ITT : Games with balls

>that level with kids of Heaven's Gate members buried in a basement

Jesus I know I you wanted realism but I didnt need my day ruined.

Other urls found in this thread: resort

Swat 4 is an underrated classic

Beanbags shotgun to the face underrated

Children of tarone and qwik fuel best missions

Overrated classic you mean. 3 is the underrated one.

it's too tedious

I found 4 more tedious with the retarded friendly AI, slow movement, inability to lean while moving, and menu command system.

i agree, those were annoying.
but i got used to them.

I tried getting into the expansion for swat4 but so far it feels really bad

does it improve? Im on the satanist nightclub mission

How is 3 more tedious? If anything, it's more straight forward that 4. The AI teammates can do everything, they can even lead a whole team themselves. You just give them commands and wait for results. In 4, you have to constantly babysit them, specifically giving them every command, otherwise, they will just stand around and do jack shit. 3 is bare bones compared to 4, yet I still had more fun with it.


Didn' do nothin man

Is this game good for singleplayer or multiplayer? I don't like playing with other people so if it's for the multi I'll skip

>when you decide to go full Waco on that old woman's house with the rape dungeon

So satifsfying to shoot people with pistol armed with JHP ammo in the legs/arms

I dont know why, just feels good, especially when you wound them and they lie on the ground and moan.

SWAT 4's first half was great. Once you became basically an anti terrorist force facing way too militaristic of threats, it fell apart. The levels stopped being all that interesting and the numbers of enemies just went up too an annoying degree.

I was kind of surprised at the atmosphere of this game when I was younger, and didn't expect to see it in a tactical shooter. But boy did I love it.
Too bad I've never seen something like this in any other game.
Also I'm not talking about how I love dead kids in my video games, that's always kind of cheap and edgy and almost always done poorly.

>literally the best AI in a video game ever
>very little pointless micromanagement because everything your squad-mates do of their own initiative makes perfect sense
>Meanwhile in SWAT 4 you can't stack up on a door without somebody having a bitchfit

I really like SWAT 4 but you essentially just admitted you never played 3, or at most downloaded it and didn't take the five minutes to learn the controls.

I would say Diablo 1 had some balls.

SP is very good with a bunch of unique situations. The expansion deals with mostly terrorist shit though. Play on the hardest difficulty non-lethally or dont play at all.

You're in my way sir

>the kid crayon drawings of the aliens above the graves
>the buffalo bob level set near halloween

This games world building was better than it had any right to be.

Dumb question, but when you mean they can lead the team do you mean you can follow one of them as they lead the way without giving them any input at all? Or is it some map queue waypoint thing? Do they act on the fly?

That really was my biggest issue with SWAT 4. Having to order every wedge, cam, door breach, etc. I'd rather just focus on my one character.
Got to the point I tried a lot of SWAT 4 solo, just lining the other 3 on a door I thought was the most packed room until I could flank it.

every time I rewatch Justified I end up playing with just a pistol trying to outdraw the unarmored thug levels.

i really need a new game to do something like that in.

They work on waypoint's, meaning you essentially just guide them along a preset path. It requires some fuckery with the console and stuff, but you can basically make the team act on their own, you can even become one of the elements, following orders of the NPC's. Not gonna lie, I don't know how it's done, but I read it in a thread somewhere some time ago, it even had a video proof attached, so if you look for a bit you can probably dig it up.

Also, they do some action's by themselves, like covering each other, arresting suspects and reporting it, they can also take initiative in combat when ambushed, they won't just stand around.

anyone know where i can buy a good copy of swat 4? never got the chance to play it

Sounds a bit roundabout but I'll try to find out more about it, thanks.
Really annoying when the flow of the operation has to stop at pretty much every corner for a solid 5-10 seconds of clicking through context buttons.

I found a video where the AI leads itself.

I read that they did that because they couldn't get child models.

GoG added it like two or three weeks ago.

>3 is barebones compared to 4
It really isn't. It has a lot of features they cut out from 4 like bullet penetration on more than just doors.


what's the easiest way to make MP work. do I really have to use Hamachi or tungle?

go on swat4stats, they provide a working lobby system for the game with active servers.

SWAT 4 has a community server. For SWAT 3 you're SOL and have to find some friends to play with on hamachi or tunngle.

That's pretty cool, thanks. Seems a bit janky and slow when they're figuring out what to do next but maybe that's because of how big the team is, pathfinding issues or something.

>AI throws flashbang over the balcony of the second floor hallway

ah tried swat4stats but me and my friends could find each other's game although the lobby worked. I must've done something wronf
good video showing how competent the AI is
description mentions all the differences between SWAT 3 and 4 too

>Criminal points gun at me
>Shoot him
>Docked points for killing an innocent

come on man dont make me say it

Thats what you get for using lethal instead of beanbags

>Go up to examine bodies
>One of them crumbles apart

They deserve lead not chairs

It might, but you gotta remember SWAT 3 came out in 99, the closest thing we got to a life like AI before was Quake bot's. For their age, the way they act is fucking amazing.

>i disagree
>no you didn't play the game
you people...

Just dont be the leader, that simple. They will give orders to you.

Also, if you play as the terrorists in multiplayer agaisnt AI you will see how they manage on their own, and its good, they are constantly doing stuff and covering eachother.

>mutilation of two children

This hasn't been mentioned yet? Wow.

Holy fuck

He's not wrong though.

Black and White by Lionhead Studios let you kill kids

you could get really creative with it too.

This game has more balls than any other. Prove me wrong.

Man, I can't remember that. I should replay Prey, it was pretty good.

i wanna download it through this site and heard it's safe from some witty british cunt, can anybody confirm?

Downloaded divinity from that site.
works for me

Lol, You're in every fucking Swat 4 thread.
Why not just make a Swat 3 thread?
Because it'd just be you?

You sure it was safe?

Go kill yourself you fucking tripfag.

Well I downloaded it like a month ago and it worked fine. So yes?
If you're so worried just buy it.

You can get it for free on

The GOG release of SWAT 3 is pathetic, I have to do extra shit to get it to run properly. This is the kind of shit I would expect from Steam releasing an older game. Fucking lazy cunts.

I just added it to my cart with SWAT 4, Rise of the Middle Kingdom and Sid Meier's Pirates! - have they been slacking on making shit compatible on newer machines lately?
Only 30 bucks but I'm always paranoid. But I guess there is a good return policy with them.

>beanbang shotgun
yeah sure
>the hospital level
>unload like four beanbangs into a terrorist's face while yelling for him to get down
>he turns around, doesn't even stagger and 1-shots me
Quickly swapped that shit to lethal and went yeeehaw on them

I bought SWAT 3 and I am not pleased, it runs at 10fps. Sure, I could download some sketchy looking shit to get it to run properly but I'm not. I honestly expected more from them.

Just grab the Last Resort mod, and maybe look these fixes up:

if you have a start up/movie problem.

dgVoodoo2 is not sketchy shit faggot. GOG should be packaging it with their game though.

I'm still astonished that it got away with what it did in 2001. This shit probably wouldn't fly in games even today.

What site? I can't find the GOG Civilizations through the, heh, Usual means.

Why didn't they package it with the game if it's required to run on modern systems and it's legit? GOG is slipping and it makes me hesitant to buy any future titles.

I'm not surprised by this; I've been hesitant about GOG games since getting Hotline Miami off of it.

what it do?

lazy polaks or the guy that made dgVoodoo2 didn't allow them to package it with their game assuming they contacted him in the first place
I'm just glad its possible to grab the game online in the first place.

10 fps? That sounds like more than just the movie problem. Seeing a lot of posts on the GOG forum for the series with SWAT 3 problems too. Ehhh fuck it, 30 day return policy.

Last Resort is just a resolution mod right, not fixes for various problems? Seems like that on the downloads page, just confused since I didn't even mention resolution yet unless you were just nipping that in the bud.

Without going into spoilers, it has topics that include child molestation, terminal illness + euthanasia (in a way), and rape, to name a few. It's also packed with some heavy themes and ideas, (such as care for the mental ill, the validity of suicide, loss, denial, etc) so it's pretty surprising.
None of this is implied or vaguely alluded towards, either. It's pretty directly dealt with.

Steam historically has had shit old-game support, while GOG usually just wraps everything in DOSBox. But, there are times when GOG titles have decent modernizing, like how they package the Fallout games with widescreen patches.

It's fifty-fifty, really. Some titles work out of the box, others work, but barely, and some have solutions hidden away in the forum's
I haven't run into a completely non-functional title yet, aside from NMS.

Actually, maybe the RCT pack.

Are the main 3 like this?

It actually does fix some issues. resort

SH1 is fairly simple, but all of the original four games have pretty heavy themes and topics in general. SH2 is the most dense, arguably, but 3 and 4 have much more going on under the surface than people give them credit for.

Also, this is obligatory for any discussion about the good Silent Hill games. This may be outdated, however.

Licensing issues. If you've ever read how GoG does things, you'll know they want to shit out the best version they can but licensing issues is a near insurmountable wall for them.

I use Last Resort's launcher with the mod itself turned off and dgVoodoo2 and it runs 60fps on Windows 7.

Drop this in your Swat 3 main folder. Have fun.

>mod itself turned off


the expack adds much needed mechanics like melee compliance and delayed orders between teams but the missions aren't as good sadly.

The launcher lets you do easy startup commands and resolutions higher than 800x600 without fucking with shortcuts and target lines.

fucking this

LA Noire is one of my fav games because of the atmosphere tiny insignificant details like that create

>When you violate grandma with a paintball gun and she still won't surrender

deploy cs gas

>Grandma surrenders immediately
>Know that because of her age she'll get off easy despite harboring a serial killer
>Decide to administer some justice with my taser and pepper spray before the arrest

that was easy, thanks

>there will never be a SWAT 5 where you play as a modern 2017 SWAT officer

People will complain the first time there's a black criminal

Will there ever be a time where it will be okay to play as a cop in a video game again?

And i'm not talking under cover like Sleeping Dogs or that BF:Hardline shit.

Gangbangers are glorified in the media yet people in uniforms are the anti-christ all of a sudden.

>Will there ever be a time where it will be okay to play as a cop in a video game again?
Will there ever be a time where it isn't? No.

Deus Ex let the player kill kids and didn't even treat it like it was a big deal.

>ywn shoot up a truck full of elderly asian women while you try to corner the dorner

>Games with balls

The game punishes you for killing people.

>game about swat
>it punishes you for killing people
wow who wouldve thought

The game has no balls

Edge doesn't necessarily mean a game has balls. Hatred isn't a ballsy game, for instance.

>Will there ever be a time where it will be okay to play as a cop in a video game again?

I sure hope so. I REALLY want a game where you play as a regular patrol officer. No super duper undercover narc counter terrorist special police unit plainclothes guy.
>respond to calls
>can be mundane bullshit like settling domestic disputes with dialogue, traffic stops because of broken tail lights where you need to do file work
>do paper work
>captures the monotiny of the average day of a cop
>can get random calls over the radio of a fleeing felony, armed robbery in progress or active shooter
>able to take those calls and get into the meat of the game with realistic and responsive shooting, driving and foot chases
>even "routine" interactions with regular citizens can turn into deadly force encounters unexpectedly

And to top it all off, no faggot political commentary, no mention of black lives matter or any race bait fuckery.

There was an old adventure game from the 80s made by a cop which has its own series. I can't remember the name though.
A more recent game I found though is where is a management police game

>A fat NEET living with his 80 yr old mum managed to dig out a massive rape dungeon and lure women into it