Games in need of a remake/sequel?

Games in need of a remake/sequel?

>games in need of getting worse

Greetings neonate.

pls gib sequel
and not that fuckin online shit

Sequel yes.
Remaster no.

God I wanted to fuck her so bad, still do. I don't give a shit if she is a slut that is bat shit insane, LOOK AT THOSE BOOBS AND THAT SLUT FACE!

If someone were to port VtMB into an actually good engine and tidy up the combat a bit, I'd let that person pound me in the butt.

But you can fuck her. You also forget her boner introducing voice.

>change engine
>lose source's god-tier face animation system

Also there's nothing wrong with the combat.

>Also there's nothing wrong with the combat.

Said literally no one, ever. I personally don't think it's bad, but it could've been a lot better.

They did announce there is a a planned sequel about six months ago.

>said literally no one, ever.

The combat is perfectly fine the way it is. If anyone fucks with the combat they're just going to make even worse by making it play like Fallout or something.

>The combat is perfectly fine the way it is.

Other than the fact that it is the single most criticized aspect of the game by just about everyone and their grandma, sure, it's dandy.

ad populum
Not an argument.

Redemption was way better


I will always remember Redemption. simply because of all the times christof yelled "TO THE ABYSS WITH THEE

Fuck off, Molyneux.

Can't do that.

speaking about Molyneux

I would do anything.

too bad the early game is a slog, I should buy a exbawx controller so I could play my pc version on my bigass tv for dat tasty 60 fps

masterworks all you can't go wrong