Do you care about anyone on this team?

Do you care about anyone on this team?
We have:

>Black Carth
>Human Female Asari Commando who has ties to Cerberus
>Quirky, hee-lay-ree-ous "scientist" *Glomps you*
>Grandpa Krogan
>Twi-lek freedom fighter
>Turian who believes in the power of friendship

Other urls found in this thread:

lazy shit design

>Black guy
>named Liam

Damn, you just know old boy got beat up in school

that really is garbage alien design

Looks like a shit team just like in Inquisition

Why does he have fucking baby arms?

That species couldn't even wipe its own ass and you're telling me they survived long enough to master space travel.

>no white male

Guess I can't relate to any of these characters then.
I won't buy the game until they give us more characters that look somewhat like me.

I stopped caring after how let down I felt playing ME2 so I guess no by default

Jaal would probably make a cute alien trap, is he /our guy/?

Are you baiting or just stupid?

...but you play as a white male. Who can be more relatable than the character that you are controlling and making decisions for?

Have they really revealed all of your crew?
They didn't leave any surprises?

>Black Carth
Do you have a single fact to back that up or are you just making fake news?

Yep, that's the full crew.

Is this a common asari name?


I just get the feeling I won't like a single fucking member of my crew.

nope, or source it buddy

>no sex bot

what the fuck were they thinking?

Good job BioWare, I don't know how you did it but you made twi'leks unsexy.

Is Liam going to be this games Kaidan/Jacob/Vega?

Just like inquisition then?

Thinking of designing a vaporwave themed platformer

holy shit this looks terrible

>Go to a new galaxy
>Keep using the same exact aliens

I just want some sweet Turian pussy

I care about Cora because I want to fuck her.

It's an abbreviation. Her full name is Pelessaria B'Sayle

>Lucas: Liam Costa feels like he's the Carth Onasi of Andromeda: an average Joe who, by nature of his human species and levelheaded demeanor, seems to be a lot less interesting and appealing than all the exotic, quirky aliens in your crew. But for whatever reason - maybe I'm just boring - I've always gravitated to the Carths and Kaidans of BioWare's character archetypes, so I imagine I'll be fighting alongside this friendly Englishman frequently

>>Turian who believes in the power of friendship
I care about her, that's who I'll be romancing.

her real name is Pelessaria, peebee is just a nickname because ppl couldnt pronounce it or something like that

What. The Inquisition crew was cool.

not one to usually defend bioware but come on, you got to expect the crew to be mostly from the milky way galaxy...

At least you can play as your species you ungrateful faggot, this planet is bogus

female turians are hot so Vetra seems "interesting"

krogans were always bros so hes cool too, rest can fuck off

Grandpa Krogan is the only one there that even comes close to looking interesting at all.

The rest of them are jokes.

It's not like we could make new friends during the journey...

So, why not make the game in the milky way then?

>Set in a different galaxy
>Still can only play as human

>being this dumb

>your character can be a white male

Why would I need to relate to a character I have full control over?
It's the other characters that I need to be able to relate to.

I agree that we need more of your kind in games.

Isn't it crazy how the Andromeda crew made a new friend from the Helios cluster?

obviously yeah you will acquire teammates in the new galaxy but I'm sure still the vast majority of the team is from your crew.

>everyone in this space adventure should be white dudes

I hate Sup Forums


It's not even that it's that these are the SAME aliens from ME ONE.

A Krogan, Turian and Asari with two humans. Again.

One new species is apparently supposed to make up for that.

Why not another Drell. We know nothing about them. Volus? Another we're unfamiliar with. Batarian? We've had the basic three three games in a row.

>Established that Asari live the longest and max out at about 1000
>Krogan live the second longest with no upper limit stated
>Grandpa Korgan is apparently 1400 years old


they are all ugos.

it would have to continue the shit mess result of mass effect 3

>Pelessaria, peebee is just a nickname because ppl couldnt pronounce it
They could have choose for a name which actually looks hard to pronounce.
Or a race with actual unpronounceable names like the Vorcha

>Maining Turian/Krogan for the 4th time
I'd try to swap it up but everyone else looks genuinely shit, and I know they can't give real personalities to the woman or the minority because that would be offensive

>No Quarian
Even a male one would have been fine.

Though there's something bugging me about Liam. Is he based on anyone specifically? I feel like I've seen his exact face before. Also he's gay isn't he?

Do you care about anyone on this team?
We have:
>Ugly white female
>Elvis impersonator
>Blue ayyylmao
>Fat lizard
>Slim lizard
>Space Muslim

We know nothing about the new companions maybe they will be great or bad only the release will show it

>Why not another Drell. We know nothing about them. Volus? Another we're unfamiliar with. Batarian? We've had the basic three three games in a row.

I'd be all for it, that's just bioware's decision to keep using them

You ever think that maybe the races in this galaxy have enough problems with each other and probably don't like the 5 species looking to colonize their galaxy?

The Andromeda initiative was pretty much only meant for council races.

>Human Female Asari Commando who has ties to Cerberus

>this level of reading comprehension

I hate Sup Forums

I liked the Elvis impersonator.

Looks like another Mass Effect game where you're rolling Turian/Krogan. Yippee.


Asari are considered the longest living species because they actually live to die of old age

The vast, vast, VAST majority of krogan die young and no one knows how long a krogan can live since there has never been one that died of old age.

Vetra is hot though.

I hope so. He has a really nice voice but I would've preferred a homo lizardman t b h

That's embarrassingly bad. God I hope this flops

It's never been said that asari live longer than krogan. Just that asari live around 1000 years and almost no krogan die of old age.

God tier
Ok tier
Shit tier

Krogan always kill each other because they're savages.

She's a young human female who got to join an asari commando squad.

You know all those decades of training asari commandos have to do? Apparently she was too good and naturally talented for that

The fuck is wrong with you?

Still better designs than this trash


You're justifying the lack of variety using game lore the devs wrote.

Word of god can justify anything they need to. The point is to get creative and find a way it works. If Javik can be a fucking character anybody could. Give a Hanar 8 guns and go wild.

Tali, Wrex and Garrus looked dope from the get go though

It's just Bioware incompetence again.

"Garrus, Wrex, and Liara were popular, let's have those races again even if people liked their characters more than their actual races"

She's a female human.
She's a biotic in a latex suit.
She shares TIM's last name.

>that Tali
It was a crime we couldn't romance those hips right from the start.

>it's another "user completely missed the point of a post and is bitching about it" episode

Objectively correct opinions

Garrus ALWAYS looked cool. And you knew he was amazing from the second he talked.

It's wishful thinking, but it would be cool if there was option to talk some sense in asari's head, so she'll start using her proper name and acting like normal person of her age and race (and, assuming she's "academic", status).

i want to fug some geth pucci

Yes, I care very much about Garrus, Wrex, and Tali.

This is a shit argument because this was new and interesting at the time. We knew nothing about these aliens and their personalities were actually unique and well-written.

Based on what we know about nu-squad, their written like they're deviantart characters and we alread know everything about all of their species because Bioware doesn't want to put the effort in to write about Batarians, Volus, Vorcha, Hanar, Elcor, or hell that fucking bird species we know literally nothing about.

Well, fuck canon then, I will play as a scientist Krogan Ryder with ties to Wrex lineage.

It's cause Tali wasn't a hoe. You had to actually develop a relationship with her.

>Salarian and Quarian were the two best companions ME ever had
>Go back to dull ass Turian and Asari

I'll just go play Mass Effect 2 again. The only reason I play these games are for squad interactions and after 2 it's a steep downhill slope.

Tali and Garrus were fucking awesome from the start

what the point of his tunic? Looks just stupid and besides, BIOWARE's engine still has no cloth or hair physics whatsoever, so its just will look static and weird...

Tali was literally a quarian encyclopedia in ME1 and she was "uwu I'm so shy please don't impregnate me baka" tier awfulness in ME2-3

Is ME2 better than the first one? Still haven't tried it.

How can I care when I haven't played the game and I barely know anything about them?

>Human Asari Commando

>*Glomps you*
Is there a faster way to give away the fact that you are an obese Redditor?

It's still a crime we don't have a fem quarian in andromeda.

Purists are gonna try to tell you no but the original Mass Effect aged like fucking milk.

ME2 established all the lore. Had the best companions. And took an aimless combat system and gave it direction.

Mass Effect 2 is the best of the three because it says fuck the continuity and gives you a standalone story that is basically the movie Armageddon with aliens.

Aliens were the best party members in ME1.
ME2 had better human party members but the aliens were still better (didn't help that the old aliens were still around).
ME3 had best human party member but still alien overload.

no buy no replies. sage & hide until pajeets get fired

the gameplay and graphics are better

everything else is worse

>It's the other characters that I need to be able to relate to.
Why do people feel like they need to relate to anyone?
It's a story, you read it, see what happens.
Anyone who needs to ''relate'' to anyone is probably autistic.

>what the point of his tunic?
Check Cisquisition armors for more info


You can kinda tell when Bioware began to run out of steam in the character creation novelty.

I still like Kasumi though

Did Mass Effect always have designs this shitty?