Xbox one - Box with controller (Almost same design since 2000

Xbox one - Box with controller (Almost same design since 2000
Playstation 4 - Box with controller (Almost same design as 1995)
Nintendo Switch - Interchangable console / handheld hybrid with a controller that has speakers, touch screen, gyroscope, HD rumble, wireless play, cloud gaming, kickstand all in the controller which changes every console.

So why is Nintendo the enemy of gamers again?

Because you touch yourself at night imagining Mario and Luigi are DP'ing you

>if it's a """new idea""" it automatically has to be good
>normal consoles are somehow inherently bad

Only fanboys of their particular console hate another.

nice family guy joke xD

>this is totally not a biased post that's not omitting information to make one competitor look better than the other

Not inherently bad, just lacking. Without anything "new" (lol all thise quotes gives you an angry inflection) consoles are just overpriced, shittier pcs.

In an industry where creativity was, and is supposed to be the driving force, You'd think Microsoft and Sony would do at least something unique.

Now all gamers want is an overpriced console to play pretty looking games, while sacrificing quality and gameplay for pretty bloom and 4k textures. That's why Horizon has been so forgotten so quick. Pretty game, but offers nothing to the player.

The only thing I can think of that I left out was the fact they're wireless, and the playstation has a "pretend" touch screen. If I left anything out, maybe you could tell me what I left out?

Obviously you're a fucking retard who
1.) Didn't have an original fatbox compared to the 360's amazing controller
2.) Didn't grow up with Nintendo who had the same-ish controller for 20 years, then absolutely shit the bed with all controllers from the N64 and up
3.) Is a piece of shit who probably hates games because they look too anime or too western

PS4 has a completely different controller than the first 3.

Xbox One has a similar controller to Classic and 360 but it's much improved.

>having powerful systems that aren't centered around gimmicks to cover up their lack of performance is a bad thing
Really made me think. The Switch is a handheld with TV out, Zelda runs worse on it when connected to a TV than when it's just a portable. They tricked you into thinking they made a home console when they really just made a 3DS successor and gave it a dock. It's a PSTV with a screen.

That's wrong too you fucking retard. The reason games suck lately is because everyone wants to be new and tries their hardest to forget lessons fucking tried and perfected through the 8 and 16-bit era.

Gameplay doesn't need waggle, Kinects, Switches, or Moves desu senpai

>Why is nintendo the enemy of

Sup Forums is nothing but shitposting underage b& and sonyga/v/, so of course they're going to shit on anything Nintendo.


Back when consoles weren't overpriced shitty PCs there were actual hardware differences, not stupid gimmick shit that never results in a good game.
>In an industry where creativity was, and is supposed to be the driving force
As evidenced by the fact all companies have been pushing out mostly sequels for the past 2 decades.
>Now all gamers want is an overpriced console to play pretty looking games, while sacrificing quality and gameplay for pretty bloom and 4k textures
replace pretty looking games and bloom/4k textures with shitty gimmicks and you just described Nintendo.

I said they were almost not exact.

From ps4? Completely different? I mean isn't it called the Dual Shock 4? It's got X, O, Triangle Square, two joysticks (ps1 is subjective) and a d pad where it always is.
Both ps1, and ps2 had an analog button, ps3 changed it for a home button and ps4 changed it for a touch screen, and also changed start and select. In my opinion 3 buttons isn't a huge innovative leap. Still looks the same and functions the same.

As for the xbox, Similar, but much improved I can agree with, but that doesn't change it from being just a plastic with the same buttons, the exception being the white n black buttons and start and select agian. Again not a huge leap in innovation in 12 years.

And the Switch is just an overpriced, shittier iPad so what's your point?

>wants to play games
>thinks the hardware gimmicks are important
>not performance or the software dev teams

if hardware and electronics gets you off, this is the wrong hobby nigga

>Normal consoles are

Why yes, underpowered PCs that can barely run the games they are running on fixed, closed systems are indeed bad. But don't worry, PS4 Ultra and Scorpio may finally catch you up to my three year old PC.

So you're saying a game with no creativity at all is still going to be good?
I mean you can order expensive canvas and not paint anything on it, that doesn't mean you made a good painting. Same for a game, creativity and innovation should be a MUST like it has been for the first couple decades of gaming. Nintendo only gets that, and normies are stuck with shittier games because devs only focus on graphics.

Frankly speaking the real problems with consoles is that they don't try anything on the hardware end anymore.

Touchpads are shit. We need things that PCs need a few years to reach. Pro was an attempt but it is unfortanetly a half-assed one. Not even the lazy fallback of superior GPU/CPU works anymore because companies are shitters and they don't even try to develop solutions better than what's on the market.

Gamecube was the most powerful console in its generation but lost the race. Wii was the least powerful and won the race. Your point makes no sense.

Performance doesn't mean everything. You guys just can't comprehend that a lot of gamers want a good game to play. A fun game, not a game that focuses all of it's resources purely on the graphics. Nice graphics are a plus, definitely but not a must, like people are trying to force on everyone.

Ultimately, I've had more fun playing cartoony looking Nintendo games than I have playing MGSV or Tomb Raider or something that focuses purely on graphics for it's "super performance system"

Remember when Sega constantly bragged about how powerful their consoles were?

>cloud gaming

Switch is literally a Wii U gamepad with more rumble. Zelda is a Skyrim clone, not to mention that Nintendo is the -original- sequel pls company.

Nintendo is fucking you because they are making mondo dollars on cheap concepts. Great for them, I guess, but I won't give them the time of day until F-Zero and Metroid are back.

Xbox was more powerful than shitcube.

>Remember when Sega constantly bragged about how powerful their consoles were?
it was just a fun commercial made by potheads who worked in sega of america

The problem at the end of the day are the consumers. Why would devs make super optimized games for a specific hardware configuration and do everything they can to squeeze as much power out of the system when they could have it run like shit and still make millions? People who play games are fucking morons who will put up with any amount of bullshit because they're not half as intelligent as they like to think they are. And I'm not saying this used to happen in the 5th and 6th gens either, it was just a lot more common for people to get creative with the hardware and push it as much as they could.

Even a mediocre gaming PC costs 500+ dollars yet people demand consoles that are more powerful than a 1,000 dollar gaming PC for 300 dollars.

If people wanted games over graphics, we'd probably be in a much different place now.

No, Xbox was far more powerful and it's still used as a medica center replacement with HD content.

And Sega didn't do that, so I don't know what you're talking about if you're not trolling. They made terrible decisions that had very little to do with the system's capabilities, perhaps excluding the Saturn which was just too far ahead of the times for people to understand.

Because PC gaming finally lapped consoles for similar prices 5 or 6 years ago people are able to see what they're missing out on instead of just being content with what they're getting for their money.

That's exactly what every game console was prior to the Xbox 360.

I do agree that developers are mostly at fault for shit optimization and weak gameplay though.

>Again not a huge leap in innovation in 12 years.

Have you ever heard of if it ain't broke don't fix it? There doesn't have to be innovation here when both Sony and Microsoft have made controllers that work fine for this many years. If anything Nintendo should be taking note.

Gimmicks are fine as long as they are done well. Both approaches here by these companies are okay.

>Why would devs make super optimized games for a specific hardware configuration and do everything they can to squeeze as much power out of the system when they could have it run like shit and still make millions?

Because they don't have a giant company behind them to allow them to develop a game for 4-5 years

Now seriously though, it all comes to exclusives

Sony needs exclusives to sell their box because Sony needs the Playstation brand to profit. Nintendo simply doesn't care if they profit or not.



>HD rumble
Why is this a thing?

because people play games for the games, not for the hardware gimmicks


it's marketing drivel, just like "blast processing" but less cool sounding.

>Nintendo tries something new

This really worked in 2006.

However, and this is the developers fault, it has become increasingly common for games to be released almost nonfunctional on PC while they work for consoles.

The Golden Years

59,99+39,99 Season Pass + 30GB patch only 4 months after the release

>iPad not being overpriced but £280 is
>thinking an iPad is good for gaming

I thought you had to be older than 18 to browse here

$300 for a weaker version of an iPad that doesn't even have a web browser is overpriced?

The fuck are you on about, the iPad isn't stinger than the wii u and the switch isn't a fucking media tablet.


I want to die

But guess what it doesnt have A browser.

Because I buy consoles for games not industrial design you faggot.

PC gaming is dead, overpriced garbage.