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absence of god
holy shit imagine you had to outrun that thing
J-Jet Set Radio thread?
Has anybody managed to make that pile of shit port that's come out recently actually run at 60 FPS yet?
when are they going to put a gun on this
this kills the liberal protester efficiently and ahead of schedule
I'm in. JSR is my life.
>We're only a few decades away from having Wanzers, Armored Troopers, and Knightmares
What a time to be alive
I'm pretty sure you could
>Well thats pretty amazing compared to those janky quadrupeds I remember seeing just a few years back but this is still just a flat surfa-
>Mfw 0:32
I'm gonna bully and push that robot around.
If you went indoors or got into a vehicle maybe, but if it gets smart enough and has weaponry, you're royally fucked.
Uh, what port are you talking about user?
JSR PC is ages old at this point. And also ran buttery smooth on a toaster when I beat and rebeat it years ago
if i had a weapon that thing would be royally fucked too
Look out everyone we have badass who thinks he can stop a ROLLERBLADING METAL GEAR over here.
>2012 was 5 years ago
>30 FPS is buttery smooth
I mean I can probably bear it since it's still better than the original but it's a shame to not be able to run it at 60+
I'm positive it isn't locked at 30 user
Well I'm positive it is
I think tome tech savvy guys took a stab at it and the best they've got was 60 FPS but at double gamespeed
It's 30 FPS because the rendering and game logic run at the same speed, and it was designed to run at 30. For whatever reason, the game temporarily speeds up to 60 FPS during the fadeout when transitioning out of the main menu, and in the background you can actually see the demo go at sanic speed.
So yeah, I'm pretty sure it's locked.
If there was a show event with that thing pulling sick tricks in a skatepark, I'd pay for the admission.
The sence of balance become understandble. What' the point of this thread anyway? Videogames?
CanĀ“t be much longer now until we get something like pic related
>Video games
Take your stupid video and your shitty music back to
A very stupid (for now) proto-metal gear, user.
>thinks it's not video games
>shitty music
reconsider your choice to stay alive
Where's the guy who kicks the robot?
>looks cool but there is nothing about jet se-
>0:32 hits in
Fuck off.
Link dies.
It's top speed is 9mph, so it would be easy to beat it in a sprint. In a distance race it would win though.
Of course it would slow to a crawl on uneven terrain, so it wouldn't be hard to lose it, provided you're not in the middle of an empty parking lot.
They could probably slap some tiny wheels on the "arms"
its only there to call the drone strike.
>Google owns Boston Dynamics now
We skynet now.
>take clip of nonvidya
>add vidya soundtrack
>post on vidya board