Patch 3.55a
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who odin here
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This green though.
list easiest to most difficult dps class rotations
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Alright so what's the point of PU again?
Proto Ultima could've used more hp
>Proto-Ultima is a 2 minute trash fight in Dun Scaith
Time to unsub
what's the new emote for death?
>Proto Ultima just replaces the succubus in Dun Skee
>dies even faster than she does
Stop posting pictures of absolute strangers.
>proto ultima fight
I can't believe I stayed up for this shit. I can't believe this fight was shilled constantly as content when it's literally easier than the succubus.
Literally worse than if we got nothing at all
Does it drop good equipment at least?
Am I retarded or am I supposed to get the non-casting gear for BLM with this protoultima shit
Dumb poopsocking neets. The Casual player wins again
Yes, but lol weekly lockout
You do a weekly quest which replaces the succubus in Dun Scaith with Proto ultima. reports say it dies even faster than her.
You get a token that's turned in for ilvl 270 accessories.
Proto Ultima loot and Dun Scaith loot are two different things right? Or do they share weekly lockout?
I'm a salt powered robot, retard.
I'll find a way to make you sustain me, one way or another.
private number, my ass
>join leveling roulette
>tank immideatly disconnects but still in the party
>you must wait 5 minutes before trying to kick someone
>Does it drop good equipment at least?
chest is good for PVP
aiming ring is good for bards
fending loot is all trash all day
BLMs get some skill speed
Separate, you can kill two birds with one stone.
>wants to get Proto Ultima Mesh
>no idea what gloves/pants/boots would match
you get no loot from proto ultima itself, it's one of those quests where you get the quest item after exiting the duty
They're different. Just clear Dun Scaith and turn in the quest at Idyllshire and you get an item to trade in for i270 accessories.
I hope they fix that crap sometimes it takes me 20 minutes to get back on after a random disconnect from the game is the game still sees me logged in
>chest is good for PvP
It's absolute shit for PvP.
>no secondaries except piety
Proto Ultima is a weekly quest. If anyone has the weekly quest active in your Dun Scaith run, it will replace the Succubus with Ultima (who actually dies faster and has less mechanics than the succubus). Then when you clear Dun you'll get a token that you trade for an item that you trade for an accessory.
Well thank fuck for that. Still sounds laughable though.
Would it be better for a BLM to fucking wear the bard ring at this point?
A better question would be least fun to most fun
Slaying ring is BiS
A lot of the aiming stuff is BiS for BRD
comes with spellspeed, not skillspeed. that'd just be dumb.
Elezen looks dumb as fuck on MNK
I have no reading comprehension. Thanks m8.
>tfw NIN can't make good use for the Proto Ultima aiming accessories
At least Sandung doesn't look like crap anymore.
Loading screens are really getting on my nerves
>join an unysnc party for the relic trials
>someone falls off on Titan Hard
>Slaying ring is BiS
For what job and what does it replace?
The ring is good isn't it
I mean it's still pretty ugly but WAR Lux is probably worse than before.
Feel like I should just make my highlander a midlander
For every job. Shire ring is SS/det, ultima is crit/ss
bis for tanks is alex slaying and alex fending because parry is dead stat
Back to your containment thread shitters
Is this the worst patch ever?
What exactly were you expecting it's not like they said anything big was coming
I expected nothing from proto ultima and I'm still disappointed.
Gonna have to shift something around as drg then. Wasting points in skill speed otherwise
umbrite nerf and the accessories from the proto ultima shit aren't all bad either so nah
could be worse.
I thought they changed it that only vit was the damage for tanks now?
You're getting SS no matter what rings you wear.
it's a lettered patch, it's not supposed to be major or groundbreaking
I was expecting a Proto Ultima fight that lasted more than 90 seconds
Fair enough, I just don't understand why people wanted to do a Proto Ultima fight anyway. It's really something they just threw together last minute because people were crying about it
Long as I don't get pushed into the 650SS tier, I'll take it
they had a real trial for fanfest
they could've just reused that with an unlock quest
it doesn't even make any story sense
it's only a letter patch because they delayed Diadumb 2.0 to 3.55b
which also probably isn't promising.
>playing for the story and hit 60
>heavensward patches have less than half the amount of MSQ the 2.0 patches had
>MSQ locked behind trials with a minimum ilvl
>haven't played in 3 days after playing a week straight
>Monk nerf
MNK main can't catch a break. holy shit
I grabbed the ring just to not have a 260 ring. 3 crit difference melded, and I'm figuring the other stats are more than enough to offset it.
pretty sure the amount of content per patch has been pretty similar unless you count the MSQ making you run/teleport everywhere as content
I didn't realize the FanFest version was different. But that being said I'm sure the reasoning will be later stated as him wanting all of the Casual people to be able to defeat Proto Ultima
Paladin 260 anima or 275 for aesthetics
i like both but i don't know about the permanent flare of Aettir
the fanfest version was easy too, its that chucking this into dun scaith makes no god damn sense and is fucking retarded. even odin got buffed from its fanfest version. this is a TRASH MOB
depends on if you like blue or red fire
that's about it. I'm sure you can buy a replica for the original
Where do I put attribute points as a gladiator?
275 step is same colour as thegns
all in your classes primary stat
so all in VIT for tanks
help I bought the emote
What emote
male lalafell playdead is best one, wtf
$7 on mogstation
whoops wrong image
>People call this piss yellow
What the fuck kind of radioactive piss do they have?
Ahahahhahahah proto ultima just caused my friend to quit the game
I bought the emote but my inbox was full. Cleared my inbox and hit the button in top right, still not getting anything.
>I thought they changed it that only vit was the damage for tanks now?
It's AP = 0.45*STR+0.45*VIT
So it's both which is why you can still use Slaying accessories if Fending just happen to be awful.
This tier, they happened to be awful.
Ask for his stuff, especially house if he has one
Why? Yeah it sounds half-assed but that's like getting mad at Ruby Sanctum.
they sells Lalas?
I'm seriously reconsidering whether I should keep playing this game if proto ultima represents the level of effort they're willing to put into content going forward.
Yes, finally you can own one to do what you want with it.
Thanks guys
Who gives a flying fuck.
t. MNK main
It's honestly that bad.
This game really sucks right now
>oh shit here's proto ultima
>mfw how fast the hp started going down
I think it's hardly indicative of their overall quality of content. This was something that was paid for by players for whatever reason and they definitely found it in on this one because it wasn't part of their design
Fending neck is alright.
Meh. I had zero idea this was coming out and at least I got to hear the Ultima theme for longer with this fight.
What the actual fuck were they thinking?
>they weren't kidding with the idol event
what the fuck
It's a prototype can't be stronger than the original
It's not bad if you're not raiding
If you have raid gear it's not worth it