Joycon lock mechanism doesn't work

>Joycon lock mechanism doesn't work
>You don't need to press the lock buttons to remove them
>You will eventually drop and kill your Switch

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Post the one where he confuses the cartridge for a hotpocket.

I wonder if the lock peg wore off of if the damage was on the rail.

Damn that sucks.

Hope it doesnt turn into a wide spread problem.


>Sup Forums loves Jeff because he praises their contrarian FPS of choice that came out last fall (Titanfall 2)
>he likes a big name Sony game

>playing outside
>tablet slips off and falls into sewer


well i'm not a retarded 30+ year old man who relies on controversy to make money so i think i'll be fine

You can like something that's good and still have shit taste though.

Its like the people who think ESB is the best SW movie, but also think that the new movies arent as bad as the prequels.

I don't think the joycons would slip all the way off like that unless you were literally running while playing. There aren't really a lot of situations where one would shake their arms up and down like that.

It's a good job they're so cheap then. Poorfags BTFO.


He clearly has to put some effort into it though. I don't think the joycons will just fall out if you breathe on them.

>Dan has been playing on the bus
Bahahaha, of course that manchild has.

He doesn't have shit taste. He's been brutally honest about video games literally since before you were born.

Jeff is the last trustworthy personality in that sector of the video game industry.

Is there any more videos recreating this?

fuck off. not everything has to be shitposting or a console war, you child

>You have to pay $300 for this fucking thing
>You pay $80 for fucking Joycons
>Dropping it once causes this shit to fall apart instantly

You're only saying that because you need something to shitpost about, and this is coming from someone who agrees with 8.8.

>he clearly has to put some effort into it

you don't see his hands tense up at all, he just pushes down with his thumbs and they come off of the "locking mechanism"

You'd think the nip kikes would have the sense to have the rails require you to slide the controllers upwards from the bottom so the fucking tablet couldn't drop like a rock out of the blue one day.


Squidward Sword was shit and you're a faggot for believing otherwise

>Those dislikes

Why though

He gave 8.8 to TP

Apart from music and characters, I agree with that. They still gave it a 4/5 though, which is higher than it deserves.

nintengaf raid

>I'm worried about the joycons
>proceeds to continuously punch out the joycons

Don't forget the actual controller to charge them or a practical controller

They could have fixed this by making it so the joycons pull out from the bottom instead of the top, that way they're naturally held up by you holding them

>demonstrates flimsy non-locking mechanism
>not waiting on Switch-XL-Lite

They charge in the dock though...

it'll be fixed when they release the newSwitch in 2019 and announce it's lineup of exclusive games

i had a great idea where you're playing a hockey game and if you want to fight you hit the release buttons and flick your wrists down, like you're dropping the gloves

guess nintendo beat me to it

I see the NDF is out in full force. Weren't you the same people making of the PS4 because it tilted ever so slightly? This joycon problem seems 10x worse.

That's not aesthetically pleasing though.


Regardless of whether or not the device was damaged by being dropped, this is worrying. I would be curious as to whether or not anyone else can duplicate this. The whole Switch design should have been flipped upside down from what it is currently.

Still hyped though.

how would you SWITCH(tm) them to console mode?

making fun*

Delete THIS Wahoo

The dock could hold the switch at a 45 degree angle instead.

Is that seriously the notch on the JoyCons? That is fucking pathetic.

good thing nintendo trained us to not buy their hardware until the SwitchXL comes out

i might wait for the New SwitchXL though

The switch docks upside down, doesn't make a difference at all, joycons slide on from top and you just flip it when you pick it up.
Or just have the joycons attach from the side without a rail system so they don't slide, instead use a clip or lock mechanism

8.8 was the Twilight Princess score, retard. Glad you know what you're talking about.

Why the FUCK didn't they make the joycons slide from the bottom??? LOL

They slide in from top down, if they slid in the other way, this would not have been an issue LOL.

>Weren't you the same people making of the PS4 because it tilted ever so slightly?

holyshit nintendo didn't even think about this lmao

Yea Joe roegan is a fucktard. Whoever complains all day about random nonsense, just to get paid? Man that's pathetic, I'd rather stay poor.

Because it would be awkward to remove them when the system's attached to the dock. Also if you have one with faulty latches, they'd drop off when docked, as well.

isn't there something of an NDA around these prerelease units? isn't playing on the bus / in public a big fucking no no?

okay so first i gotta spend $300 on the console
then another $60 on a game
then another $80 on joycons and $60 on a charging grip if i want to play 2-player
then i gotta spend $70 on a pro controller for some reason
and if that wasn't enough, i'll have to spend eight million dollars on an apparatus that will reverse gravity in my house so my switch doesn't crash to the floor

what a ripoff

you're talking about the same person who singlehandedly ruined Rock Band's deal with Guns N Roses

I meant the controller to play games with the joycons when the battery is dying or gone

To be fair, Guns N Roses is pretty shit.

This is fact. Such fucking bullshit practices. They cannibalized their own hardware sales

Not if there's a significant portion on the slider to force it to stop.

Also who gives a fuck if its in the dock? The point is that making the joycons slide in from the bottom is alot safer, especially since the whole point is to play the thing mobile for hours at a time.

Making the joycons slide in from the top, so that if by accident you somehow hit the release buttons, then your fucking console crashes to the ground, is a bullshit design. You have to put your console at risk, all for the convenience of the docking port bullshite? Not smart decision there.

Don't forget an extra 256GB sd card ($150) if you plan on buying any digital games.


Why didn't they make the joycons come out the opposite way so with gravity it will never be able to pop out? Instead they make it so it just falls down when the joycons go up.

retarded move

I hate Nintendrones as much as the next guy but you can see where the guy going out of his way to try and force the pieces apart.

Also I just figured out an easy fucking solution.

Make joycons slide in from the bottom, and when you dock the switch, just dock it upside down, so that way the joycons still slide upward when it's docked. BOOM, problem solved.


This was one of the stupidest memes ever, the OG PS4 has 3 feet, 2 where that LED power status line is and 1 on the right side.
It doesn't move or "wobble" unless you sit next to it and use it as a pendulum.

Yeah, you put it back in the dock when the battery is low. How much downtime do you have between work or classes that requires you to need more than 2-3 hours at the least?

I work for a cell phone repair shop and this just mean more money for us, this thing looks so easy to repair.

the PS4 Pro has 4 feet now in the shape of the face buttons so it's alright


This. This video reeks of the same type of clickbait shit you see every time a new iPhone comes out.

Nintendo already got your money, and we got your tears. Go right ahead ;^)

>tfw too intelligent to buy a Switch when I can rob one

I'll wait for the revision in two or so years.

The best buy I work at just got our shipment of switches in. They aren't sealed with tape or anything at all which is really fucking strange but it did mean I was able to open one of the standard gray and neon ones up and try the locking mechanism on the tablet.

It's fine. It works entirely as intended. I was not able to force the Joycons off the tablet, I even tried punching it like in that clip. I'm not sure what's wrong with their switch, but unless you start abusing your tablet, you're not going to have this problem.

Regular work hours but game heavily for hours at a time when off work or on weekends.

I also don't like charging shit all the time. It just bothers me that it's not included. It's just a way to subsidize the overall cost.

What the fuck is going on, his head looks like scrotum meat

Its staggering that he even has a job in the industry.
Then again the entire industry doesn't make sense at all anymore.

>Sup Forums is a single person

>switch cartridges taste bad

dude: *walks into barber shop*
barber: whatchu want?
dude: "You ever see a mountain range before?"
barber: say no more senpai

>implying Nintendo will exist in 2 years


gimme the full video bitch

You can see this niggas brain what the fuck

>has a guy pretend to be a Harmonix rep
>he shit talks GNR and says they don't sound the same anymore
>this pisses off GNR fans
>Harmonix doesn't get to use GNR in Rock Band 2

As the system is now, you literally wouldn't be able to take the joy-cons off once it is docked. So maybe flip the entire unit over when docking it? Okay, then the exhaust vent would have to be moved, or else you'd be trying to vent downwards into the dock. But if the vent is on the bottom of the tablet so that it docks upside down and vents from the top, then in tabletop mode, the vent is against the table...

No matter what they do, something is going to be in the wrong place. They probably tried a few ways, and determined it was just easier to have the joy-cons slide over the top instead of holding the unit from the bottom.

The industry.... like gaming "journalism" has any fuckin requirements. Any fucking idiot can start a website.

Guys wtf do u expect this is another shit Nintendo product that will stand proud in the pond of shit alongside Mario, Zelda, Nintendo DS and Wii

Y tho

Uh, you'd have you hold it upside down by the joy-cons, and then presumably...shake it...upside down.. for it to fall out of your hands like that. I don't think I'll run into that, personally, but if that worries you don't get it I guess

Say what you will about the Wii's library, but it was and still is a sexy looking console.

from 1-10 how big of a disaster is the switch honestly.

are you... actually retarded?

Sorry to break it to you, but his head is just extremely calloussed and hardened like a damn walnut, no hair can grow on it properly he look like yakub for it.

Nintendo only had to make the joycons connect from underneath and this would never be an issue. Thankfully the tablet itself is rather light and not enough on its own to detach itself.

>what kinda haircut you want senpai
>hmm...let me think about it
>say no more


The Switch is FLAWLESS

This was my main concern when I saw the initial design. One badly angled drop and the system is fucked irreparably. I hope they release a model in a year or two that's just the mobile version, with fixed joycon.