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Not video games
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Not not
Is being sued by someone other than the incompetent parkour "expert"?
He is going to lose that lawsuit
Didn't even know he was being sued.
Someone please spoonfeed me on why he's being sued for copyright before this thread 404s
Go on youtube and look up Matthoss H3h3 video. Someone else would have uploaded it. Guy got butthurt he used their video to have a laugh at him and make money.
I hope these Jews get sued into oblivion. I'm tired of seeing their fucking noses all over the place with their edgy may may humor that caters to autists.
The only truth
Cheers fellas
They made fun of a parkour "expert" he's suing them out of butthurt.
Here's a re-upload of the video they are being sued for:
If you like h3h3, idubbz, filthy frank, or any other shitty eceleb and quote their videos and memes all the time go fuck yourself
What's up with his gf?
She's probably the most introverted girl I've ever seen.
She also looks completely dependent on him.
When did Joosten get her own channel?
She's a typical russian bride except from Israel.
>>Man says we've all been lied too.
>>Doesn't say how we've been lied too and proceeds to blabber about rights
Did you just link this from Sup Forums or something?
>"Doesn't care about who hates him"
>Hides likes/dislikes bar
>Entire comments section hates his fucking guts and thinks he's crazy
So H3H3 is more credible? That was never in question.
>She also looks completely dependent on him
That's how you keep a girl and be the man of the place pussyboy
He just gave an update on his situation didn't ask for more money. Also h3h3 is pure
She's definitely got some signs of mental deficiency.
>Guy wins
>These fucks are no longer allowed to make their shitty low effort reaction videos that get flooded everywhere
Thank fucking god.
If you look at her art, you might realize why
Sorry gramps but I can watch whatever I want
Is this video games?
nah, their retarded fanbase will set up a patreon or gofundme for them and get them an incredibly stable lifestyle, probably $50,000 a month on Patreon or something.
Scizo maybe?
Also some of those are dope
You can also eat your own shit, but that doesnt make it any less retarded.
I actually watched some of this guy's vids, dude's a legit creep. Like the kind of dude you'd find at a bar by himself trying to flirt with groups of girls 20 years younger than him.
e-celebs =/= video games
fuck off with this garbage
What am I supposed to be looking for here?
lets hear your top 3 favorite youtubers than tough guy
What the fuck dark timeline do I live in.
>Mind of a 16 year old atheist with the body of a 30 year old man.
He really knows his crowd.
>iranian guy sues a jew
also not video games fuck you uiasdfhauisfsdhnfSIULgjndszsjkbgvhS87yrfasw
this dude is like 40 something and getting pissy about some meme channel that gets more views than he ever will, for all the machismo posturing he does he should really grow a pair
wow holy shit i didn't even notice that wtf it's all so bad, is it just being sold that high of price because of the videos w/Ethan?
H3h3 is in a cuckold relationship right? His wife looks like a cuckoldress.
He's a literal american stereotype of
The only cuck here is you especially with that mentality
5000 goddamn shekels for shit on a canvas
boring ass reaction videos to shit nobody cares about unfunny no jokes lame ass shit literally this is the pinnacle of normie memes h3h3 more like fucking wh0car3s amirite famalam
if h3h3's lawyer bills are 50k a month his must be close to it if not more, they're both going to go down swinging and everyone is going to win in the long run
>video starts out with random bozo no one has ever heard of
shitcanned the video 4 seconds in
Found the 17 year olds, fuck off kiddies you have 1st period English tomorrow
what a smug cunt
>annoying clicking from saliva when this guy talks
>Calls people "haters"
>Piggybacking off h3h3
who the fuck is this queer and why do I care?
I quite like these. $5000 for marker art is fucking ridiculous, though.
it's 5k for the original, prints are like 20
I don't see your point.
this dude has some crazy ass vendetta against these guys to be blowing thousands of dollars against another useless youtube channel. Like dude, get your shit together, this isn't how you do this
whoa nigga, you 18 years old with such superior fucking humor?
that does not make it any better.
supply and command
it's basic
They are all cancer.
I see their "jokes" parroted around but it's just meaningless buzzphrases that people spit out to fit in with their faggot e-friend sheeple party.
idupps > h3h3 > papa franku
when will the jews stop
You guys are retarded. Some people just like making art. If you create something, you can set any price you want. Sometimes you get attached to the things you create, so why not set a high price?
It's like asking someone "how much would I have to pay you to part with that?" They in no way look for art sales to stay afloat you morons.
>millionaire youtube 'celebrities' asking for even more money
OMG, he starts the video by calling his own girlfriend a "transgender skeleton"...does this guy have brain damage or something?
I hope he dies.
Hila is a beautiful princess. She doesn't deserve this.
>mfw face when thinking about her hurting
idubbbz was ok back when he did actual criticism of content rather than downright bullying people, which sadly it's what 13 year olds seek since they are thirsty for some "epic roasts".
His non-unboxing videos lately have been pretty weak and that's saying something since his unboxing videos tend to be the worst thing in his channel.
Frank and H3 have never been funny, Frank however had some charm back when he just acted like an insane retard on the streets.
He has to be stopped!
On what grounds are they being sued for?
They're doing pretty much the same 'react' shit that they always do and many other people do.
*tips dunce cap*
We should thank these jews. If it wasn't for them making reaction videos then anime would be the lowest form of art.
idubbbz is actually pretty funny
I haven't watched him recently besides his content cop video so idk if he's shit now but last I checked he's good
Filthy frank and h3h3 are retarded though
Let's face it
You're just upset he gets away with saying nigger out loud while you're scared to death to even utter it beyond your keyboard
>idubbbz was ok back when he did actual criticism of content rather than downright bullying people
Pretty sure his criticisms are way more valid now then they were when he was desperate for viewers dude.
> Frank however had some charm back when he just acted like an insane retard on the streets
Shit taste
>tfw they're actually Jews and they want shekels from the goyim.
>these fucking youtubers think that when you take someone's content and """"transform"""" it that means it's okay and not copyright infringement
These guys are alright though. Better than the endless slew of lets play cancer at the bare minimum. It's the fans of those people who fuck everyone up and make them look like retards.
Video games.
>my life life is so hard
>you guys gave us $150k to spend on lawyers and we actually had to spend $50k of your money on lawyers!!! now we only get to keep $100k.
>worst year of our lives!!!!
Actually you're wrong. This case will settle if it means that or not.
I like Frank purely for his art in shitposting. The Australian in me has to respect him being Australian.
This right here, soulbro pretty much destroys these 14 year old eceleb worshipers in this podcast.
>edupes is the best, everything else is basicaly crap
I like h3h3. Fuck y'all.
Does anyone seriously think a 50,000 dollar lawyer bill is going to wreck Ethan and Hila like they make it to be? I thought like 200,000 was donated to them too for this dumb shit.
These fucks got bored of NYC and left for Los Angeles. How tight exactly is money for them when they're shilling for Hollywood movies on some of their videos along sponsorships on the regular.
It's always about hard times with these fucks.
She's also pretty ugly desu. Has that classic mixed Israeli deep girl voice. I fucked a girl on birthright and she had that same exact stupid accent. Only Russim in Israel have pretty girl voices.
50k for a month, they gotta keep paying.
Btw, what are they even being sued about?
Can't they defend themselves instead of paying a lawyer?
>Pretty sure his criticisms are way more valid now then they were when he was desperate for viewers dude.
Fuck no, his criticisms nowadays are downright bullying the content creators rather than the content itself. Compare the Jinx video to the Tana video. He spends one minute ragging about how she exaggerates her stories and the rest is basically twitter bullshit and buildup footage to when he says nigger.
jeez hila
I swear there was an h3 vid about chubby Skhreli and his ugly gf raising a fit in a restaurant but I can't find it anywhere.
For some reason I think she's kinda cute.
Like... I know it's fucked up and but I can't help myself
I don't think hes going to win the lawsuit 2bh.
Why does it even cost $50k for a lawyer bill? They must have gotten the best Jew layer in the Jew universe to defend them. I know copyright law can be costly, but Matt Hoss is probably filing a lot of this himself and also getting probono work from bottom of the barrel lawyers. You do not need $50k lawyers to defend against this.
If h3h3 really wanted to be economical about this, they'd get a mid tier IP firm to defend them for probably $300/hr. Presuming they put in 20 hours a month, that's still only $6000 a month. It's still a bit ludicrously expensive, but it's not $50k a month expensive.
The only youtubers worth watching is Kripparrian and penguinz. everyone else is garbage-tier
But not /ourgirl/ Tana, right?
that's not what I said at all but if you want to believe that it's okay
I think most people find Hila cute in same way that people think pugs are cute.
From what I understand it's a civil case about "damages" or other terminology for supreme butthurt.
>it's a ryan solo stream
She has blue eyes and she's a girl. I kind of get it dude, but she sounds like a man and her face is not feminine. Apparently h3h3 and Hila met at some kind of Yad v'Shem and they connected because he doesn't give a shit about the holocaust and Hila is too autistic to understand the holocaust.
Trust me, Hila is a dime a dozen girl. Fucked a girl just liked that on birthright and while it was fun, it wasn't something I'd ever want to continually do.
At least his videos are well produced. You're right though.
Tana tells niggers to go kill themselves for being black. She's Sup Forums's /ourguy/
I said it and I believe it