this game spooked me when I was a little boy
One of the most memorable enemies in shooters period.
uh oh.
>SS4 will be released this December
You think so?
I mean I saw that thread earlier but there's been no trailers, no screenshots, no nothing. Only Croteam's word that they're still working on it
>tfw playing SS VR and suddenly hear the screams and kleers coming
How good is it and in what way did they actually nerf the Witch Bride?
Is that game good?
I love the descriptions of the enemies.
>The Beheaded Kamikaze is an executed Sirian soldier, raised from the dead by Mental, and controlled by a "Life Control Unit" (LCU). The head of the Kamikaze has been ruined, therefore, he is employed for suicidal attacks, in the form of fragmentation grenades. In combination of both this and the scream produced by the LCU's basic vocal synthesizer, Kamikazes can both confuse and instill fear in enemy forces. However, the LCU has limited AI and usually cannot discern obstacles, only some cliff faces or sheer drops, leading them to getting stuck regularly or entering friendly fire.
I'm not talking about the new game, but the SS1 port with the full game, but with great VR support (and dual wielding for all weapons).
It's pure terror
its so fucking good though
You're teleporting in the VR right? I wish we could handle VR with movement
>that giant winding hallway full of nothing but hundreds of Kleer Skeletons in TFE
>didn't know about the secret cannon when I first played it
minigun man
minced meat
There's nothing that bestows sheer panic quite like running out of minigun and laser gun ammo with 500 Kleers standing between you and the next backpack.
No, you can move with the stick (your room position acts as an offset), which is what I do. No sickness
Man I want to try First Encounter VR but double dipping and at £30 seems a bit much for me.
Yes or no?
Wait, so you basically move around like with any other fps and you don't get sick? I thought this was impossible.
I thought something like seeing yourself moving without actually physically moving always triggered sickness.
Fuck everybody, I liked it. It was fucking fun.
Fuck no.
Yes. You just get used after a little time. You become focused on shooting and being paranoid
And by the way, you can choose how you move, and many other options related to motion sickness. The VR support is great
hows rocket jumping in VR ?
Well fuck me that's encouraging. My hope in VR is restored if I can actually play normal FPS games with them.
3 is worth at least one playthrough.
I'm surprised that TSE has a soundtrack just as good as TFE.
Am working on teh vidya meself.
>VR is only in babby mode rite nao.
I played it long long ago before it was released.
>It was ok.
Cannot compare to the frenetic speed of the first.
Wait there's a cannon there?
Works just as well, as far as I know
It was kind of expected. Even if the first impression is bad, after some time the brain can get used to almost anything.
I hope there are more ports like this one (Croteam is portin everything, including the Talos Principle), since they are great fun, they feel new and there is lots of content (what VR needs right now). Soon all multiplayer will be unified, so people with VR mode will be able to play with others.
Croteam after finishing the first one started on that pretty much right away its more of the same.
jojo reference
TSE has the best soundtrack*
Similar experience here but on a way slower moment pace.
I played some Drunkn Bar Fight and moving with the pad feels strange but after a few minutes of moving I felt fine.
>Move about with the pad
>Start wobbling about a bit
>Oh god this is strange
>Few minutes pass of testing walking about
>Feel fine
Watching others do the same they tired was fucking hilarious though.
>Play Japanese version
A kinda large chunk of it was also already finished and just lifted from the old alpha version like the flamethrower or the Kukulcán bossfight.
Hell, even the dragon bossfight in 2 reuses the AI and animations of a scrapped enemy from that alpha.
What the fuck was his problem?
He's just an aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasshole.
Maybe this will help explain.
You know that first part in every SS game where you only have shotguns? 2 feels like that is dragged out for the first half of the game. Afterwards it gets pretty fun imo
>every SS game
Not if you grab the rocket launcher in the first level of TFE.
And in the first level of TSE
Friendly reminder that 3 was bad and if you like it you should consider suicide
The boss fights were the only redeeming part, and of those, the last one was far and away the best. That fight alone almost makes up for the complete slog that is the rest of the level.
3 was really good.
I played TFE and TS3 constantly and had to die a billion times because all of the environments are static. With destructible environments the game is a galaxy apart from the first two games.
>not this
is this the best argument you could pull out of your ass? how the fuck do very select destructible things change anything?
>pick up pic related
>walls close you into the smallest killbox imaginable
>fall for this shit 20 times
>game featuring cartoon humor
>reluctant to entertain it because muh video game survival
>I played TFE and TS3 constantly and had to die a billion times because all of the environments are static.
What did he mean by this?
instead of waiting for enemies to round corners you can shoot through obstacles, a ton of them, and kill things much more easily. it's just a lot easier to fight hordes of enemies when pillars and walls can come down. in the first stage, there's nothing but urban streets and buildings, as you get closer to the end of the game a lot of the environments are destructible, allowing you to play much more to your liking than killing any and everything in a straight line
Pillars are only a problem when you're fighting those shitty monkey enemies. Aside from pillars you can't break shit. And as you get closer to the end of the game levels go back to traditional SS level design, as in dropping you into a huge open areas with barely any obstacles. If you're shit at TFE and TSE, you don't need to make up bizarre stuff to excuse your shitter ass.
I'm talking about fundamental improvements in the series in respect to the quotes post. I can't bargain with your specific values and how you enjoy video games.
What game is this from? I legitimately don't know.
>inb4 newfag
Determined Daniel
I can imagine how it went at Croteam one day
>hey guys, we made destructible pillars
>oh shit, we gotta show that off somehow
>here's an idea: an awful jumping enemy that's not fun to fight in the slightest
>sounds good, let's do it
>and yeah, make the pillars spawn particles that kill FPS on any machine
>fundamental improvements
The quoted post also advised you to kill yourself. Please do that, namefag.
Fuck you, if you ever played Aztec TSE you wouldn't even have posted.
It seems you enjoy being blown the fuck out.
Oh okay, so that means you know any and everything about invisible walls.
>not killing them with the double barred shotty
My only complaint with SS games is that arena events can last a bit too long sometimes. That being said, that corridor before Great Pyramid was nuts and I enjoyed playing it with my brother on coop
I don't because you keep making shit up. What walls? And you've been talking about static environments, now it's about some invisible walls? Keep moving the goalposts.
>hurf durf making shit up faglord I don't see how destructtible environments add depth and gameplay mechanics in any way shape or form you'll just shit out some contrived bullshit from your repitoire of faggoty mess that i'll eventually have to blow the fuck out because of my incumbent and benevolent nature to bestow help unto the blind
>I'm so used to corridor shooters that I couldn't find my way in SS so I want walls to be destructible to make it more like my corridor shooter no #344
Solemn Seth
>i never once suicided by rocket jump in my life
Are you feeling well? Someone call the ambulance
Sombre Simon
he's a genius
no one can criticize him, let him have his day
What did he mean by this?
>being so shit that you lose track of your own HP
>shooting with rocket launcher in tight corridors
ayy lmao, git gud
>being so shit you never rocket jumped
your sphere of skill gets smaller with each post
Put a sock in it.
Nonono, don't sperg out just yet. What invisible walls? Show me a video or something.
>put unnecessary obstacles in your way which TFE and TSE don't have
>some retard praises it as good design
Retarded Ricardo
In TSE there are invisible walls everywhere.
A lot of the time you'll shoot a rocket at something and it'll just blow up in your face. Sometimes when hunting secrets you'll need to blow up a wall or something and the game will just subtract eighty points of health from you for a wall that doesn't even exist. There are no invisible walls (afaik) in BFE, if you go out of bounds, you just get swallowed up by the end boss.
You can use the cover in anyway you want; that's the point.
In the old games you HAVE to walk around them or else you can't hit the enemies. It's retarded. I don't see how destructible environments are somehow worse. TSE and TFE are plagued with a lot of problems that BFE fixes easily.
>lemme check if this wall is a fake
>with a rocket launcher
>while I'm standing right next to it
>blows up
>in a section with destructible walls
>hmm I wonder where there might be a secret
>guess I'll just shoot everything
>what the fuck, there's not even a wall there! ahaha what a funny game serious sam is
>google "serious sam invisible walls"
>most results are SS2, one SS3 video
Man you just can't stop getting blown the fuck out, can you?