Tell Sup Forums...
- When you stopped playing WoD
- When you stopped playing Legion
and why
Tell Sup Forums...
- When you stopped playing WoD
- When you stopped playing Legion
and why
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>When you stopped playing WoD
Not long after I got all my PvP gear sorted and hit 710 ilvl.
>When you stopped playing Legion
A week in to it
>couple months into wod
>when my guild was doing mythic progression and I realized they were retarded/this had become a job in legion
Done with mmos now, better off just playing games I can finish.
> when I resubbed and killed arch in LFR within that month, also didn't get much satisfaction from PVP
> when I hit max level
I actually like a lot of what they're doing with the game right now, but I can't really justify paying money for a game that never ends.
>Never started WoD
>Few weeks into Nighthold release
Pretty sure i'm done with it for good this time. Might check out the Tomb of Sargeras but not much beyond that.
You know the tomb is gonna be stupid. If you want to be done for real you gotta stand firm.
>when i got bored of relogging and sending missions for a few hoyrs daily
>when i realized there is nothing more to the game than doing wq for ap and lfrs for free legos also herbalism
why would i stop
I last played this game in 2011. I was thinking of picking it back up yesterday. Maybe when the xpac lowers in price, it's either this or FFXIV.
I quit WoD a couple months in. Couldnt stand it for some reason.
I leveled through the content again recently - its not bad, but feels so rushed. The endgame is a fucking drought though.
I still play Legion. Im having fun.. for now.
I stopped playing WoD because my guild fell apart during Blackrock Foundry since people weren't showing up to raid nights.
Stopped playing legion the week after Trial of Valor, as Emerald Nightmare was a shitty and boring raid (for me anyway) along with the daily grind and general anti-alt nature of artifact weapons were taking a toll on me.
Also RP servers seem to be worse than ever recently ;-; which is what kept me in for most of WoD when I wasn't raiding
FFXIV is alright. Extremely linear, invisible walls errywhere, and has the slowest start of any mmo. But the lvl 60 bossfights are fun the first couple times. Each content patch feels like the same grind tho.
Im hoping stormblood adds a bit of variety.
I stopped playing in Wotlk around a week or two after Arthas released in ICC. My guild died because over the last couple of raids raiding had become dull and repetitive and players were quitting the game faster than anyone could recruit. The top 5 guilds on the server disbanded within a 1 month period all due to the same reasons.
I told friends I was just taking a break and I'd come back in a bit, maybe a week or a month, but that was 7 years ago and I haven't touched WoW since.
Wod I got in late when all content was released, got bored almost immediately and felt sick just from being in frostfire ridge.
Legion I played and dropped before Nighthold came out. I thought it was fun and M+ is something since I'm not interested in raids. Wish they gave it more variety.
- saw wod through to the bitter end with friends while making breaks between cleared content
- tried the same in legion, stopped in the middle of that trial of valor (?) thing, went to vanilla with my closest bros. never looked back.
>Didn't play WoD
>Didn't play Legion
>Didn't even play Pandaria
6 years clean, and it will stay that way forever. God it felt good playing that game when it was at its height.
Yeah, you're right. Thanks user.
Panda was actually semi-okay after late wotlk/cata shitfest. Doesn't get close to vanilla and tbc though.
>playing that game when it was at its height.
Unfortunately, you did not
>those pets
git gud
Really wish I played for this. Soloing the pandaria raids is fun. So much lore and so beautiful.
Thunder king patch was awesome
MoP started out like shit then when that patch dropped everything changed
well for starters, your pic is a huge part. you can never fucking pug anything because the general community has gotten so awful. inb4 >make your own group. That's just as awful too, really.
Other main reason: they went overload on the RNG, thanks to them sucking diablo 3s cock of ideas. RNG legendaries, tons of RNG in the combat, on loot, just fucking everything dialed to fucking 11.
Also gearing did not used to be so aids, but again, see RNG.
Other than the RNG part, fucking there used to be a rather simple chart, or list of what was rather good stat wise, caps to aim for, what items were good. Now? Literally just "hurp sim yourself" is the only fucking thing thrown around, after sims have proven to be wrong in actual combat as well. before release MM was shown as nearly bottom on that stupid sim site, then it was fucking top dog for a bit beacuse lmao sims.
I personally hated the pandaria theme/enemies/pandas, even if it was actually done well. But that's just my shitty opinion.
I actually quit right before the first raid tier in MoP opened up and came back last spring when WoD was winding down. The leveling experience there was actually fun but I can understand how people would get bored as shit of tanaan.
So far Legion is fun and I have no intention of quitting at the moment.
that trinket is 940, the armor is just dumb
I regret not being around for this. The pandaria content is just so relaxing to go through and even soloing that raid I can tell it must've been up there with Ulduar on the quality spectrum. Such a great design.
Pandaria was shit because the Mogu weren't a playable race
Instead we got shitty pandarens when we could have gotten badass bodybuilders
>The armory*
I can't type at 6am.
It really is shitty, I can't get my alts geared to save my life because everyone wants 880+ for mythic 5s and normal's driving me crazy
>When you stopped playing WoD
Joined WoD pretty late, leveled a new Paladin got to 100 said okay, did loremaster instead of doing WoD because I didn't enjoy WoD's content. Stop playing 3 months before legion.
>When you stopped playing Legion
Around November.
>- When you stopped playing WoD
a week into it
>- When you stopped playing Legion
two or three months into it when everyone else i knew quit
i just can't be fucked with pugs anymore, people are either fucking retarded or have zero patience
why don't you go ahead and make that imgur album buddy
I need it for research
After like 2 months. There was nothing to do outside of raid night within a few weeks. While i hate that they fucked warlocks over i had a blast with my ret paladin though.
I went to play nostalrius with my old guild from ED feenix after i quit.
1 month in. Was still sad that nost shut down and as soon as raiding started i lost all interest after xavius died.
I'm struggling to get into MMOs now. Retail is the same core game since 3.3 and i'm tired of farming all vanilla content hoping that 1 day i can do AQ40 and Naxx.
I just want an MMO that makes players focus on creating friendships with some structure > solo story content.
I don't think designers get that there is a fine balance between making it convenient enough that players will do the content vs's making it inconvenient enough so players depend on each other
The reason why WoW is losing players is the extreme focus on Raiding and complete disregard for everything else
That's wrong though, you can gear up from 5mans just as easily as raids, perhaps easier.
And if you mean content in general they've been pushing all kinds of it like madmen with the holidays and random events. Not all of it is great but there's a shitload to do outside of raids.
I stopped playing when Siege of Orgrimmar was released, I think it's been over 3 years now. The guild I was in since WoW launched finally called it quits. If they stayed together I would still be playing. I work late night shifts so I played on a server that had a high aussie population. I loved those cunts, so much banter in raids. It made progression nights fun.
>there's a shitload to do outside of raids.
MoP actually had variety in the content you could do
WoD at least somewhat tried in a way
Legion has nothing
Artifact weapons are the stupidest fucking grind fest to ever be implemented into this shitty game, mythic+ is the cheapest fucking cop-out for scaling and difficult content.
what the FUCK did they mean by this
>thought about resubbing last month, token was 45k gold but decided not to for other reasons
>check in again this month and token is 90k
What the fucking fuck? Never played on a back water sever either and am US. Why and when the fuck did they get this expensive?
I stopped playing WoW at the end of Wrath like everyone else with a brain.
what mod you using to make the tits that big? might resub if i can get it working
>He didn't play during Cata launch
>He didn't play during MoP thunder King
WOTLK babbies are the worst
Still can't get these fucking legendary unholy bracers fucking hell
>When you stopped playing WoD
When guild disbanded during BRF
>When you stopped playing Legion
Almost immediately after Nighthold came out
I can't even get big titty mods working these days without model explosions all over the place. It used to be so simple with a few edited files, and then just an .exe and a separate folder.
Hooker boots are plate only now? Fuck off.
But I stopped playing in Cataclysm.
you can trade tokens for wallet as of a couple weeks ago, the price shot up real quick
I don't think the tab target mmo genre works anymore, they're just way more competition now with game styles that would have been impossible 15 years ago.
Legion is really well made but the rng and grind is to much these days when you could be doing something that requires less of a rigid commitment for a more immediate return.
About two months before nightwell.
>join half-decent guild because I don't want to commit too hard
>people quit
>another guild transfers to our server
>they all quit
>guild disbands
>other guilds are full and I got meh rolls on legendaries except for the part where they gave the legendary I had a massive nerf for no reason
People just wanted to raidlog and had to deal with rng challenge mode gear and super mega ultra rng fuck you legendaries.
>When you stopped playing WoD
After i dropped Blackhand myth (what a pain)
>When you stopped playing Legion
After I dropped Helya HC (Work + Uni is too much to also have to handle raiding schedules)
What is this wallet and why did they put it in?
I killed H Archimonde with my guild and quit the week we started mythic progression.
I came back towards the last 2 months of WoD and leveled all my lvl 90 characters to 100.
I quit Legion after my guild group went to shit. Too many people leaving/joining. Constantly had to reteach the fight to someone every week.
Was doing mythic ilgynoth progression. Christmas came around and I just never logged back on. My friends keep playing but I'm too lazy to catch up in gear and AP
i stopped playing just before Cata came out and ive been thinking about getting back into it since there isnt anything to play right now would it be easy to gear up once i hit 110 or should i just not even waste my time on it
>not siege or orgrimmar
I will always have fond memories of ganking the shitters in my guild as they were doing dailies, and killing my own faction in general.
I stopped playing wod a few months before legion, being an rpfag was the only thing keeping me in.
Stopped playing legion a month and a half, maybe two months in. Just wasn't fun anymore both times I quit. The game's lost it's charm entirely.
Are you saying you can trade for actual real money now or what? I stopped before tokens were a thing.
I think all the outcry in WoD turned into a monkey's paw in some respects. It seems when you're in the middle of an expansion people like being able to just raid log, its only near the end they start crying about lack of content.
Legion surely over corrected far to much.
Token=$15 of blizzard store credit.
I bought overwatch with the tokens I had saved up and will be able to buy the next expansion when my friends inevitably want to play it.
but i stopped playing in vanilla
WoTLK i started, was the best
Cata, looking back it was good, but at the time, world flying and the world/cities changing ruined it for me, yet the pvp and pve was hella fun
MoP was fucking shit
WoD was shit and no main city made me realize itd fail, pissed me off, but mates played so i joined, the pvp was jus melee and the pve looked terrible. garrisons were dumb, everything in WoD was dumb
Legion? sorry no blizz, you cucked me for 3 expansions and it gets worse, legion wont be any better
> After finishing the first raid a few times on Mythic
It showed how boring the rest of WoD would be
> Before Christmas
Got bored of it, the story is better, the dungeons are better, the raid is better, but it still got boring after cycling through all the content over and over again. Not even the new raid could bring me back in. Its just too boring.
>When you stopped playing WoD
once I got garrison to level 3
>When you stopped playing Legion
2-3 days ago stopped at 7/10H because pubbing is too tire some
nowadays I put all the time I used to put in WoW to Nier, probably ain't coming back until the next raid tier opens. If I feel like it I might come back a few minutes a day to take advantage of those instant-WQ things in class halls
yes, but you can only spend it on blizzard store stuff
it's about 90k gold on NA servers for $15 in the shop
Stopped playing Legion when my sub ran out, I quit because the game isn't entertaining to me.
You buy a token and it can be used as either game time or $15 of credit on your account that you can use on other things like pets, mounts, characters services, etc... It can be used for purchases in other Blizzard games as well.
Once that happened the price shot up to over 100k gold per token, but it's started to drop a little bit. It's now around 80k the last I looked.
it peaked to 10mil in legion if I'm not mistaken
>Never played WoD
>Stopped legion after I hit raid level
What really did it was they nerfed my flying items roc kite and fist totem was my jam
I stopped when my 1 month subscription that my friend bought me was over. He tried to invite me to join his addiction, and by having another person playing, a way to do some justification in spending that much time in a game.
I thanked the subscription and refused an other purchase he was thinking on doing because I would not waste my years in that game, as he did.
>- When you stopped playing WoD
A month or two after release. I didn't have a guild and LFR it terrible.
>- When you stopped playing Legion
Still playing actually.
Managed to find a guild that has some chill people to play with that also does heroic raiding on the weekend. I also like Mythic+ runs when the key affixes aren't cancer incarnate.
>stopped wod
A few weeks in 6.1, after brf's launch, because my guild disbanded (it started choking since the expansion launch, due to not enough people on server and the roster upgrade 10 to 20 blizz imposed)
>stopped legion
after cleaning hc emerald nightmare, when I realized the game was rngfest thanks to legendaries and warforged / titanforged
Stopped playing Legion the week it came out because I think I was just burned out on WoW after playing so much leading up to Legion.
I only got to 103 before I went
>I'm not actually having fun, so why am I playing this?
>I could be having more fun walking around town with my friends playing pokemon go.
Quit in WotLK after months of no content after expansion launch. Running nerfed recycled Naxx was not fun in any way. Haven't played WoW since. 3/6 SWP in TBC
Who "quit after killing Lich King and never looked back" master race here?
I fucking love jalapeno cheetohs
Name content that previous expansions has outside of raiding the Legion doesn't have
I'm serious, I'm curious what content has been cut that was there before.
The biggest thing I can see is "Less 5 man dungeons" which has been a theme every expansion as they make them more 'cinematic'
>- When you stopped playing WoD
January 2015, about 2 months after my guild killed Mythic Archimonde, because it disbanded and I couldn't be fucked running Mythic HFC for months when I knew I would have a garaunteed spot in a guild as soon as I said I was coming back when Legion launches.
>- When you stopped playing Legion
I'm still playing Legion because I have a Mythic raiding guild that I play with and enjoy
glug glug glug glug glug
>January 2015
January 2016 rather, and It was 4 months after we killed Archimonde not 2.
b-but vanilla had no content y-you think you do
That's not a fair comparison for Legion in any way shape or form
But that image isn't designed to suggest anything against Legion thus the 7.1.5. It's still being developed
I'm just going to go ahead and say while I made the chart I acknowledge that Vanilla bosses essentially do nothing but stand there and take it.
Molten Core is easily the worst raid in the game.
>have 20 world bosses
It should just be left off until the expansion is over
The only fair comparison would be to compare the expansions after 5 months
But then you run into a wall in the form of qualitative vs quantitiative because peoples enjoyment is inherently based on their opinion and in my opinion a tier like say, T7 which technically had 18 raid bosses, was actually by far the worst tier to ever be released, where as a tier like Firelands, which only had 7, was still quite enjoyable if a little short.
>I stopped playing WoW at the end of Wrath like everyone else with a brain.
I stopped playing mid-wrath when it was obviously going downhill.
The only fun in legion was making gold, i made 5 mil and quit wow forever. Fuck this game, really, it is not fun anymore. Simular daily quests and dungeon runs, i got tired of this 4 years ago.
>Be Vanilla
>Design raid bosses
>Give them 1 mechanic
>Have them drop horrible items with zero thought about balance
>Shit out 3/10 raids like fucking candy because the only thing that actually takes any time is the artwork assets and level design
I still play because it's free (wow tokens) and I have nothing else going on friday/saturday night. it's the only social aspect of my life.
But I truely don't enjoy the game anymore. this is the worst it's ever been. I didn't enjoy wod much either but what I took for granted was that despite the content being sparse and not all that great my class was still smooth and enjoyable to play. as in to say the world outside was burning but at least I still had my safe home, my class. now in legion everything is on fire. my class plays like shit. all classes play like shit. everything is shit.
name 10
unsubbed yesterday and quit my raiding team
the direction WoW is going, coupled with even more layers of RNG, no fixes for the legendary system, random relics, the abhorrent pvp design, etc coming in 7.2, i finally called it quits.
Played off and on since vanilla, but this game has changed so fucking much, it now rewards luck instead of skill, it's not for me anymore
2 weeks in, got instantly bored of the garrison shit
2 months, Rerolled after they nerfed DK BiS legendary which i had and realised i had to farm all the AP again, quit and didn't look back
This + 3v3 is no longer fun or engaging. 90% of my friendlist (all glad+) have dropped the game completely.
>be vanilla
>design that 1 raid that is universally revered
>so much so it even returned 2 xpacs later
>even spans into different games (see hearthstone expansion)
>drops items that were so good they were used on the world first kara kills
vanilla am i right HAHA XD
Played continually with the same bunch for almost 15 years now. Enjoyed the crap out of WoW, Legion is the most MMO-like WoW has ever been.
RNG loot is complete bullshit and the stat system is moronic. The instances have been fun, the raids have been fair to good, will enjoy the rest of the XP.
The almost fifty of us have all agreed that this is our last expansion, we're moving to FFXIV after we finish up the last raid for Legion. Not because of anything in WoW specifically, though it's not a casual friendly as it was in classic, it's still a very casual game. How long can you play the same game though, you know? Besides, MMOs are all about the people you play with, they're all shit if you don't have a good group of friends with you.
Yep. The AP grind coupled with the legendary drops is insufferable. I think they're planning to increase artifact traits by 50 next patch. If that turns out to be true I'm done with Legion
Mid S1Wod, was bored
a month or two of Legion, forums were awash with "damage stacking is fucking terrible design, it won't end well" they implement it anyway.
some time down the track "holy shit damage stacking is broken, better nerf it into the ground because we're blizzard and have no idea how balance works"
You said there were 20
- When you stopped playing WoD
when I failed four 90+% chance missions in a row (overall it was a 7 / 200,000 chance for me to fail all four) and couldnt get my leggo ring first week because of that dogshit rng
- When you stopped playing Legion
about a month ago just from burnout. i was in a decent raiding guild but i just didnt care enough to run maw 24/7 to get my AP up and be competitive so i quit (shit leggo rng too)
After heroic BRF
after Heroic Nighthold
Wrath=Mop > Everything else
>insane title
its ok to end your life at any time