Best fighting game this gen

>Best fighting game this gen
>Nobody's playing it

What the fuck is wrong with you assholes?

Ded game

dead playerbase which is probably even deader where I live.
Also people like you who try to shove it down other people's mouths.

It doesn't have scorpion or ryu on the cover

>What the fuck is wrong with you assholes?
Buy it for all of us if you're so concerned.

i have no interest in fighters that are both simutaniously so weeb no one will play them with me irl and so dead i have to put in effort to play them online (since the only appeal of online multi is it being less effort )

i only baiken i wait for baiken

>Not playing it
>Because nobody's playing it
>Because I'm not playing it
>Because nobody's playing it

God I hate this logic.

Remember when people used to play games because they were fun?

I'm part of the problem! I, also, base my liklihood of playing a game on its install base, and it wasn't even that long ago that I'd play a fighting game for HOURS with zero internet connection at all

>ded because no one plays it
>no one plays it because it's ded

More like it has its playerbase but other people refuse to try it for a number of dumb reasons.

Dear, FGC. Just because people aren't playing doesn't mean they're not playing. It just means we're not playing with you.

Online play isn't a measure of how active a game is outside of your own circle.

I play it.

Still no Bridget.

Here, fighting games are only Naruto and dragon ball lol

but i am

who /wrastor/ here

Never go full weeb when it comes to fighters, the game will be bound to be niche in an already niche as fuck genre.

You should only go kind of ironically weeb like Street Fighter and Tekken.

It's shit and you should know why

Fork 50 euro for me and I'll play it. I can handle going around begging for opponents on discord, if I got the game for free.

Better yet, make a thread when they introduce crossplay, so the game doesn't die within 2 weeks.

Still too expensive to buy on a whim, the same problem with all fighters. Fighters have some of the biggest hit and miss qualities of any genre, so it's very hard to ever justify paying full or a high price for them.

Bought Tatsunoko vs Capcom on sale and didn't enjoy it, no major loss because it was dead cheap. Bought BB:CPEX on sale and absolutely adored it, and I'm gonna keep playing it until GG is on sale since it's by the same people.

Also, no anime fighter has a substantial online player base a couple of weeks after release. They're basically made to play with friends and communities at this point.

>Online play isn't a measure of how active a game is outside of your own circle.

I'd say its a better measure than you own anecdotal opinion, cunt.

>Fighting Game

There's your problem m8
PS3/PS4 community is going strong


anime fighters are such a clusterfuck, nobody wants to play them

>I'd say its a better measure than you own anecdotal opinion, cunt.

less than 30 percent of the user base have trophy data for online matches. You're not the majority. deal with it

I hate the character design, its the weebest unoriginal shit i have ever seen and i bet the gameplay is shit too.

It's been on sale several times user.

If you aren't playing online or at locals, your opinion on anything regarding the game is worthless not only to the FGC or the devs.

Online is okay at best, mostly not awful.

Community is all stuck in discord, this means if you just want to get in infomation is not that wide spread. Same with videos as Guilty Bits is basically all the help you'll get. If you don't use or like discord you are very separate from the community and getting games can be hard.

Community is generally a bit spastic cause it is a lot of (often young) weebs

Very offensive game with a lot to learn, makes it overwhelming even with experience in other games. Also set play heavy, not everyone likes that. This is made worse by every character having some unique stuff so you have a load of systems on top of the general system mechanics

People are sick of the new game for upgrades since last gen, this is now fixed with Rev2 but after two games you already soured many. Especially on PC, when consoles are already second class citizens to Arcs

I don't understand the system.

I like it, but whatever.

I like NRS games, I find them easy to get into and start learning combos fast

That's mostly because of fags that just watch the 4 hour movie.

Or you can do what I did and leave the genre all together, only sometimes coming back to play older games.

Its pretty original compared to moderne weeb

>shitty artstyle (no complains if this was a new franchise)
>cutscenes in the middle of combat
>ruined combat
sorry i like games

>best fighting game this gen
>no new mechanics to make it better than any other gen
People are busy playing the best fighting games.


Or you know, they have these things called REAL LIFE FRIENDS to play with. But hey hey, why don't you go pat yourself on the back because you beat some guy in California you're never gonna meet and won't even remember your online handle

I'm getting REV 2 for Baiken.

Guilty Gear is pretty cool, and I have a certain level of respect for it. However, GG is particularly hard, enough so that I am not comfortable playing online, and am only comfortable playing IRL friends and mashing. Unfortunately my IRL friends have ditched fightan (or play fightan once in a blue moon).

I've spent the most play-time on GG XRD -sign- (back when my friends actually played). I found Revelator to be a huge stab at the wallet. Since my friends don't play as much, I have only had 1 (one) opportunity to play Revelator against a human opponent. Because of this, I have zero interest in spending money on GG XRD Revelator, 2, because I know that i am not going to end up playing it. Also, even if I did want Rev2, I would have to decide if I want to play on console or PC. My one IRL friend plays on PC, but usually I try to avoid fightan on PC, plus I need to upgrade my hardware.

Personally, I am way more fond of KOF14 than GGXRD anyways, I've always enjoyed the KOF franchise.

Guilty Gear isn't full weeb. That's Blazblue.

I'm talking the most recent iteration at under £10. Anything more than that can wait.

If you're not american/yuropean you can barely find matches.

If you are going to blogpost put some effort into it faggot.

not even close

Do you guys even know what dead means?

incredibly small roster for a fighting game in this day and age. sucky character from who i only like one. waifus, but not going to buy a fighting game for the waifus since it requires a decent amount of learning/skill. story is pretty bad. game is ded. good visuals. revelator 2nd already. games like tekken/streetfighter much more popular and new games coming eg. tekken 7. blazblue is the superior game

There are at least 50 active players in PC Europe, thats more than enough for me.

These are the ugliest character designs I have ever seen

I barely understand what you are getting at here. You think a game shouldn't be considered "dead" just people can play with their friends? I'm sure people still party up and play older Halo games but they wouldn't delude them into thinking the game isn't dead.

I also don't know why you think playing with your friends and playing online are mutually exclusive.

Its simply too much effort combined with a too small community.

People do put effort into something like sf because they know they will always find a lot of people to play and the effort wont be wasted.

I bought this game for PC already
Then they decide to fuck over the entire community by releasing the same game again with a tiny bit of extra content, without any discounts for people who already own it

This is absolutely unacceptable practice, they will never take my money again.

Kum a best

fuck this man i know a lot of weeb ahem i mean anime fighters do this, but the game didn't even have a chance to take off and they already decided to go with the full game expansion shit. even blazblue central fiction is still blazblue central fiction and they are extremely notorious for pulling that shit

I just ordered it on Amazon for $20

I'm really bad at fighting games and everyone in those communities is mean.

How is 23 characters a small roster? I've never gotten this complaint about fighting games. Its so superficial. You'll only play 1-3 characters and having a smaller cast allows for tighter balance or more variety between them instead of SF having archetypes and KOF having a very streamlined gameplan for all characters.

Im playing it now on PSN, using said Kum

Ive heard its not noob friendly.

i like SF. should i get guilty gear?

how longs it take to git gud?

than how come blazblue has 6 characters i all want to main and guilty gear 1?

Because you have shit taste.

Its completely different from SF gameplay.

Its way more setup and mixup oriented and less neutral game/ footsies.

If you like that more or less is up to you.

what does that mean, im a fighting game noob.

>ArcSys "fighting game"
>best anything

Anyone in the US up for some PSN matches?

>Ive heard its not noob friendly.

They just say that to get you to play. The game has an extensive tutorial, but getting through that in itself is hard for a noob. Then when you are done with that you need a lot of actual match experience because of all the character specific combos. Shit's complex and its up to you whether or not you think its worth it to devote yourself to it.

Remember user's this is Sup Forums and any game not matching the numbers of the most popular game in its genre is dead.

I'm playing it though. Eagerly awaiting Rev2 changes and Baiken too.

Then it probably doesnt matter anyways.
But usually in SF games there is more emphasis on spacing yourself correctly and making good use of your normals.

Anime games are often more about "going ham", way more rock/scissors/stone like situations.

Just play it and see if you like the process of getting gud.

I would be but I'm on PC.

same here

but mostly because there arent any local tournies and i discovered i have massive anger issues when playing against people online. I literally need to be able to laugh with you IRL to not get salty

It's more about trying to get a hit and transforming that into making your enemy block until you can get a hit or he escapes (Guilty Gear) instead of being about trying to space yourself against your enemy in a neutral position until you get a hit, making a combo and then restarting the neutral but with a little bit of advantage (Street Fighter).
This isnt a really good way of explaining it, but they are abstract concepts.

Making combos is WAY too hard. I've been trying in the last few day to play Elphelt, Ky and Dizzy but maybe it's just me being incapable of playing fighting games.

*sorry lol rock/paper/scissors of course, that was a brainfart.

For honor is the best fighting game there is right now

It's easy to play and learn cuz you actually understand what you are doing and not just mashing random buttons hoping your hero will shoot some megakillerdeathlaser or just learning some boring combo

Too bad with the current generation that's been flipflopped. SFV is more about a series of guesses on whether its time to dash, jump, or fish for something with buttons. It's much more about going ham and less about space control than Xrd is for sure.

>force your fans to buy the same game again with a few new characters for full price again
>it just splits the online community making it worse for both people who didnt buy it and those who did buy it
>wonder why no one wants to invest in it

arcsys needs to stop doing this with blazblue and guiltygear if they want actual sales and a sustainable product. sell cosmetics and characters after buying the base game and thats it.

bad bait user, here is a pity (you)

Too pricey for a game that's exactly the same as Xrd and Sign

>I like NRS games

Its pretty close to dead going by usual online game standards. You'll only find about a hundred people playing on either platform. That's fine for enthusiasts but it wont impress anyone else.

Yes i agree and i dont like SF5.

But SF4 was hyper aggressive at one point too.(AE)
But in most iterations it was kinda balanced offense/defense.

Just play Ky and do sweep into seal into stun edge oki. You can play Raven and do the same thing but that's getting nerfed in Rev 2.

Or you can play Leo and just do gatlings into rekkas.

I play a bunch with friends and in my local scene. Jacko and Ky mains. Not excited for those Rev 2 Jack-of changes atm. How is Rev 2 treating your character?

The fighting game genre is inherently competitive.
If the playerbase is small then any major strides to be good at the game will never be widely accepted or understood.
Smaller playerbase also means lower amount of competition, which is a big deal for fighting games.

When it comes to normal single player games or non-competitive multiplayer games then I agree it's retarded to care at all about the size of the playerbase, but in this case it makes sense.

>fuck this man i know a lot of weeb ahem i mean anime fighters do this, but the game didn't even have a chance to take off and they already decided to go with the full game expansion shit

This is weird to me.
I mean, yeah, it sucks. I hate it too, don't get me wrong, but Sign came out in 2014 and Revelator in 2016. Two years between iterations is an ETERNITY, especially in fighting games

>fighting games
you people are literally retarted

the steam release was retarded. incomplete, very late and too expensive. not supporting jews 2bh

I get to kill someone after the command grab with Slayer if I have meter... so still bottom tier.

Why would you be eager for Rev2 and post Raven? They eviscerated him for absolutely no reason.

Yeah, AE was by far the worst iteration. Worse than vanilla IMO. Must be why I don't like SFV because AE was the super rushdown edition.

I've heard talk that people pretend fighting games on PC are a good idea. Online netcode is always a nightmare. Sad!

Here lies 6h, 2h, and 3h. Fuck.


It's actually probably the most NOOB friendly fighter ever, except for maybe Skullgirls.

It's got "Stylish" mode, which is basically just "Button mash to win". an extremely extensive tutorial which even goes over roman cancelling and basic gattling combos, and an extremely accomodating Mission mode.
Compared to almost any other fighter on the market today, it's downright mommys you

>implying arksys games arent just as dead on console

There were literally 3 to 5 people online most of the time in my region on ps4 xrd.

And that was when xrd was still the freshest iteration.

>Wait a year and one half to play it.
>Buy Revelator
>One week later, Rev.2 announced.

> hard combos

user pls. It isn't that hard to play as Ky, especially with S, rainbow of sadness and slide.

mustard race, ladies and gentlemen!

It is kinda of a dead game mate, it took me 7 fucking months to find people from my region to play it and even them the connection wasn't that great, i get better connection on fightcade.

Some one suggested me to use discord but if i have to use that to even find people to play this thing ell let it fucking die.

Too bad it has bigger playerbase than all of todays weeb fighting games combined

2D fighters are fucking garbage

I only play Tekken these days, might pick up DBZ for casual play as well

Fuck 2D shit though, it's just clunk ontop of more clunk and hastily adapted glitches into "features". The genre needs a refresh from a team who aren't fighting game autists trying to "fix" a broken system. It will die sooner rather than later, except for SF of course

Because a game from an older gen is better.

Raven is getting some interesting changes, the changes to excitement that make it decrease over time means that rushdown will be a better idea than hit and run with gauge.

Autopilot braindead oki is getting removed, which is good. The coolest changes though are that his scratch, command grab, and pose super will give excitement on hit. 1, 3, and 5 stages respectively iirc.

Overall he should be more interesting to play and reward creativity a little more, which is always nice. I'm interested in Baiken also. I just like midranged characters that can play both lame and aggressively. I've heard rumors from loketest people that Baiken's normals aren't that great right now though, unfortunately.

Nice job moving the goalpost user, here is another (you) because I feel generous.