You are forced to push one button

You are forced to push one button
Pushing several buttons will have no effects and you will still have to push one button
All of these buttons will change videogames
So, Sup Forums?


Competition will be based on gameplay, story and music instead of using "technological advances" as an excuse for high score

And dooms the future of humanity.

blue means development costs stop rising so that it's cheaper to make games. more people making games = more chances for one to be good.

Blue, that shit's great.

those are all fucking HORRIBLE choices.

>push blue
>"good" devs still exist
>they can still make games but it wont cost millions
>things will go back to how they were in 1998-2000

Literally fixes everything.

It's the least harmful one by far

Purple will is the best one here. Continues to allow for innovation while forcing development to work with the hardware available now instead of banking on next year's tech to achieve acceptable framerate/visuals.

All other options will drastically hurt the gaming world, purple forces developers to work within the (already very powerful) scope of existing hardware. You would very likely see better usage of multicore support, RAM, etc. Just think of all the crazy shit they could do with a PS1/2 or SNES at the end of their life cycles.

Purple, won't need to upgrade hardware anymore.


Grafix fags are the worst.

Purple without question. I'd choose blue if I couldn't take purple.

Red would be the worst and fuck over gaming completely.

What is the less horrible option?

>red is pretty much America after the launch of the NES
>orange is just shit
>blue is inevitable
>purple is logistically impossible
I'll go with blue desu. Might as well bring the second great industry crash, it's coming anyway.

Purple no hesitation, 4k 120fps is already a bliss and this

If the technology freeze is somehow magically exclusive to videogames, then purple. If it isn't, purple is objectively worst choice since it's a hard barrier to human advancement.

If purple destroys the future, then I'll pick blue. Hopefully it'll lead to more classic age of empires games and Infinity engine stuff.

>no mystery button

purple just unnerves me so blue

Blue is clearly the best option.

Its basically where we already are with Linux gaming and I have few complaints.

red nigga they atleast aren't stopping progress, or dividing muliplayer, or shitting games up for my lifetime like blue.



Who's the asshole who pressed the purple button?

>purple, red and orange
>ruin human intelligence by making all humans abide to something that makes no sense not for a very long time but forever
>ruin human intelligence temporarily in a relatively meaningless way; can be solved if I decide to be selfless and kill myself

Why would you pick anything except for blue? Purple is especially retarded.

im not full of shit enough to pretend i don`t enjoy spectacle in my games to look patrician on Sup Forums so blue can fuck off

that said, orange I guess

Still got a ways to go before we can make the truly perfect space sim of my dreams and better dead than red so orange it is

Me because fuck you

Functional brain tier

Idiot tier

Full blown retard tier

red or orange, blue and purple are retard tier.
unless you're selfless
why would you halt gaming progress, what about the full immersion vr, and brain to game interface inb4thatdamnanime, you will never live your days on life support just going from fantasy world to fantasy world with your faithful waifu, s'cray.

>Competition will be based on gameplay, story and music instead of using "technological advances" as an excuse for high score
And video games would just cease to exist since they wouldn't be profitable anymore. What keep people hooked is technological advancement that's also how the market work. You constantly have to innovate to sell.

Let's not even mention piracy. Every system will eventually become completely open (I mean if technology cannot advance anymore, you can be certain that people will just reverse engineer all consoles at some point). Hell worse than piracy, you could even start seeing "generic" consoles, made by just any company and working with all games (patents don't last forever).

Fucking commie.

Beccause an indie budget is limited, like very limited. You're games are gonna be confined to a small set of genres and eventually it's gonna be over saturated.

>You're games

Red seems to be the best choice

Sorry, my bad. English isn't my first language so grammar is a fucky subject for me.

then we invent new past times to replace old ones

we don't lynch people to death anymore unless you're in the middle east but there is still no shortage of things to do. Reading didn't exist until orthography was invested, etc.

Orange is the only acceptable answer.

The first one destroys competition and the free market. The third destroys the market in general and artificially limits it from ever growing again.

The fourth literally ends the human race.

>implying humanity deserves to exist

I said nothing of the sort.

And it is still by far the best option. All the options have incredible limitations, and limiting the money spent on the creation of a video game isn't that big of a deal, especially since this is the ONLY option that doesn't last forever.

>you basically have to have some kind of super AI that puts all devs into slavery, which is pretty fucked up, it also means you have some fascist government enforcing this
>enforcing the existence of shitty companies forever for no good reason, like red but significantly less bad
>you are fucking over not just the human race, but every existing intelligent civilization ever across the universe
>minor damage to a minor market that presumably only lasts for your lifetime


>It's the least harmful one by far
this, if you dont pick orange you are literally retarded

I suppose you are right it I'm not sure I'm that selfless.

(Image is in reference to my selfishness)