Decide to replay fallout 3

>decide to replay fallout 3
>notice there are no farms anywhere
>there are no fish in the river
>no brahmin ranchers

Is Todd implying that for past 200 years the entire capital Wasteland has been living off of stale junkfood they scavenge?


Kind of makes sense since washington was the most heavily bombed city. And don't forget the traders

somone post that tweet
you know the one

shut up, nerd.

Don't care about lore in a fantasy universe w/super mutants and ghouls

But what do they eat???

>brotherhood of steel on the east coast
>super mutants on the east coast
>deathclaws on the east coast
>harold on the east coast
>chinese on the east coast
>british people on the east coast

just give up


Your average person wouldn't have the means to hunt one

You can't farm with these things roaming around
And if you can kill these things why would you bother farming

Well in fallout 4 you have farms without any fortifications surviving, which is hard to believe when raiders outnumber regular people 50:1

Don't forget that cringy Russian dude.

Well considering how few NPCs the game actually has (319 according the the fallout wiki), it's not going to be too hard to keep them all fed

ffs there was even a farm that was probably a 100 feet away from a super mutant camp
no, i'm not talking about the bog or whatever it was

3D games were a mistake.
They led to the autism of this thread.

Eh. Even the 2d games had this issue and it was understood the representation was never going to be 1:1. Fallout 4 does a better job with this stuff. Fallout 3 only had the small plots on the top of Rivet City and a couple of roving Brahmin.

Yeah, I'm sure you just "noticed" all that.


>Be Todd Howard
>everyone shits on my fallout game
>Fine, I'll show those faggots
>Lets see how much they really care about what these one's and zero's "eat"
>Working on fallout 4
>"Hey Todd, how are we going to address the "what do they eat question"
>"Make the player provide food'
>"You heard me. We'll have, like, 2 or 3 settlements where food is grown. If the players care so much, have them grow the damn food themselves"
>This'll teach them not to fuck with the Todd.

Sup Forums won't ever admit it, but the settlements are YOUR FAULT.

Seriously why was the flight deck on the top of Rivet City completely fucking empty?

They could have built dozens of houses/shacks up there.

>the settlements are YOUR FAULT
Are you my lawyer?

they are our fault
because they ripped the feature fucking wholesale from a new vegas mod

Fallout 1 and 2 you can just have the headcanon that there are farms and the like that you can't actually travel to on the map.
Open worlds show you everything so it's more noticeable when things are missing that should be there.

>I have never played FO1 & 2, but let me talk about them

yeah, the theme park design and open world structure break immersion. as does first person perspective that makes you feel like you're a 3 ft tall turret with no legs. There is a farm in shady sands and some brahmin though. One of the first little skill checks you can do is teach the shitskins in Shady Sands about crop rotation.

They had farms though. You could see mutated stocks of corn being grown in a bunch of different towns throughout FO1 and 2 and you could even teach the farmers in Shady Sands in 1 how to better irrugate their shit.

i also got this feeling.

like literally everywhere there are farms, springs and stuff. everything from the what do you eat video is address almost over the top.