>OMG, why doesn't Dishonored 2 have a neutral route?!?!?!?!
Holy shit you neutralfags are insufferable
Why do you faggots always want every game developer to bow down and service your every indecisive retarded need?
>OMG, why doesn't Dishonored 2 have a neutral route?!?!?!?!
Holy shit you neutralfags are insufferable
Why do you faggots always want every game developer to bow down and service your every indecisive retarded need?
You've already made this thread before
I think it's the same guy doing the mary sue/geralt is a mary sue thread.
>be evil
>Sup Forums makes fun of you
>be good
>game makes fun of you
>Hating on neutral
>Evil route is edge
>Good is moralfags
Real life is a neutral route. More games need actually choices that aren't clearly "good" or "evil".
Because game writers seem to write the extremes of every scenario with no logical middle ground.
Also each option is either inherently evil or good from the get go. None of them are vague or could possibly lead to an undesirable result in the long run. Your decisions are ultimately unimportant and the results shallow.
>good and evil in very first example demonstrating a vast opening and perfect opportunity for a neutral option somewhere between sainthood and cartoon villain
These threads are ironic, right? Like they're only created to demonstrate how dumb it would be if anyone actually attempted to defend the hilariously simplistic morality systems in modern games and the lack of choices therein?
you can't progress by being a fence sitter
you need to actually pick a side and take action rather than just being a lazy ass
I just want to be self serving in games without being told I burned babies alive in the streets. If they reworked Evil to not be full cartoon villain and just be a self serving dick, I'd be okay.
Did you cure cancer today? No? Well then go fuck a baby to death. Don't be a fence sitter, you faggot.
Dishonored routes are fucking trash
>wow you killed a lot of bad guys you're just as bad as them here's a different cutscene
I hope they're different in the 2nd one
>while these cocksuckers such as OP are crying, neutralfags are playing video games and not being autistic faggots
Who says I was? Why cant I have a third option where I either take the middle ground, choose both options or actively avoid the scenario?
That's not being lazy; that's making a decision that has just as much consequences as a far left or far right leaning decision.
>Good Evil
Actually these days its
>Option Writers want you to take
>Option that Writers don't want you to take
Thanks RE7!
Mass Effect 3 and Far Cry 3 did the same thing.
I feel neither here nor there about this thread.
>do something good:
>do something bad:
>"-reputation, +gold"
>money is worthless in the game because you are going to be rich eventually anyway
What games have a "lol fuck this" route
That sounds awesome.
Unnuanced, straight-up Good vs Evil options are lazy and unrealistic.
Writers should try giving the player two options that are both realistic and have different effects on the story, neither being necessarily right or wrong.
Basically you take the options to become evil and more or less you perform various horrible atrocities just because you can. Every good guy has their heart set out on stopping you and beg you to stop the senseless violence.
But you don't give a fuck.