She is 5'11

She is 5'11

Link is only 5'10

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Truly Link is the most blessed male in existence being able to eternally reincarnate and smash Zelda's pussy.

Better cancel my pre order and get a ps4 and horizon zero dawn

Zelda is an inch taller than Link, PS4 wins again.

Not when she's dead.

>tfw thought this was huge dick futa from the catalog thumbnail

Link is an Asian fantasy, white skinned, blonde hair, blue eyes. Still a manlet though because fantasy has to be grounded in real life. Never gets to fuck glorious Zelda though, because like I said, grounded.

Yeah, since Zelda is taller, nintendrones are obviously cucks.

He's mid-puberty and girls grow tall faster than boys do.

People always forget that Link is a little babby boy in all of the games. "Adult" Link is fucking 16.

So Zelda and Link are really tall

5'7 is average height

what kind of point are you trying to make OP?

>5'7" is average height
maybe in bolivia, or thailand

>5'10 and 5'11
any proof?

The manlets must be taking over

Link is a crossdressing faggot cocksucker, of course he's going to be short.

5'9"/5'10" in white countries actually. He's painfully average.

the nigger and kike that railed him.

Stop telling us your sex fantasy

My sex fantasy is waking up to a double blowjob from Riley Reid and Sasha Foxxx every morning. What I'm telling you is what Link IS.

>wanting anything to do with some disgusting, trashy pornstars

Just Riley Reid would be enough to nut within seconds.

says you

Too bad Zelda doesn't look anything like this in-game.

Link is so fucking gay that the entire internet thought he was a girl in the first reveal trailer of BotW. He also crossdresses. The cocksucking is just the ultimate conclusion of his degeneracy. Nintendo might as well just come out with an AO only title with Link taking it up the ass from gigantic black cocks. He's the gayest fucking character in videogame history, getting gayer with each passing generation. I'm so glad this degenerate series is getting less and less sales. It needs to just go away already, Zelda fucking sucks and hasn't been ANY good at all since Majora's Mask.

>they're both taller than me


Eternal virgin

>This only makes it better

Its amazing she even looks at him, women are such bitches when it comes to height. Drives me up the fucking wall.

Link has always been short, youngfags.

Actually she's not.

Is she a virgin?

>his sex fantasy involves pornstars

>not being 6'0" + at 16
Still a manlet. Most teenagers are pretty much done getting taller at that stage.

bet you're taller than 5'6


>mfw only 5'10"
>tell people I'm 6'
>they believe me
Somebody lock me up. Women fall for the 6' meme without even knowing what it is

9 times out of 10 women want a guy that's at least over 6'0

>6 feet tall
>tell others im 5'10''

fuck off todd

My baby sister is super small, 1.70m. she has a boyfriend that's almost 2m and plays basketball. At least he's not black. worse, he's romanian

>tfw tall but have a thing for women taller than me

Feels pretty bad man.


Same, although wearing shoes bumps me up an inch.


the mad man!

Is the rest of that guy's art any good? Facially that's probably one of the best pieces of zelda art I've seen that hasn't been trying to copy a given game's art style.

>Riley Reid and Sasha Foxxx
>not Penny Pax and Phoenix Marie

I have a thing for taller girls anyway

>5'11" vs 6'0"

>Riley Reid and Sasha Foxxx

Get a load of this normalfag.


>Tfw 6'2
>Everyone always impressed by how high and long I can reach
>Shorter girls like my wife always want to hug me because their head falls perfectly on my chest
>be /fit/ with a full beard on top of all this

I seriously pity short-fags. I do love me some tall women though.

>Men have to be fit
>Men have to be Tall
>Men have to have big cock
>Men have to hold door for woman
>Men have to do everything

>Women have to be pretty

No wonder so many guys are becoming MtF, it's literally easy modo.

Being pretty is just an extension of the first point for males.

>Being pretty is just an extension of the first point for males.

Yeah because a man changing his height is as easy as a woman losing her weight.

>women think all men have to do to obtain a ripped and shredded body is "do some crunches and push ups"
>all women have to do is not eat like a fucking slob to look hot
>many of them still fail at even this
Women are a meme gender

Being tall is the second point.

>Woman have to be pretty

I mean, not trying to sjw here but that's pretty general. Women have to have perky tits, tight puss, firm ass, flat stomach, cute face, hairless body, etc etc.

>Holding doors for women
Yeah maybe if you're a fucking loser cuck.

>women have to have a tight puss
Pretty sure used up pornstars have a pretty good chance of getting laid. More so than a lot of "normal" people. Outside of work I mean.

my fetish is kicking in

If being short means I'll never get with a girl then that just makes my intentions of becoming a wizard that much easier.

>l Women have to have perky tits, tight puss, firm ass, flat stomach, cute face, hairless body, etc etc.

No they don't. Chubby chasers, footfags, musclegirl lovers, I could go on and on. Men would fuck them no matter what


>what are high heels, push up bras, and make up? By the time she's naked I doubt a guy will care she was faking anyway

There are female chubby chasers too. There are plenty of girls who date fat fucks. It's like american culture at this point.

It's not hard to get laid even if you have a gross worn out pussy because by the time you whip it out it's already sex time. The guy is gonna make fun of her to his friends afterwards and is not likely to go back for seconds though.

I doubt that is the case unless they get into a fight. Pretty sure if anyone fucked a pornstar they'd brag about it endlessly rather than talk shit about how loose they were.

If they want to be supermodels yeah. Men are desperate to fuck women.

You realize people with those fetishes make up about 1 to 5% of the population max, right?

Most guys (read: not guys here) actually have standards because they aren't virgins.

Will they ever learn?

My man, I'm going to tell you a secret.

Men only needs to have money.

>Not bailey jay and buck angel

>mfw paid Siri for escort
>she gave amazing head
>nobody believes me
lol I don't care though. Felt good.
Big ole tiddies were amazing

The AI?

>Women have to have
>perky tits
Perky is important, but areola size is what really matters. Gotta have those big puffy banana tits, aww ye.

>tight puss
Virgin detected. The vagina is able to stretch open to give birth yet can tightly grip a No. 2 pencil. Saying this tells me you've definitely never had sex before. There's no such thing as a "loose" pussy, all pussies are tight.

>firm ass and flat stomach
Nigga you low test or what? You don't want a big slappable tummy and a big fat jello ass? You really are a virgin, shit.

>be on village
>only the fitest looking person can have a m8 while the fatties has to work overtime to shape up a fit body
>be fat but tall as fuck in village
>still a fatass cunt and cant get eyes on me
>proof a strength comes in
>im the strongest if the village dipise my lard ass
>still cant get a m8

Can i kill myself now?

That is life in the Soviet Union.

Go away, Tyrone.

What an utter normalfag Jesus Christ.

im 6'2 and i wish i had a girlfriend so tall my face was only at tits level

>woman wears goofy platform heels to make herself seem a foot taller
>this is somehow attractive
what's sexy about a fake plastic bitch anyways? Make-up, implants, cosmetic surgery, padding under their clothing.


You think you can somehow ignore a century of thin women being considered most attractive in white society by calling everyone a virgin 10 times?

>bailey jay and buck angel
Listen don't bring that trash here you fucking faggot, for the last time we don't like traps so stop shoving that shit down our throughts, shit is nasty can we stop and all agree that Traps are fucking disgusting as shit in real life? They don't look half as good as they do in doujins with the bulge in panties and dressup, I mean what the hell is up with that? You would think they would take the time to look pretty and feminine but most just halfass it and by the time you meet them face to face you realize that everyone around you knows you're dating a guy not a trap who is convincing .

>Virgin insult
Roasty detected. Leave immediately.

How is this allowed?

It's not like you could get a girl anyways, thin or thick.

Heels makes your ass look better user. It forces you into a certain kind of posture that shows off curves.

>woman wears goofy platform heels to make herself seem a foot taller
>this is somehow attractive

Tall people ARE atractive, breaking news.

For our entertainment obviously. For me to be tall, someone else must be short. It is the way of life.

>gets ass-ravaged every time they see virgin used in an insulting context because they're so insecure about being a virgin
Less time on Sup Forums and maybe you'll know what pussy tastes like one day.

I like how the words curvy and thick have mutated into meaning disgusting, jiggly, cellulite covered, lardass

Only dom girls want to look down at their guy, and those might as well be unicorns.

If you want passable trap porn you'd do better looking for amateur stuff. Professional trans porn embraces the macabre and grotesque.

There is plenty of asian amateur trap porn that is great.

Tall, well-proportioned people are attractive. Lanky skeletons with no shoulders are laughable.

And you wonder why Zelda is always off in the company of some big guy, and won't come home until you kill him and drag her back.

>Entire thread talking about sexy tall women
>"Wow why are these women trying to make themselves look taller?"

Yeah you might be retarded.

not to mention amongst girls over 7 feet tall

>not wanting a slightly chubby >5'6'' girlfriend with a super cute face

>he doesn't want to be dominated and bullied into sex by a taller woman.

Manlet detected