You have 10 seconds.
Give a pitch for Nioh 2.
You have 10 seconds.
Give a pitch for Nioh 2.
Should've said 'patch'.
Same gameplay.
Takes place during the nobunaga era.
Play as one of the historic figures that die around Nobunaga's time of death.
Kind of can't really make a sequel. Japan sort of modernizes and stops being chaotic enough for yokai shit after the events of Nioh.
>It's 50 years into the Tokugawa ages of harmony.
>Some evil magical shit is going down
>William is forced to leave his Jap waifu and kids and go be a Nioh again
>Setting is more fantastical, involves journeys to heaven and hell.
>More weapons and bigger skill trees
>Twice as many yokai varieties
>Saika Magoichi is playable as an alternative to William.
Samurai goes on a quest for revenge in Britain.
>less loot, specifically weapons
>3-4 more weapon types
>more enemy types
>better level design
>set in an earlier jap time period, use time traveler to go to warring state or the Late Heian period
>harder bosses
post ww2, le magicks come back because nukes
you're some faggot white officer stationed in japan, or maybe some Nisei or sansei cucked into coming back to le homeland
William-Sama. In Kyoto. Taking place during the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons:
Just imagine running around a fully modeled Kyoto during that time period and just slaying tons of monsters. Would be so fucking cool.
Role reversal; have a samurai go to Europe.
It is already getting more weapon types.
What would you even add for weapons.
Axes in japan were a fucking stretch.
>Best boss as playable
Oh yes please.
it's like the first one, but different.
Prequel that takes place from the beginning of the Sengoku period up til when Weeriam-sama landed on the shore
There's too many characters from that time who were outright forgotten because of how late Nioh started. Shingen Takeda, Kenshin Uesugi, the real Nobunaga Oda, Yoshimoto Imagawa, Ujiyasu Hojo, Kotaro Fuma, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Toyohisa Shimazu are just a few off the top of my head
He's been set up for a special treatment like that already
>Neutral alignment because mercenary clan
>Developed a bit of a rapport with William throughout the game
>Speshul spirit powers just like William, possibly even special immortality too
Like, I imagine William approaching Saika for help with his new conflict. Who best to accompany you into the depths of hell than somebody else who's got the same level of spiritual sensitivity and awareness?
>the nobunaga era
sengoku, senpai, sengoku
That'd be interesting.
Make X the jump button.
Dodge button is now O.
Interact can be the right area of the touch pad. Left area is for menu.
Reverse it. Japanese samurai comes to Europe to fight European monsters, demons, and dragons.
Basically this but medieval Europe and also not shit.
Play as Katsu
Character customization
Naginata might as well be spear. Just like how hammers are axes in different skin.
Onimusha meets Dark Souls, but with actual gameplay depth
Your snark is so cool, bro.
Prequel as Mitsuhide Akechi, who we know can also see spirits.
he had a spirit
I like it. Have the demons end up being more western-style.
Well so did a lot of other people, but I'm pretty sure he's one of the few who could actually see them. Other people had them, but couldn't actually see them. Like I don't think the Tachibana couple could see theirs.
Anjin-dono is a pretty cool guy. He kills Yokai and doesn't afraid of anything.
Whatever. I didn't take any more of Japanese history class and all I know of Japanese history is by osmosis of a friend playing Samurai warriors in close proximity of myself.
>pc port
there it's instantly more successful
>not Nioh
Ya fucked it up, user.
Not measure that shit up with the 40 types of swords and 30 types of polearms.
Plus foreign guardian spirits is something they could do in quite an interesting way, since they already touched on that a little with William having a Celtic fairy, Kelley having a snake from Greek mythology, and Yasuke having an extinct bear from Northern Africa.
The only thing is that there isn't as huge a variety of spirit types in western mythology (or at least the area of the world that a sequel would likely take place, which would be around England) as there are in eastern. Although a lot of that is because they have a spirit or demon for FUCKING EVERYTHING. Still, there are probably enough that you could get guardians for every main character.
Make about an Japanese guy coming to Europe and becoming a knight
Wow, I expected this kind of post to be within the first 10 or so
Wait, I thought Uroboros was Norse.
Axes are one of the simplest tools that a civilization can make. They're not out of place in any country, and I'm pretty sure even abos used them.
Hm, Nioh is a set of 2 beings. So it's likely we'll see a different protagonist in Nioh 2. It's a title after all.
Nioh 2: Nioh goes Hawaiian
Or just William + Saika since they can both see spirits.
air combos
Give the combat system even more depth, add more enemy variety instead of the same shit over and over, nerf spells on bosses and improve on level design. That's all that Nioh 2 would need.
>William can carry more melee weapons than ranged ones
>Magoichi can carry more ranged weapons than melee ones AND more ammo
>Onmyo magic imbues elemental effects to bullets
>Magoichi's skills that can be learned are for fire arms where you can pull off DMC-esque Gunslinger shenanigans
Sure, why not?
Keep the combat system, but fix the OP aspects like Living Weapon, Discord, Sloth, etc.
Keep the enemies from the first and update movesets, while also adding a metric fuckton of enemy variety after that.
I'm prove level design. Less corridors, less caves, less nighttime and make more daytime human based levels like Sekigahara before being Sakon.
Keep some of the random loot and forging, but not AS random as it is now.
>I'm prove level design. Less corridors, less caves, less nighttime and make more daytime human based levels like Sekigahara before being Sakon.
Oh God, please. THIS.
it has more than five enemies
>playable Saika
Muh nigga
>set in the Sengoku era
>Mega man style choice of leader
>3-4 level mission per leader
>different endings
>allows you to retain some items
>wacky ass demons the other guys are summoning
where the fuck's the link to the credits song with words
why the fuck does Dream of You by Siedah Garrett not exist outside of the fucking credits
Just give me more Okatsu and Fuku
Danjo dating simulator.
Danjo is a title
his name's Hisahide Matsunaga and he was the greatest villain of that era
People still want to buy Souls games but From Software won't make anymore.
There, Nioh 2 starts development before I even shake the corporate dude's hand.
Thanks for that, was having trouble remembering/finding the name.