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I feel like they made him so annoying on purpose, just to make people want to kill him for the irony. I mean, even if you spare him, he just goes and gets killed by the scorpions.

is this the new thread?


toast couriers

Quick, post your weapon-fu before someone else claims it!

I'll die first!


from other thread

Never knew you could find Jessup walking back to red canyon, he even has dialogue for it

>874 hours in NV and this is my first time seeing Vault 19

you posted my mainfu but how bout my sidefu
>all those ammo types

Just woke up Goodsprings wondering what the hell happened.

I can't even image what other things you might've missed if that escaped your attention.

To be fair it's pretty well hidden. I can easily see someone just walking past it.

This is what I was thinking.
>wait until you meet mister house

I've also just never been that way before

I missed north vegas my first time


>going to meet omerata bosses
>drop mini nuke mine before sitting on the couch
>they go hostile
>limp out of the room

What are some good player home base mods? That TARDIS one is kind of tempting.

>meeting the omerta bosses
i'm too autistic to find my way around the fucking gomorrah, am I just retarded?

I like the broken down tank house


How did you not notice it? Theres an ending slide dedicated to it.

>time to die sal
>let's dance
Just sitting on the couch watching the fucking explosion

Definitely cool. A little cramped looking, but will give it a test.



No, that place is a fucking maze. Doesn't help that the local map is absolutely retarded.

I had to noclip my way into the cash room because I could not find the other side of the door.

>How did you not notice it?
I usually either go to bittersprings through the cazadores or by walking from new vegas, this is my first time walking there straight from boulder city
>Theres an ending slide dedicated to it.
not if you don't go there

How do you install all this manually? Couldn't get this one with the Nexus manager and I'm not good at computer.

I don't there is a door to it. Or if there is it's pretty well hidden.

>that vault girl


Accidently a word

>found vault 19
>walking from boulder city
>towards bitter springs

I really miss this game. Easily one of my top 5s and I haven't played it in years. Where has the time gone?

I don't think I've ever been here either. Wtf?

Go get it, friend. Steam always has it for cheap, especially during sales.

i'm going "vault hunting" in my current game, although it's not really hunting since i took the perk that shows every location

Do the edges on the other Vault Girl icons look jagged? The mod images look like shit.



>install EVE
>get the new sounds, visuals, deaths, etc.
>but not the textures for most weapons
>reactivate it
>still no dice
what the heck I want to start my Energy Weapons character


I ain't use the mod, I just know the source.

i need help installing this shit, help me and I'll reward you with a cool wallpaper


The Holy trifecta.
Pic related is my personal favorite.


That ain't bitter springs, fool.

BFG-New Vegas Edition

Okay I meant Bonnie Springs

That's right, Bonnie Springs, home settlement to the Great Bons. You don't graduate into their ranks until everyone in the tribe group-hugs you.

This isn't behaviour I expect from someone with almost 900 hours in the game.

best looking armor

just killed Pearl and Loyal for the first time ever

damn it feels good to be a gangsta

my 'canon' courier

Having the full artillery of the Boomers gunning for your ass might be the least gangsta feeling the game can offer. Easily the most panicked I've ever felt in the game.

You look like a tired Cass.

I'm not Cass! I'm my original character, Blass!

Got Love and Hate
Got reinforced metal armor
Now what should my headgear be?

>BFG-New Vegas Edition

That would be the plasma caster.


The name of a shithole is a minor detail not worthy of my memeory

>mfw realizing that about 2 hours into my playthrough
I just ran with it at that point

One of the legate helmets from Lonesome. Pick ur favorite.

anyone know of any good content mods?
also is it just me or is it almost impossible to continue with the game once player slavery/bdsm mods are installed?

they shot at me to begin with so I decided then and there to kill them all

walking through a howitzer brigade, making pearls eyes come out of the back of her head, killing loyal and jack right next to each other, and then sneaking around at night murdering boomers in a boomer uniform while looking for Rachael feels pretty gangster

im gonna flip an irl coin to see if i kill that guy at the beginning of the road that bets on you dying

>the music for red rock canyon

If you don't have it already, get Music Recovery

jeeesus you sound like an edgy fuck.

>Killed all the Van Graffs
>Didn't buy the unique weapons
>Check on wiki
>Said the weapons will be at the gun runners store
>Many play throughs later
>still not there

I wish I could arbitrarily kill non-hostile NPCs on a whim like that, but I tend to leave them be because of a crippling existential dread that becomes inflamed within me whenever I realize I'd be making the Wasteland that much more barren and closer to empty.

you can't just add them to your inventory with console?

that's when you do a little player.additem xx000803 1 if you catch my drift.

Reinstalling Gun Runners fixes that, I believe.

im rping as this guy

so it's pretty warranted in my opinion

>companion mod
>calls you six
>acts like a fucking kid
>can't handle his drug addiction
Fuck you, Niner

>I'll just add a tiny little item
>50 minutes later
>Have added every perk, maxed my SPECIAL and skills and given myself 2 million caps

what's the best weather mod?

He let his potential victims call their own fate on the coin toss. He said himself, "It wouldn't be fair if I called it."

nope, I have self control, homo.

Nevada skies.

he killed dozens of people without flipping the coin, most of them didnt pose him any harm

but like I said, I flip the coin when an npc says something snarky to me or tries to get the better of me in a nonviolent way

if theyre overly annoying or aggressive then i kill them

>tin can on the end of a shotgun
>magically turns it from KRAKOOM to *phweet*
That isn't how it fucking works.

Is there a mod for legion NCR skirmishes?

It's me again, can anyone help me?

I'm serious, this is one cool wallpaper


>fellow robot courier


Yes it is.

Prove it.


Not an argument.

>this thing that does this thing is present


Something lighter on resources and simpler overall?

a lot of suppressors don't really quiet the gun to that point. I don't know a whole lot, but the effect seems exaggerated not like I care the movie's fucking amazing


> The noise generated by the shotgun when fired was 155 decibels, as measured by SilencerCo.
>The American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association rates that level as "painful" and compares it to "fireworks at three feet."
>CNNMoney then fired the shotgun fitted with its silencer -- the Salvo 12 -- which was less loud. But not by that much: 132 decibels.
>The hearing association still rates that as painful, and compares the sound to a jackhammer.

>it's a user center his compass but doesn't bother adding a mod that fades out both sides of it episode

Is there a good companion mod?