>one hundred (100) dollars for the full game and it has a cash shop
One hundred (100) dollars for the full game and it has a cash shop
Other urls found in this thread:
looks like I am pirating it just like I did with the first one
>Black dude
Did Tolkein ever have any black dudes in Middle-Earth? I know there were not-arabs to the East but black dudes?
I'm usually not bothered by "racial diversity" in games but if Tolkien didn't have black dudes in-universe, then this is blatant shoe-horning.
Last one wasn't good, what's going to be different this time?
Lorefags already settled this. There were black half trolls
What. That's not a thing, surely?
If there are black half-trolls, then surely that means at least one of it's parents are black?
So there are either black trolls in general or black humans.
>a black man in middle earth
Not completely sure, I'm autistic about lotr, but not enough to read the appendices and what not. But, the half trolls were said to have black skin, they're from the east too if I'm not mistaken
nigga it's just a black dude chill out
He is probably an haradrim.
Read the fucking books pls.
I hate putting monkeys where they dont belong but yes tokien has niggas by lore.
does this have a new mc? i hope my wife gets murdered and they throw a love interest at me half way into the game again.
Nah he is still him with celembimor or whatever the fuck is his name written.
Lmao let me point out the black NIGGER (hahaha I said it) ahaha my friends on Sup Forumseddit will surely think higher of me now! DO I FIT IN GUISEEE? xP
Hahaha nigger!
Wrong. Haradrim have brown skin
Like I said, I'm normally not fussed about it.
If this is the case, then great, could be an interesting character.
I thought Haradrim were more like Middle-Eastern folk, but perhaps I'm wrong.
That's the point. They're obviously trying to pass him off as a soldier of the west, and be black. It makes no sense
Not funny
Shut up, faggot. I'm a sandnigger, and I don't want inconsistencies in the game just for the sake of Reddit tier tards
They were discussing about the nigga in the cover.
>I thought Haradrim were more like Middle-Eastern folk, but perhaps I'm wrong.
I dont know what was the gradient of black, they are described as "dark skinned, tall, cruel and barbarian" shit like that if my memory is good.
I know. And one user said he could be part of the haradrim, which is objectively false
Im that user and is the most realistic explanation, since you have already blacks i dont see a reason why you should put a random monkey without an easy explanation.
So what's the story with that ring
>Meanwhile the Switch only gets non remastered version of Skyrim.
But that's exactly what they're doing..
>copying Ubisoft's Gold Edition
But why?
Sheeeit dat som kina Balrog n shieet?
>murdering forty thousand orcs isn't part of my job description mr. gamgee
>when your done, type in your name
>shadow of Mordor
> Showing some respect for the books
Come on
Hol up Gandalamar gimme som of dat dank pipe ayyy wat u said about som kina ring n sheeiit?
It´s fucking WB games. You´ll be able to buy it for 10$ within weeks
Fuck off racists, can we please discuss the game and not your tumblr-tier triggerering from one african american man in your white boys fantasy?
Tolkien is rolling in his grave
report and ignore you mong
if you say so Sup Forumsack
>african american
There's no Africa or America in Middle Earth, bro.
How would you know? Prove it
I know rite? Sauron in corporeal form, teleporting nazgul, balrogs, and elf ghosts.
Not sure how your pic is related tho
you really should know that fans would be, and rather easily able to do just that.
>tfw currently reading the Silmarillion
I cannot keep up with all the names and places goddamn
What about Left or Right-Earth?
You only posted a picture of the middle
What happens in Helcaraxe?
Also what the fuck is a Lamp of the Valar and why are there two of them?
Take it a few pages at a time and ponder on them.
>I'm usually not bothered by "racial diversity"
>1 black guy
First game is only worth playing for the nemesis system i hope they realized that
>What happens in Helcaraxe?
Looks cool as fuck.
>I'm usually not bothered by "racial diversity"
>1 black guy forced into a universe where there are no black guys and there have never been any "black haradrim" and the haradrim never set foot outside their lands until they were forced by Sauron
>Some black dude from Africa with shitty internet cries that it's not shoehorning
Oh and the Lamps were basically the light of the world.
>Illuin ("sky-blue" in Quenya) and Ormal ("high-gold") were great lamps which once stood respectively at the northern and southern ends of Arda in primeval times, during the Spring of Arda.
>After the Valar entered the world, there was a misty light veiling the barren ground. The Valar took this light and concentrated it into two large lamps.
>Aulë forged great towers on which to place the Lamps, one in the furthest north, Helcar, and another in the deepest south, Ringil. Varda filled them with light and Manwe hallowed them.
>In the middle of Middle-earth, where the light of the Lamps mingled and the vegetation of Yavanna was richer, was the Great Lake and the island Almaren, where the Valar first dwelt
The game is non canon, keep crying about it, but do it on Sup Forums please.
>muh Sup Forums reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>i want a fucking safe space reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
keep crying
>muh lore reeeeeee
>i want a space space in gaming with no black people reeeeee
keep crying
not a safe space when there were no black people in tolkienverse to begin with.
keep crying my black friend
But now there are.
keep crying my nazi friend
good thing this is fanfiction then and not part of canon
need some reading glasses my black friend?
Yes they were arabs and persians. Thanks for agreeing with me.
if there are niggers in god of war 4 im gonna stop playing videogames
Then why are you still whining about it. You said it yourself, it's non canon.
Now wipe up your tears and move on, like a normal person.
No, no, no, no, no.
The men of far-Harad were said to be LIKE half-trolls because of their height and the darkness of their skin. "Like half-trolls" is exactly what it says in RotK.
There will be niggers in every single video game that is made by a major developer or publisher
They'll probably make Heimdallr a nigger like they did in the Thor films