It's a friend request.
It's a friend request
Other urls found in this thread:
>steam friends
>DOTAPINOYGAMERS have invited you to join their group.
>It's a greasebeard weeb looking to ERP
Declined, blocked, and reported.
>It's a comment
>they never talk
Say something faggot. YOU added ME.
Naj, just new shitty trade card.
>it's someone from a Sup Forums "steam friends thread"
>he's gay and wants your boipussi
What should I say?
I add people but always get nervous on how to start talking.
>hi friend I am interested in ur tf2 item but unfortunately I cannot use steam trading offers due to a bug
>please go here to see my offer staemoffer.con
>It's an invitation to join a Russian DOTA community even though I'm not Russian and don't play ASSFAGGOTS
>>It's a friend request.
> you press "Block" without looking
Try saying hello.
>its a robot
>plese clik link htp:/
That's nothing. Post your loyalty by displaying longest Steam friendship.
What about after?
>hey man gg
>what other games you play?
>friend request from some fag with a cropped porn avatar
Talk about the weather.
I don't think they would like talking about the weather.
Thanks for the giggle.
The fucking cornmunity never fails to crack me up
You can try asking what they're up to and see if you can get a conversation starter from there.
>Play a good game with randoms
>One adds me afterwards
>Proceed to never speak or play together again
and that's how my friendslist builds up on every platform
>generally remove people I don't talk to or play with
>have one guy who gifted me a relatively expensive game
>never talk with the guy, but feel like removing him would be rude
Send help
>can't make friends cause I'm socially inept
>stop trying
>It's someone saying thanks for a mod I made.
>tfw this is me
>tfw everyone ends up deleting me
>hey i'm interested in your knife, please check my vault account
I only get friend requests then a message almost exactly like this
I'm actually lonely and desperate for friendship please love me
what did you make?
one of my friends made a popular meinkraft mod for saving shit
>Tfw haven't had a single friend, in real life or otherwise, in about ten years
I'm used to it now. I wouldn't know the first thing to do or say if I actually HAD friends come over.
>CYKA BLYAT has invited you to the group "jesus christ you suck"
It's only been a year for me
I don't want to be alone anymore
>had one friend request in 2011
>it's still there and will never go away
Might as well create new account.
>it's a indieshit coupon
>friend request
>private profile
>get notification
>I hope it's something related to me
>just a reply on a thread I never bothered to unsubscribe from
>it is related to me
>sheer stinging anxiety
>almost always a neutral comment or a random comment from a friend, or just a compliment on a mod
jesus, what happened to your friends from school/work? Did you just never make any?
Years ago I gifted two or three people from Sup Forums Terraria after buying the 4-pack on sale.
I know they're only still my friend because of the gift, but I feel a weird sense of satisfaction knowing that they're obligated to be my friend. Forever.
I don't want to say specifically because it'd be too easy to find me.
I fixed two old game maker games that would crash on windows 8.
My old friends hate me now
they are NEET and get austism Bucks from the gooberment
yeah well now im even more curious
i will find you
I had a friend in high school but we both moved out to different colleges and haven't kept contact. Never made a friend in college and now I graduated with a worthless meme degree and can't find work so I'm a NEET.
ask if you can see their boipucci
I actually get nothing from no government.
Fuck. If you do, mention this thread and I'll confirm.
I'd remove you immediately
>adding someone to say gg
>asking what else they play on the platform that tells you exactly how much they play a thing unless they set their profiles to private to prevent people from seeing their ERP groups
Are you atleast a decent looking trans
>tfw afraid of making making friends/contact with people
>just ordered Mario Maker so I can play with minimized contact with people
I'll either get NieR or BotW next week on friday though
>tfw GOGfag
>community isn't filled with children, autists, and valve nuthuggers
Damn if GOG had a few more features it'd be comfiest gaming client without cancer
post pic
>turn trans
>no friends from it
It's like fucking clockwork
I have one right now from someone I removed over a year ago.
Ill just wait until he cancels it.
literally just be yourself
if you're an abrasive asshole like me then eventually you'll weed out the pussies with thin skin
if you're a pathetic faggot like you then just talk about rainbow or bunny rabbits or some gay shit
Id rather not post myself on Sup Forums, I know people here
I was pretty friendly in high school. But my family life is weird so I never invited them over or did things outside of school. When school ended so did my friendships.
Nice hips and hair
No Is that that asian kid from mfgg?
Would fuck
US acording to the profile he got
now tell us already, what did you do?
Hm. I wonder what will happen if I start adding random people right now, how many on them will accept my request? Of course I will remove all of them later, but I'm just curious.
Most trannies go through for emotional reasons, hoping that a sexual change will make them feel whole and less insecure socially. Yet they are willing to do this against the wishes of others, creating friction. Any retard in high school psychology can figure this out
>You add them
>They just start raging at you
I didn't need a friend anyway
Well I only had two friends, why would I ruin my life by not transitioning over them
Just reply 'git gud' and remove them as they're in the middle of responding for some free butthurt on your profile comments. Easy peasy.
It's shit like this that I'll never understand. I can sink pretty far down into the rabbit hole, but I know that some is better than none.
Ofc you don't understand, but death is better than not transitioning for me
>get friend request
>haven't played a multiplayer game in years
>no messages whatsoever
He's still on my list but fuck if I know who he is.
>you add them
>"hey did I make you mad bro"
they're ugly even by male standards obviously
Haha i wonder what would happen if I added random people haha.
Do you think they would accept?
I mean id just delete them after haha but do you think some people would accept?
What do you think yoshis eggs smell like?
Not if they get decent genes and start young
And maybe death would be better than living in solitary confinement with only shitposting to ease the pain. You let the voices in your head outweigh the voices of logical thought
>Still kills self anyway
Nobody. You reminded me of my ex and I was wondering why she was posting on Sup Forums at 3 am
>get added by a kid because I was doing well in a game
>he treats you like a god
Did someone say Steam Friend Thread? I'll bite. Only add me if you're a weaboo and play videogames.
lmaoing at your life
>testing some sound mods for L4D2 late one night
>random friend request out of the blue, some random anime fucker with that one male cat boy that's been trending recently
>no mutual friends, no familiar past nicknames, no genuine connection to me
>bite the bullet when he sends me messages
>"Oh, me and my friend just started getting into CS:GO and we need more people to play with!"
>respond that it's pretty obvious I've been off the game for a really long time now
>"Yeah, I know, I had to get you from a thread that was about two years old..."
>tell them I'll probably never reinstall anyways so telling me this out of the blue was pointless
>"Oh, that's fine. I could always do with making a new friend :3"
>Don't even fucking remember if he's still on my friend's list
>this happened this month
Steam is fucking crazy.
>it's a booster pack
Ow. Your words, user, they pain me so.
Lol you're probably baiting but if this is real you're a fucking moron for being transgender. Kill yourself
>Doesn't play video games
>Barely past 24 hours played in 2 weeks
Yeah cant wait to add you see how boring of a cunt you are and never talk to you again
>want to be alone
>pub solo in multiplayer games
>unprecedented amounts of luck unboxing unusuals has kept me engaged with the high profile tf2 trading community, a weird fucking bunch with only a few cool people
>get tired of it real fast
I bring it on myself, I guess.
I've been playing nothing but Space Station 13. Just started playing Oblivion and Morrowind again. Sheesh.
>it's a gift from one of your friends
>kawaii speak and BRAAP references in comments
>art display full of shit
>displays being in some generic steam group that means and does nothing
>some fag gifts me shit
>unfriend him immediately after
>playing Oblivion and Morrowind
Me too, man. Modded Oblivion helps me cope with depression. Plus I never finished Shivering Isle dlc so why not finish it since I'm going to kill myself in the next few weeks.
Had this happen to me recently. Thing is, after a few days of worshipping he just suddenly stopped talking to me completely. Kids are weird.