

What did she mean by this?

she meant "i'm a 30 year old manchild who plays a cat and wants a beta to orbit me because they think i'm a girl"

I've done that with fags in Idyllshire trying to show off their new shiny shit. Try outshining the size of my Behemoth.

What the fuck dude? It might've been love!

>Person you've never been before is near your FC house


i play flyff for 10years and now Ragnarok Path of Heroes on mobile for 3years

yes i only like korean mmo.

She(?)'s not wrong.

>Have you completed every achievement in the game?

No thanks I'm not retarded

also i play gw2 and i love it but only for one summer... to easy...

>I have actually done all of those other than a few achievements that just take luck like mega cactpot

Where's my content you fucking Japs? I log into dead free shit like ESO and GW2 and have more to do there then I do in this subscription game.

RO path of heroes is really cute.

>tfw you finally clear a11s

>to easy

Well come back and give it a shot because high rank fractals and raids will fuck your asshole raw. Hell they had to nerf the HoT storyline because it was "too hard" for people.

That's deep, man.

>Where's my content you fucking Japs

It's because all the game has going for it is "content". If the developers didn't go the route of stuffing the game with dungeons every patch that replace old ones it wouldn't be so stale. That design process can only lead to players running out of things to do.

>What is the best MMORPG and why is it Final Fantasy XIV?
Because wow is going downhill since wotlk, and somewhere around wod it finally lost its crown to FF.

Even though they released another expansion, Legion is equally as shit as wod, and it kept the downhill pattern from previous expansions, making GW2 the second best MMORPG.

If they keep doubling down on the same stupidity that brought them down, it wont be long until yet another mmo surpasses them for the third place, and by long I mean a few months.

Exactly. Every dungeon and raid should have been the same ilvl so that you'd have a fucking reason to do the old ones. Horizontal progression. Instead you get this vertical treadmill of "your gear is worthless every raid patch" and it's stupid.

reach max level on 2chars and join a very active guild and i do raid... the guild was full of normies with mic and i prefer farming and grinding.

This is your BLM for tonight.
He does this for every double-flare.