Goodbye windows

Looks like Gabe was right about the windows store being "really bad competition".

Read the whole thing, especially the bottom

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original link:


This belongs on Sup Forums

It's related to games. You wont be able to run steam and all your games.

>can't disable automatic updates in Windows 10
But that's wrong you fucking retard.

I installed Windows LTSB and it's great

Eventually I'll have the money to afford a new GPU so I can do GPU passthrough and leave Windows behind. Fuck Microsoft and all their bullshit when Manjaro will just work and do what I tell it to no questions asked.

Stop coming to Sup Forums we don't want Sup Forums there

Thinly veiled Sup Forums thread. fuck off

>Read it all
Fuck off, i'm not reading shit.

Actually you will be, and you'd realize that and wouldn't shitpost if your iq would be higher than a snail's

The first three red comments are all unobjectionable. Everything that follows is pure fucking paranoid speculation.

Fuck off pajeet

>you can disable it xddd
Just like Automatic Windows updates on Home and Pro right?

>pirate windows 7 ultimate
>get the free upgrade
>w7 ultimate automatically upgrades to W10 Pro


I disabled automatic updates on my laptop and now it gets an error if I do try to update.

Why would you switch to win 10 in the first place.

>people who use windows 10 are completely retarded faggots
More at 11.

So it's a feature that can be turned off? Who cares. Turn it off to download game, turn it back on when done.

It can be turned off, currently. They have 0 obligation to keep it that way


This is microsoft's strategy:
- make tons of news which only show "positive" aspects of a new feature, also highlight a few times that it's optional/temporary in the beta
Most users buy it and think it's ok or they plan to just disable it
- a few months later, days before the introduction of said feature, make a small announcement where Microsoft states that it's going to be forced after all. No major news site will write an article about it.
- Some users realize that the "feature" does not work as expected, but are shown the small announcement and accept yet another inconvenience. Most users don't care since they are barely able to understand how their computer even works.

Examples where microsoft has already played this strategy:
- Telemetry
- Forced updates

next up:
- "Deprecation" of Win32 software

>not still using windows 7
literally no reason to "upgrade"

Home users don't have access to group policies

>Win32 software
What is this?

Refer to If you're going to have windows 10, there's no reason not to have the Pro version.

ANY program you downloaded and installed from the internet and not from the windows 10 store application. Yes, really any exe file. including all games and steam.

Gaben was right



The shitstorms will be GLORIOUS

Throw the install disc in, select pro, then run WMsico


Most windows users can't even reinstall windows. Or dont even know what windows is.

i'm fucking serious here.

>Throw the install disc in
I think they stopped including those a LONG time ago

It also works with a USB


they do

>Non-windows application
They used to call MS-DOS EXEs this way.

This is the point where people will switch to Android as mainstream platform and finally leave Windows behind completely.
Nobody needs a "Windows", which doesn't run Windows EXEs.

>I installed Windows LTSB and it's great
You will lose GPU driver support for Geforce/Radeon cards next year. Enjoy!

People can """upgrade""" to the pro version for only $200 if they want the "feature" to run exe files
This is what microsofts excuse will be

People will "upgrade" to Android, where they can just run any APK file.
It's already happening.

People aka the average normalfag won't know:
- that they could do that
- how they could do that (remember, they can't even run an USB image writer from win10 cloud)

What's the fucking difference between this shit and Linux now? Neither can run .exe's
Fucking Microsoft and their shit, especially since new cpus are win 10 only

The difference is that linux can run many exe files with wine
But the average normalfag doesn't even know what linux is

>People aka the average normalfag won't know: that they could do that
They already do. Normalfags don't give a flying fuck about Windows PCs anymore. Just look what is happening to the Windows marketshare.
Microsaft is in complete panic mode for reasons.

We are already so deep into the windows meme who can save us now

>some guy tries to forcibly install malicious software on your computer, even after many repeated attempts of you saying no and trying to remove the corrupted files
>This is malware
>MS does it
>It's okay
More than anything else, this is what flagged W10 as a bad choice, to me. There are many other red flags, but the malware-like attempts to get W10 on my system is not okay

No idea
There are tons of linux distros and all of them suck in one way or another

Linus has been waiting for you all your life user.

Windows 10 is a botnet.

1) It's optional
2) It's disabled by default
3) Sysadmins have been using this for decades. This is just a warningessage, just like what we already have with UAC.

Fuck off and back to Sup Forums

Also Besides the Steam installation, this option enabled shouldn't affect any user when installing or playing a game.

>Linux sucks
>Guess I'll stay with windows 10 even if it doesn't do anything I want it to do

I've used ubuntu for the longest, but we are stuck with Windows for our gaming needs, sure Linux has games on steam but it's not the full library and what about the other drms

That's just one part of it

read this

So what are you gonna do after work?

>He fell for the win 10 meme

shiggy diggy

>Windows 2000 SP3, Windows XP
>introducing "Windows Update"
>1) It's optional
>2) It's disabled by default
This was 2001. Remember?
No wait, you weren't even born in 2001.

I know there is but it's not the whole library, I'm using Ubuntu mostly, and I have Kali around for my laptop just for the times I need internet and there is a secure connection around

Can someone explain to me why games can't be on both linux and win? If a program is written in C can't it be ran on both?

>Soccer moms, kids, and common Joe
>Knowing basic common sense

You ask for much user.

Oh yeah, I definitely know it is. I don't like it regardless. That's another reason, but even before it was actually installed on my machine it was nothing but bad vibes. Thankfully I removed all of that w10 shit, unfortunately the average person isn't so computer literate

Wine does windows emulation but DX11 emulation isn't there yet

The real trial by fire will be if developers support Vulkan or not, DX12 is MS property

>It's optional

Operating systems still have completely different interfaces e.g. for graphical in/output, hell even the exit status messages are different

>1) It's optional
>2) It's disabled by default
>he actually believes this

Go home Pajeet

The average person doesn't care about Windows PCs anymore.
Microsoft is going to fuck over companies, gamers and hobbyists.
With less than 40 % OS market share Microsoft can do whatever they want.

for fuck's sake why can't we have a decent alternative to microshit OS? and no, linux is not one

fuck copyright faggotry

>try to install windows7 again
>get stuck at looping 'starting windows' screen
>go back to windows 8.1
>this windows version cannot be installed

DirectX is defective by design, built with very different code paths than other 3D graphics APIs on purpose to make portability difficult, and only supported typically on a single version of a single OS.

If developers switched to Linux-first development with SDL+Vulkan they'd be in way better shape in producing cross-platform software.
Just like you wouldn't do web design with Trident.

So are languages(java,c,c++,pthon) implemented differently on each OS?

Linux is the only hope. Companies live and breathe their copyright and licenses. Support vulkan, it's the only way.
MS still has a hold on the market due to their contracts with schools, universities, and government.

Linux is all you will get user, sorry if you don't like that. Microsoft has decided you're subhuman garbage that exists to be milked for ads and statistics, they're not going to magically change.

Java is partially compiled and partially interpreted, it can run on pretty much anything because it's one of it's goals (thats why it requires a virtual machine to run)
c/c++ are compiled to bytecode which will only run on one OS and CPU type, but will be very fast
Python is interpreted completely, it can run anywhere with the matching runtime installed

I honestly have no issues moving over to Linux, if Devs put their games there I'll happily move.

I've really been trying to get used to Ubuntu for the past few months but I just can't take it anymore. It's great as a basic OS but games and 3D applications run like shit.(except for Blender which runs flawlessly) And Wine doesn't work as well as you anons told me it would.

Is there a specific version of Win7 or Win10 I can pirate without the spyware?

Microsoft doesn't use the standard BSD or GPL licensed implementations of the languages by default, though they are generally available for Windows from third parties.

Of course if Microsoft locks Windows to only run software from the Windows Store they can force you to use their specific implementation.

This is what happens when people who doesn't know about technology talk about it. It is stupid to believe that Microsoft will lock the user from installing win32 apps. Stop spreading FUD, freetard.

Windows Update was introduced in Windows 95, millenial.

Shouldn't you be installing Gentoo or something?

Guys, it gets worse

>the cmd prompt is an """app""" for Windows 10

>Windows Update was introduced in Windows 95, millenial.
This was website.
The Windows Update Agent (called "Automatic Updates") was introduced in 2001.


You're only stopgapping with tweaked ISOs. But if you're trying to get into Linux for the first time, why aren't you dual booting?

>microsoft has sabotaged and severely fucked up several fields of computing since its inception and continues to do so

more news at 11

>there will never be another good windows

Indeed. More of my games are getting Linux support as well. After I get a second GPU I'm just going to use KVM+qemu for the games I can't run natively
>MS won't prevent users from installing win32 applications
>3+ webms in this thread showing exactly that
Fuck off, poojeet

>microsoft sells games online
>microsoft blocks other such services
>gets the shit sued out of them and loses the lawsuit
>goes back to not blocking competitors

I welcome Bill Gates getting his shit pushed in.

Do something with your lives and shoot up a microsoft office rather than impotently bitch about it, already.

>since you can't disable automatic updates on windows 10
Then why haven't I updated windows 10 since August?

Quoted text meant for

Yeah, but Gabe is dirty too do not forget this.

I wouldn't trust the cunt to hard boil my eggs.

What GPU and drivers are you using? A lot of the ported games aren't done well, but they should be playable if you're using the right drivers for your hardware.

Also Wine should work great if you're using Gallium Nine, but it is still limited to D3D9.

because you're not using win10 home?

If you don't mind a small watermark in the corner you don't need a Windows license.
Just grab the USB thing from ms site and install it.

It's just a transparent box with "active windows 10" in the bottom right corner.

How is it FUD if there's actual proof of it happening?

Does shillposting get an hourly rate or is it per post?

Altimit OS when?

Anyone who believes this scaremongering freetard propaganda is a complete Sup Forums-tier moron.

If Microsoft did what you're suggesting, they'd literally eliminate 90% of their customerbase overnight. Not even they are that stupid.

Linux Mint is literally the best "Windows" OS out there. It's just a different system environment is all.

>If you don't mind a small watermark in the corner you don't need a Windows license.
Until the next upgrade encrypts all your data and asks for a key.

t. shill

yeah not like everyone will be running a cracked version 2 weeks after release

If you're dumb enough to use windows 10 then you deserve to be raped by Microsoft. Fact!

Linux is completely useless on the desktop.

Thinking this will happen in a Trump administration.

Microsoft's case is easy. This is a standard industry practice now, Apple does it on both iOS and MacOS. Its a necessary security feature, and if you pay this extra fee you can switch it off so its optional. The fact that it dropped the number of active users on Steam is purely incidental.

Worst case scenario Microsoft pays out pocket change, a couple billion and keeps on doing exactly what they're doing.

>Proof of them preventing installation of win32 programs in this very thread
>They wouldn't do that!!! They're not stupid
No user, they aren't. That's why they do it slowly, while locking you into their environment first. But by bit they take a little more, bring you more into their prison, all the while paying shills to defend them online. You wouldn't know anything about that last bit, would you?
Thanks Rajesh. But you're wrong