What improvements you want from V?

What improvements you want from V?

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dedicated Yeezy station like Flylo got his

Ya'll know you want a dedicated Yeezy station, ya'll fucking know.

more focus on multiplayer

more interiors

Less shitty missions and more fun ones instead

Make the online COMPLETELY 1:1 with the main game.

A very slight detail, but it kind of irked me that there were no animals in GTA:O. Made the wilderness so barren.

Bring back IV' driving and give it max payne 3 shooting with dives and everything

For the love of god just copy Saints Row's garage mechanics
Having to save and load constantly to fuck around with my favorite cars is not fun

im more pissed that you cant access the cool vehicles from the online without a trainer or cheat engine of some kind

Multiplayer only, no time wasted on single player content.
Official mod packs for sale that let you add your own third party vehicles/guns/gear into whatever server you join.
Killswitch packs, $5 one time use to kill any player you want from any part of the map.
Giant airhorn, bought for a lost of cash, lets you project whatever sounds you want loudly throughtout the map.

>more focus on multiplayer
How could they put more focus on multiplayer, when ALL the focus was on multiplayer in V? You fucking mong.

>Story DLC like Gay Tony and LATD instead of only car/clothes updates like we've been getting for GTAO
>Make multiplayer not as much of a cashgrab
>Shitty wilderness/desert not taking up over half of the map
>An actual different city, not just Los Santos and then a 1 mile long strip of rednecks in the desert
>More side missions
>Fun vehicles, ((i.e. cut content that was meant to be i V skateboards, go-karts, horses ))

If they decide to keep character switching again, I'd like to see them make a story mode where your choices as certain dudes will affect the story

Buying houses and apartments in single player. That was the most fun part of VC and SA - make enough money to finally be able to afford that cool house.

Then in IV we were just handed apartments (no houses) and in V we got safe houses automatically.

>no animals in GTA:O.
Censorship I heard. Like how you can't show cows in india, swastikas in germany, and muhammad in those places.

This. GTA 4 online did it perfectly with all the cool shit online as well, in fact, even more cool shit online.

On topic, I want a better car customization system. GTA Online now is what it should've been on launch day, so expand on that as much as they can.

Here are some features I would like to see:

-When you try to jack peoples cars, sometimes they are locked, so there's a little animation where they have to punch out the window and drag the person out
-Losing a 1 star wanted level in V takes way too long. I shouldnt have to dread stealing a car because it will lead to a police chase thats several minutes long. really distracts from the flow of the game.
-People are going to think I'm nuts. But I'd like to see a small emphasis on a main story, and a bigger one on sidequests and "strangers and freaks' missions. These random missions were some of the best parts of V and IV and they really help in fleshing out the world and giving it some character. They can make for interesting mini-plots instead of a massive, over-arching plot (that doesn't make a whole lot of sense for this type of game anyway...in my opinion)
-I want to see more weird, random shit in the game. They did pretty well with V, with the peyots plants and the UFOs and the markings, but I'd like to see some of it actually end up meaning something cool. So basically, the hype and intrigue of a chiliad mystery but with actual payoff
-customizable safehouses
-In fact it would be cool if you could break into a house, kill the people and use it as your own safehouse

GTA V wasn't Bully 2, so I'd work to correct that.

Destructable enviroments but I know it's not gonna happen.

Cut off the GTA:O pseudo-MMO bullshit and just make different game modes for online like Cops & Robbers and racing.

I dream of the day we get full scale destructible environments in a game. I'm talking "you can disintegrate the entire city if you have the patience and resources to do it" destruction.

That would be cool but yeah, probably not gonna happen because it would be so fucking hard to program. Because if you could destroy a building, you would have to make it so that the rest of the world around it was effected...traffic, people, debris....And then you would have to factor in the destroyed buildings into the rest of the game and make sure it didn't interfere with missions and stuff

lol this guy gets it

>blow up a bridge going over a motorway
>after a few ingame hours roadworks are in place
>traffic is diverted
>several ingame days later the bridge is restored and traffic goes back to normal
>you can hear about the incident on the radio
I think this level of destruction and reaction from the world would be doable. Re-enacting 9/11 is a different story

I think before that they should make trees, volleyball nets and park benches destructible first

No Online
IV car and people physics
Police patrols, both on foot and in cars

Bring back GTA IV physics, especially ragdolls and explosions

Blowing shit up in V looks and feels like children's fireworks

Literally the only thing I play these games for are the physics. GTA VI needs to have better physics than IV for me to even consider buying it. V was complete dogshit and coming from Max Payne 3 was an ungodly disappointment, I sold it after 5 days.

Not having god-mode cops would be nice too, especially in a game with so much wilderness.

The good shit from IV+ keeping the good shit from V. Also bring back sex easter eggs

reminder dat based leslie benzies is out, rockstar is dead senpai

Re-add the TECHNOLOGY from IV
Release GTA6 on consoles
Release a standalone GTA Online 2 on steam, this time without controls that make me want to kill myself and actually good servers that don't take 15 minutes to connect to.
No ranking system either, fuck that shit.

Revamping the animations and physics alone would make for an entirely different game. Extraneous features are not needed, especially considering not much will change technologically between now and the game's launch window.

So pretty much
>stride further towards 1:1 realistic graphics as always
>better physics and animations
>and finally assimilate the lost features from IV together with the ones from V
That's all that needs to be done, and that's all I'm hoping for.

just remake san andreas

And before that they should learn again how to add destruction to cars

more cities, bigger cities, better cops, better driving

too bad we ain't getting none of that. another franchise (developer) down the drain I guess


literally worst thing about going from gta5 to online


a lot

>make IV and it's all serious and realistic
>people cry and demand more cuhrayzee shit that will remind them of SA
>do that for V
>it's still not enough

oh boy, let's see

>one protagonist (male, non-cuck)
>a not-shit soundtrack
>more interiors
>more minigames (even if it resorts to atari-style minigames)
>rpg elements like eating/working out
>no yoga
>a larger world, with maybe 2 cities on each end to make progression through vast nothingness feel like it actually means something, or just take a train and enjoy the scenery
>better easter eggs
>character keeps the customization you give them between missions
>online limited to free roam/deathmatch/cops&robbers, we don't need MMO shit in GTA when children with mommy's credit card/hackers are just going to buy an attack chopper and mow down everything
>GTA 1-3 dark humor, not LOL TORTURE MINIGAME (I am well-aware of the hotdogs)
>RC minigames, excluding anything flight-based
>Bloodring Arena

More cheat codes

Finally a female protag.

Considering the trend of increasingly big cities and wilderness maps, such a map would have to be truly colossal in order to fit more than one big city while placing them far enough from each other

Which I wouldn't mind, I actually would love a map like San Andreas' only with everything being three or four times bigger, but that would cost a lot of time and effort to make and it would probably hinder thing like the story

It actually was, for most people. GTA 5 is one of the highest selling, most popular games of all time. Most "normies" loved the game to death.

This, except less niggers

Animals that won't call the cops on you for shooting a gun in the woods

Two words: Character. Editor.

I'd be down with this if it meant you could get raped when walking through a poor neighborhood after dark.

>>character keeps the customization you give them between missions

This is one thing that annoyed me about V. You spend some times getting the perfect clothes for your character, then when you switch back they changed into a wife beater and shorts...I understand that adds to the realism aspect, but can't there be a setting where the character keeps the outfit you selected?

I'm sure R* could actually pull of a decent female protag, but financially it wouldn't make sense as dudebros (i.e. the targeted audience) couldn't self insert as anything other than a negro gentleman or lol randumb Trevor.

it's why Michael was the most shitted upon character in V, when in fact he was the best written one

I want this to happen just to see the reactions

It would be glorious, unprecedented and hilarious

>rpg elements like eating/working out

that was one of the worst things about san andreas. talk about a useless feature.

No multiplayer. Instead better and longer single player campaign than in 5. It was so sad seeing this amazing engine and the beautiful world without much to do there.

Michael was shit upon? I'm not even 25 yet and he was the most relatable character. The theme of his character is basically "it wasn't supposed to be like this". The part where he drives to North Yankon, and he relives the past in his head, that was feely as fuck

Yes please

A map the size of Just Cause 3

Only with planes capable of reaching real life aircraft speeds

Well they could always have multiple protags like they had in 5 and include a female one, that way dudebros could just stick to the male ones and not feel gay. It's what they did in Dishonored 2 and AssCreed Syndicate.

>shootable side mirrors
>better car damage
>more weapon variety
Guns felt samey. Need more recoil/less accuracy.
>human shields
>drag/pickup bodies
>useable trunks

If it's set in vice city
>can feed people to gators

>multiple protags
This meme was terrible. Multiple protags would have worked if you picked one, played the game through, and then could pick another to see the story from another perspective. Not "switch between 3 clowns all the time"

Would actually be interesting to have a female protag who is realistically weak and vulnerable.

>wanting a sequel of the shitfest that GTA Online became

necku yourself senpai

Flying car cheat like San Andreas. That's pretty much all I want.

Some Zelda level gameplay and story.

True, but the way you just said would work.

>female protag who is realistically weak and vulnerable
You know Rockstar would get crucified if they dared do that. The female character should always be a strong independent mary sue who kicks everyone's ass, is never wrong and never loses.

it needs realistic gore.

fed up of not seeing any gibs when you fire a rocket at someone

Add some shit like half star.
Where you could pay a fine after light bump with police car.
Shit was little anoying when you had to ride around city for 5 min just because your brakers didnt worked as good as you expected

>one protagonist
>please god no more fucking stupid missions like yoga minigames
>bring back IV/RDR/Max Payne 3 physics and shooting
>make civilians actually fun to rampage on again
>stop relying on MODERN AMERICA AMIRITE as the base for 99% of the humour and now missions
>set in the 70s/80s/90s anything but 2010+ again unless you're going to go all the way and set it in some kind of retrofuture city similar to GTA 2

that's all i got

a series where a gangbanger steals a top secret military jet and where three guys destroy an FBI building would hardly be unrealistic if it gave a female protag super strength

>all these people who don't know you lose stars by hiding for thirty seconds

You don't even have to do a good job of hiding, the cops will swarm towards you then dramatically call off the search moments before they see you so long as you don't move.

nah that shit is retarded, GTA involves shit like brawling where women suck, also involve intimidation/threatening others which is also an area they suck at

instead of intimidation and threats you could use bribery and 'favors', prostitution

Instead of bullet holes you could accumulate STDs

Damn staight, i was disappointed massively by this. It's also annoying that if you hit someone in the foot they instantly die.

>anything but 2010+

I think a big part of the charm of old GTAs (aka III to SA) was that they were set in periods of history most of us didn't live, or we were very young

A GTA set in the 20s or 30s could work

get the technology from 4 and put it back in.

5 got completed gutted due to console restrictions.

Make a new city
>implying they won't just remake Vice City

I'd be OK with San Andreas. Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas, some nature and mountains, that desert shit where Trevor lived.

No PS3/X360 to hold them back anymore.

>No PS3/X360 to hold them back anymore
It'll be the PS4/Xbone holding them back this time. There is no way they are going to miss out on all the extra money they made staggering releases across generations and PC

I doubt they're going to make a multiple city game ever again

Remind that Rockstar wasted a ton of time and money creating incredibly detailed under water environments that 99% of players never saw.

I unironically do

WTF, you could go underwater outside of missions?

>listening to nigger shit

just fucking kill me

It's amazing how they tricked us and made the map feel fucking immense

It's not only the draw distance, it's the general road and scenery design. It felt like you were really driving across an entire state

I'm sure you're being ironic but there are a bunch of wrecks under the sea that are nowhere near places missions take you. The only way you'd find them without a guide is spending literally hours exploring every corner of the map with the sub/scuba gear

set it in like the 22 century dystopian america

Yea more heists, less family drama

>Set in retro futuristic 80's
>Neon and Synthwave everywhere
>Coop and online fully integrated
>multiple cities
>Vice city, Liberty, and all of San Andreas with a few new ones
>Each city has different protags
>Their stories intertwine by the end