5 years ago this user was a laughing stock. now, Sup Forums agrees with him.
what happened?
5 years ago this user was a laughing stock. now, Sup Forums agrees with him.
what happened?
he was ahead of his time. he knew the truth before the rest of Sup Forums caught on to iy
He was just ahead of his time.
Notice how nobody even tried to prove him wrong.
>2011 was 6 years ago
Why do anime girls do this pose when they are confused?
He's right tho, you can't use 'fun' in an argument about a video game.
I'm still wondering if that Sonygger ever ate that bag of dicks and crows.
Because trying to argue with someone like that is like trying to argue with a very autistic person.
It's not fun for either of you and in the end it becomes a shouting match
i agree with him. having fun and being immersed aren't the same thing.
nah brah you got it all wrong, this is some weird fetish/ drawing meme where people draw characters exposing their foreheads and eyebrows.
But fun is the biggest measure of how good a game is anons
It's disturbing that you might actually be right, and I can't tell if you're joking or not.
Guess I've got a new fetish
your reason for liking something because its fun is uninformative
you need to say why something is fun and if you cant say exactly why its fun then you have poor communication skills and it helps no one
Sure you can. But you have to realize it's highly subjective. Trying to argue a game is good because you have fun with it is retarded.
But user, fun is just a buzzword
Answer 1 (less correct): Since then people realize that "fun" is not an objective but a subjective measure of a how good a game is, and should be used sparingly. A person who have never played videogames may have fun with whatever garbage you throw at him, while people more experienced will have a different amount of fun with the same games.
Answer 1 (more correct): "Fun is a buzzword" became a meme, and memes, just like fashion, go in and out of style. It used to be in style, and now it's not.
here's your (you)
Well it's like calling something "interesting"
You're using a word that describes your verdict without explaining how you got to it. It's valid as an opinion, but if you're debating it doesn't prove any point
Any single word used to describe a video game is like this. Sup Forums is retarded as usual.
He's mostly right. It's not a buzzword, per se, but you can't just say something is "fun" and expect people to take that as a valid argument. If you're just saying that you like the game, that's fine, but it takes a little bit of analysis to actually outline what makes a game work on a mechanics level.
This is all more than can be expected of Sup Forums 99.9% of the time, obviously.
Same goes for calling games shit. You can't just screech autistically, post the same webm of a random glitch for the hundredth time, and expect to be taken seriously. You ought to outline exactly what about the mechanics doesn't work, why the game is not fun.
>tfw I made that post.
You're welcome, asswipes.
I agreed with him the day he posted it. Fun is a buzzword when attempting to describe why something is good. Just like comfy is a buzzword. They're both completely subjective terms that have no agreed upon definitions, so they're terrible to use when saying something is good
Fun fact: I was the user who wrote that
He worded it awkwardly, but he has a point.
Fun is USED as a "buzzword" when you can't actually think of any reasons to explain that a game is good, but is not a buzzword by itself.
People come up with some funnyboy shit when left to their own devices.
>It's not fun for either of you and in the end it becomes a shouting match
How "fun" your argument is doesn't really matter for anything. In fact, consider that you're inadvertently condoning a shitposter carrying on if they just so happen to be enjoying pretending to be retarded in an argument.
me too
Fun isn't a buzzword. You're mixing every thing up.
Fun will never be a buzzword but it doesn't mean it's a useful adjective to judge a game. It's the most subjective thing ever. Saying something is fun say absolutely nothing about the thing itself. It just says you enjoy it. And frankly, who gives a shit that someone somewhere enjoy something? it doesn't tell us if the thing is good or not.
That's what he meant.
>He's autistic
Still not an argument.
politics and SJW shit slipped into games and now its hard to call games fun anymore
boring and hate are the words that come more to mind
I also agree with the 'video games don't have to be games' guy
There are arguments people posting on Sup Forums would consider legitimate.
Pull up statistic figures and people say the source is biased, or any other excuse to discredit it.
Argue with logic and be called a shill or dismissed as retarded.
Shitposting never ends. That's the only thing that binds this website together. It's not just being contrarian, it's far deeper than that.
Fun isn't a buzzword but it's also too vague. You should be more specific about why you enjoyed things.
Any single word isn't used as often as "fun" is by people to justify their likes and tastes in video games.
>that's because video games are supposed to be fun you autist
What makes something fun for me might not be fun for you. My stating that I think Romance of Three Kingdoms games are fun doesn't say anything informative to you if those kinds of games put you to sleep.
Well, there went any argument for any Nintendo decision of the past decade and the foreseeable future
Some things that make a game fun are hard to articulate well because applying it to multiple games can make the concept fall apart.
Would devil may cry be as "fun" if it had weighty combat?
But weighty combat is what people find "fun" about dark souls.
i guess fun is a way of saying whether the descriptor is a positive thing
you can have weighty combat and say it's satisfying and fun to play
or its clunky and and bothersome to play, aka not fun
i would describe dmc combat as fast and fluid which I also find satisfying
Don't you want to play the new Mass effect? Its going to be FUN.
Thousands of people thought tortanic was FUN.
Nobody was laughing at him. Everyone laughed at how true it was.
You may have fun with some game, but that doesn't make it good. In fact, most modern video games are hardly fun anymore.
People learnt to fucking read.
All he meant is that if someone asks you to explain why a game is good and all you can come up with is "it's fun", you've essentially said nothing. If it's good then of course it's fun, it goes without saying - what they wanted you to do is explain WHY it's fun.
Because if you can't then you have nothing to support the notion that the game is good, and anyone who hasn't played it has no reason to trust your opinion on it.
that's not true, things were different 6 years ago, that quote was derided by 99% of Sup Forums in the weeks after
>good is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the game is fun
'Good' and 'fun' overlap, but what's goodness if it doesn't give way to an escalated form of existence (fun)? To say that we shouldn't use the word 'fun' for this reason makes you sound like a puritanical moron.
And why would you ever, EVER immerse yourself in something if it wasn't for the sake of fun/excitement/intoxication? Yeah, you might do well to immerse yourself in your pathetic factory job, and that could be a GOOD thing rather than an immediately FUN thing, but it's for the sake of securing future fun in that case.
You can use it as much as 'good'. People who say 'it's fun' and don't articulate anything beyond that are as bad as people who say 'it's good' and say nothing more.
You guys are sincerely too dumb to be discussing this subject. Get back to posting about your cheevos and youtubers.
although the poster everyone is making fun of says it in the most illogical way possible, he has a point. Objective criticism and subjective criticism are two totally different things.
If someone asks for a subjective opinion on why you: from a critical standpoint believe something is worth being considered -- in this case a "good" game (which is just a gross oversimplification of a variety of factors) and you give them some bullshit like "oh it was fun" you are essentially saying
"I refuse to give you subjective reasons on why *thing* is good; I enjoyed it and that is all you will get from me" which outright denies the possibility at that moment in time for anything logical and not base in emotion to be discussed.
However, imposing a logical discussion in one that starts out based on emotions is also an error in of and in turn ends up being just as illogical as that which it criticizes.
Video games at their core, are for enjoyment primarily in the beginning. The paradigm has shifted and now they are being compared to other forms of art and media on a subjective level. Now you have people on both sides of the same coin both judging based off of a games value as a game an a games value as an art-form as they are a unique media that is expressly ment to be experienced in practice, not simply in passive observation.
He dismissed a subjective opinion and asked for a objective opinion and asked in such a casual fashion that he was criticized for it.
anyone who can't articulate why they like or dislike a game is a moron
>that pic
Holy shit, that is one of the tryiest try hard things I've ever seen. Source?
e-sports became a thing
Basically you guys are just describing the difference between an argument and a mere opinion.
Sure, but consider that there's tons of times where your own reaction to something surprises you, and that you can't really get at the "why" that put your emotion in motion. Who really knows why the sight of something summons such a specific feeling? Fun is actually a god-damn mystery as soon as you go beyond generalities.
Fuck this entire thread.
Grand Theft Auto is not good, because its not FUN.
I'M TIRED OF PLAYING THE SAME GAME FROM 2001. GTA is nigger pandering to the Nth degree.
Exactly. I recommend people to play Thug Hero Party to learn difference between having fun and being immersed.
Fun is the only reason to play video games in this day and age
So do I
Actually it was ME!
we just weren't ready
If not "fun", Then what word would you use to describe personal enjoyment rather than objectivity Sup Forums?
ITT: People who are no fun
anything i like is kino, which speaks for itself
But I dont agree.
>gameplay being enjoyable isn't a measure of a game quality
Neat! Guess Gone Home fans should unite and bring this meme back
That Yui reaction pic still cracks me
A german word for movie?
Is this kino?
I wasn't in the thread but he may actually have a point.
It depends if the user he was talking to was trying to say a game was objectively good or if he was just simply saying it was fun.
Do we apologize?
I'm sorry,
The definition of fun is simple.
Fun = pleasure + surprise
None of those needs to be argumented for. They are the most basic reactions of the human brain.
No point in trying to argue with fun.
>Fun = pleasure + surprise
you're fucking retarded
>it's fun
>it's shit
Sup Forums explained
I always assumed they were making fun of him because he was against 'fun' as a reason someone enjoys a game. If he was talking about objectivity then yeah he's right.
so fun is a buzzword yet "ITS SHIT!" is an argument to you fags?
I want to lick Zelda's thick eyebrows.
False dichotomy, and no.
Actual, it was me, DIO!
It turned into a meme because of how outlandish it was, not that it was true, because its not true.
Fun isn't a buzzword. Its just what people say when they don't feel like actually explaining what they liked about the game dispite its flaws (You know, "Defending" the game), which on a videogame board gets you made fun of. If you enjoyed a game for various reasons then it was fun for you to play. What the poster was making fun of was peoples lack of explanation as to why they felt it was fun, just saying "It wasn't a bad game, it was fun." instead of saying why, even with whatever flaws get brough up about the game, they still had fun with it.
Then Sup Forums let it blow into a meme about objectivity or some bullshit, as if games could be judged objectively.
If you think you or anyone else has any sort of objective opinion on any videogame or think you see any videogame in any sort of objective light; I got bad news for ya. Yer fuckin wrong, boyo. Fun things can be fun, just tell us why they're fun and we'll shit all over you for your taste.
The same thing that saw the PS4 win this generation or Trump elected.
Idiots thinking they're actually the smartest people in the room.
He's right though. You can call a game fun, but don't actually expect that to be any kind of meaningful descriptor. It's like calling it a "good" movie. You can like it, but you should have some actual reasons for liking it when someone calls you out on it.
Oh god I can't believe I still have to explain this.
His point was that fun isn't argument.
Fun is a buzzword in arguments
It is just funny to take it out of context and say just
>fun is a buzzword
because that fits with the funny meme about how Sup Forums hates fun.
I am so fucking sick of you newfags.
>Buying a game from Gamestop
>Clerk tells me to have "fun" with my new game
>tells him it's just a buzzword and he should mind his own business
Why are people like this allowed to work there?
Fun IS a buzzword.
I can say that bashing my head against the wall is f u n and none of you can prove me wrong. If someone says that it's not fun I can say that I enjoy it.
>Idiots thinking they're actually the smartest people in the room.
4 months later and I'm still sipping those delicious tears. Cry more, I think I can fap to you.
what's his name again?
it's true though. fun doesn't say anything about the game other than how you feel about it. explain why it's fun and then you actually have something worthwhile to say.
People say something enough ironically, and it ends up becoming the majority opinion here
that's just the nature of Sup Forumss endless degradation
but just remember everyone, that Yui is always right
There was no irony in No Fun Allowed. It was and still is the prevalent attitude of the board. Our No Fun Allowed is to Sup Forums how they hate naruto.
Been explained in the thread why things be like they be, no need to discuss it further.
Yui = casul
Mugi = patrician
It's all opinions. You're just deconstructing things that don't need it. Now there's no real barometer. Good job.
>An art-form I identify with cannot be objectively criticized or debated about because I don't feel like it
Found the retard
Check yourself you donkey brain moron, why don't you stop projecting your insecurities and inability to do things onto other people and trying to speak for what YOU feel they are incapable of?
Oh wait because you are a moron and too stupid to think.