>legit question

Meanwhile, DENUVO removed games by devs:

This is not a piracy thread. Once the game is cracked, the only people affected by DENUVO are the legit customers

ie: Batman Arkham Knight performance is better, but it is still pretty much TRASH, because of DENUVO
The pirated version runs better than the paid one

We need to end this

Other urls found in this thread:

Because Denuvo only needs to work for a week before the launch boom starts to diminish returns to pay for itself.

I don't like Denuvo either guys but is it that hard to explain? All it has to do is keep cracks off Pirate Bay for the launch week and it'll have paid for itself and then some.

Cracking Denuvo takes time. Most sales are made within the first week or so. The longer it takes them to crack it, the more likely people will just shell out and buy it on Steam since it's still pretty convenient.

As long as it doesn't get cracked on launch or the week after they will keep updating and including it in every game.

If this keeps up devs are just going to stop making PC ports

lol @ thinking pirates buy the game because no crack is available in the first week

I think you are missing the point of the thread

what I am saying is that once the cracked version is out, the legit denuvo copy only damages performance for legit customers

id, BETHESDA and crytek already figure this out, so they have removed DENUVO from their respective titles

>to work for a week before the launch boom starts to diminish
that's not how PC sales work



plenty of games took at least a week to crack before Denuvo. RE7 had denuvo and got cracked in 5 days. I'm not saying there's no point but it doesn't seem worth it for studios to be shelling out $$$ when it's getting cracked faster and faster and the only people getting hurt are genuine users.

nah some of us here are fans of Denuvo

I don't like the idea of playing a game with pirates, even if its singleplayer. It just makes me sick

Laziness and not wanting to bother with updating it? Is denuvo a continuous fee or onetime?


more like denuvno

Rather be the only one to play it right?

This seems like shitposting but are used game sales on consoles the same as pirating in your eyes then? The devs/publishers get nothing after the initial sale.

>Batman Arkham Knight performance is better, but it is still pretty much TRASH, because of DENUVO

Can you prove this with statistics?
Or is this what they call alternative facts?

just my experience
I 100% the last pirated version on my toaster
and about 2 weeks ago, I bought it on bundlestars
I am replaying the game right now (a legit copy) and the stutters and audio drop outs are surreal

Can you prove that denuvo increases sales with facts?

Denuvo is a monthly fee gig

the thing is once you have your game cracked, not patching Denuvo from your game out is basically burning money

And you are damaging performance and harddrives of legit customers

I don't need to prove a claim that I never made.

>And you are damaging performance and harddrives of legit customers

Link to your extensive research to prove this claim?

First post best post, now cue 50 replies of butthurt pirates wailing against this.
I only played lords of the fallen out of this list because I'm not into sucking stale AAA dick, but the performance was just fine, constant 60 fps.

>extensive research
the only thing you will find is plenty of testimonies about it
it is a closed source solution
the only ones who could provide real numbers would be the crackers

But does it really affect performance? Is there any proof?

>Because Denuvo only needs to work for a week before the launch boom starts to diminish returns to pay for itself.

Yeah, you keep telling the companies that, bro. But you used to say that shit was uncrackable.

how is it possible to not understand something like DENUVO fucks with the way applications work, so that it will ALWAYS affect performance?

I am amaze people keep asking if it really affects performance

Don't bother, these poorfag kiddos don't want to understand.

>it affects performance because I say so, how dare you question me

do you know how DENUVO works?

please learn

>most sales are made in the first week

Yeah, that's the preorders and everyone who knows they're going to get the game buying it, who honestly thinks that someone who was going to pirate would buy it just because they have to wait a bit?

>The company has not revealed how Denuvo Anti-Tamper works
No, and neither do you, you insufferable fag. If it was so obvious then there would be some kind of proof that it has an effect


>shilling for denuvo

What's your game, lad?

>god eater was cracked
>nobody bothered to add undub to it

Fuck I'd buy it if i had an undub.

Shilling, because I asked for proof? So I take it I should hate it because of your fee fees and not because of logic? Sorry but I am not a raging emotional liberal like you

the system literally makes the game run in an encrypted virtual machine
and you still doubt it has any effect

are you just trolling, or just tech illiterate?


would you please read more than the first two lines of the Wikipedia article?

I am not against DENUVO

you are missing my point

I am against DENUVO on already cracked titles
once the game is crack, PATH YOUR FUCKING GAME

>once the game is crack, PATH YOUR FUCKING GAME
Windows 10 autocorrect is truly cancerous

Once the game is cracked, PATCH YOUR FUCKING GAME

pirate shills in full force, I see

Maybe you should use facts instead of emotions and insults to argue, like, you know, comparing Doom right before and after denuvo and see if there's any difference. But noooo you are liberals and you argue with feewings

>using denuvo

sign of a shit game

TW3 didn't use any DRM and it still sold millions and became the best game of all time

Go ahead, prove that removing Denuvo would increase performance. Look for Doom's patch with it, and look for the patch right when they removed it. Run benchmarks on different PCs. See if there's any difference.

The burden of proof is on you.

Hitman, Titanfall, FIFA and Football Manager are good.

>pirate shills

Right, you're not a shill because you aren't being paid. The right word is piratebabby

let me know when it runs higher than 30fps


I'm not a dudebro that buys the same shit 10 times

>football manager

You don't think forcing an insult makes you seem a bit petty?

How about just pirate?

>they don't because I said so!
Is this a console war thread?

6 of those haven't been released yet
3 of the others are multiplayer-only
Still, cracked Golfzon Driving Range fucking when?

No, most pirates are chill. You are all babbys crying as easily as you once could. And you are so adamant to running benchmarks with the only game that actually has a version with and without Denuvo, because you know you won't find a difference and you will lose your only (fake) argument.

>Most sales are made within the first week or so
Not on PC.

>most are chill
>you are all...
I'm having problems parsing your post due to internal inconsistencies, user.

I love how the ''most of the sales'' time frame keeps getting lower and lower.

Video games is one of the most autistic, self indulgent hobbies that demands instant gratification in existence. People literally pay to preorder games in the digital age where scarcity does not exist.

So yeah, people will buy the game if they can't get hold of it in the first week.

The funny thing is that if they ran benchs on Doom and it turned out the performance had been affected, spreading that information would turn a lot of people against Denuvo. Can you imagine the most popular youtube channels going on rants against it? More than a few companies would be forced to remove it. But there is no effect, that's all.

I meant the retards on this thread, learn to read.

Alright, that makes more sense, although my reading is quite fine. It is you who failed to express yourself accurately.

Is it even something the dev get to decide?

>damages performance

This is always been bullshit parroted by morons with zero evidence.

Show some hard numbers.

Oh and I just learned that Inside and The Climb also had Denuvo removed. Imagine analyzing the performance and finding that all three underperfom with Denuvo. People would get pissed. But you know that won't happen, so you keep whining and dodging the questions asking you for proof.

That doesn't matter. What matters is that you literally cannot prove that Denuvo affects performance, because it doesn't. Its effect must be like a drop of water in a full glass.

Probably not. Looks like a suits kind of decision.

Getting those additional sales for 90% off three years into the games' life is nice and all, but the publishers really want those delicious day 1 full price sales, because that's money they can instantly put into the next project, and of course they get much more per copy

Well I never attempted to, so.

Of course you didn't, yet you probably are one of those on the thread assuming it hinders framerate. Fuck off.

Of course I do. I know that denuvo has a always active component, and I know that computers that need to do more things do them slower than computers that do less things. It's a quite simple logic.

Although I also agree that, if the game otherwise doesn't have perf issues, then Denubo is unlikely to have much of an impact, if any noticable one, unless you are using a machine close to the minimum specs.

Nice deflection, moron.

it's those fucking elbow nosed kikes, i bet


well done cyril you did it buddy

infinite money for everyone maybe??? i don't really get it sorry someone else will have to explain it to you

i just play video games

Something I don't think people realize about DRM industry is that it WANTS pirates to exist. If a DRM company created a protection which was too difficult for scenes to crack, they will literally give hints, reduce the protection or stealthily produce a crack themselves.

Because, as you say, there is no need for a mousetrap company when there is no mouse. You have to just make DRM good enough that devs still buy it, but bad enough that pirates still crack it eventually. This way you ensure you always have a payday.

Also, many many of DENUVO guys are former crackers. And they even talk still with crackers who are in the scene. The situation is different from how insiders think it is.

wew lad how old are you?
Also they've posted proof of how denushit affects performance you fuckwit.

This is a good point.

So has there ever been any proof that Denuvo negatively affects performance or is it all just pointless speculation? I noticed people who throw this claim around never seem to be able to back it up.

This is what spending your teenage years on Sup Forums does to your brain

This is why you want denuvo, not EA making its own home-brewed DRM inside the company.

I bought warhammer and tales of berseria because there was no day 1 crack. Probably will do the same for nier, but i'll wait 2-3 days since RE7 was cracked quick

has their been proof that it doesn't though? I mean I don't really want something like Denuvo on my computer even if it doesn't

>has their been proof that it doesn't though?
The countless youtube videos showing it does fuck all.

It only needs to work for like the first month. Then Denuvo probably intentionally lets it get cracked. Everyone gets what they want.

The term shill barely has meaning on this site anymore. It's just a non-argument people use against anyone who has a different opinion as them.

ITT: anti denuvo fags BTFO
don't worry soon you'll grow up and be able to afford games

A lot of people refuse to buy Denuvo games though. They'd get new sales if they removed Denuvo desu.

wow this is the 3rd pirate thread about DENUVO that popped up on the first page of Sup Forums. People must want them games theres no stoppin' them from penetrating in!

Burden of proof is in those making the claim, you dumb fuck.

Not the people who pirate regularly. A more likely scenario is they'll pirate something else to play while waiting for the crack of denuvo game.

>some of us here are fans of Denuvo
>I don't like the idea of playing a game with pirates, even if its singleplayer. It just makes me sick
I know it's bait but goddamn user you got me good

>pay for something
>somehow it's odd that you don't want people getting it for free

It's like studying for an exam and seeing someone cheating on it. Makes you feel like reporting him.

Sounds like you're just heated because you were dumb enough to pay for something when it's easily obtained for free

I'd ask him proper answers or how to cheat. you actually paid to play mediocre games on pc lmao.

sounds like you regret buying it in the first place famalam

maybe you're just a needy little bitch who cares too much about what other people have

Bypassing Denuvo is anti-semitism, you filthy goy!

>both developers and buyfags STILL thinks that piratefags will buy the games instead of just skipping it because it has denuvo on it

This is exactly what I do. I plan on playing Mad Max now that it's been cracked.

For some reason, for certain games I refuse to buy it no matter how cheap it is unless I've played it, and liked it. So I'm prepared to wait. TW:Warhammer is like this with me right now. I'll probably pick it up some day, but not until it's been cracked and I can test out it and see if I enjoy it.

Uh all those games you listed run fine and are pretty optimized

>Batman Arkham Knight performance is better, but it is still pretty much TRASH, because of DENUVO
The pirated version runs better than the paid one
No it doesn't . You have no idea what you are talking about

All those games that are listed ran fine release day except arkham.nigga, mad max and metal gear are some of the most optimized games in recent years. Denuvo wasn't even close to being arkham optimization problem. Did you not follow that news with that whole situation at all?

mad max and metal gear are literally just fucking empty deserts, they're not demanding in the very least
stop quoting them as "amazingly optimized games oh my god kojima let me suck your cock"
I don't know of a single japanese game that is well optimized on PC

you might wanna fact check yourself on arkham m8, cuz the most recent pirated version indeed runs better than the steam version

Have you even played pirated Knight ?

Devil May Cry 4

>MT Framework
doesn't count