Let's talk about Zelda 2.0.
How many copies did you preorder, Sup Forums?
How do you like the game so far?
Let's talk about Zelda 2.0.
How many copies did you preorder, Sup Forums?
How do you like the game so far?
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I took this ingame. Looks like a friggin movie. Im so blownttt away.
Most beautiful looking game i've ever played, combat is extremely fluent and satifying. I've got to tip my hat to Guerilla on this, you can see all the work put into this game. If you were on the edge about buying this game, i'd recommend 10/10.
Is that Pro?
Don't you find it a bit pathetic to make 3 different posts pretending to be different people?
I heard that Fallout4 is a great gaming experience too. Huge open world, best crafting. Probably best Bethesda game ever made. You should definetly check it out!
Will buy it used sometime soon
I rented it.
I think I'm going to take it back later today.
It is not fun.
Is it that noticible of a difference between pro and regular ps4 graphically?
As expected, a technical inferior to Zero Dawn Horizon. Lack of intricate writing, deep characters and rich atmosphere Horizon provides doesn't help either.
I'd recommend to play it only to PS4 owners to reassure that they made the right choice.
Someone needs to confirm if all the SJW shit is indeed in the game so I can decide whether to avoid this game like a cloud of airborne AIDS or not.
Is that line about her only wanting a female child legit?
>Let's talk about Zelda 0.2.
Fixed that for you.
>mudslim teacher
>right before the end of the world
really makes you think
>Sup Forums hypes up Horizon as the best thing since sliced bread
>I believe Sup Forums
>Buy the game
>It's a horrible, bug filled, glitchy mess
>Gameplay being basically a Ubisoft game but without the occasional good stuff
>Graphics look like they're on Xbox 1 (Not Xbox One, but Xbox 1)
>Cringy voice acting, shitty mo-cap
>It costs 60 dead presidents
Even Mafia 3 had less issues than this pile of shit. Even No Man's Lie.
Fuck you Sup Forums. I'm not falling for any of your memes ever again.
Horizon is shit. There hasn't been a good Zelda game since the N64 era.
I'm sorry the game was too clever for you Nintendrone. Maybe you should go back to BING DING WAHOO!!!
>tipping your fedora to overhyped womyn bullshit.
No wonder Horizon: Zero Pulse is festering with hypersensitive man children
>How many copies did you preorder, Sup Forums?
Who the fuck would preorder more than 1 copy?
>How do you like the game so far?
Not bad so far. I like it.
>Most beautiful looking game i've ever played
This is actually true. One of the best looking games I've played in awhile.
all the good characters and leaders are also all female, they openly talk about a matriachy and all the bad guys are white men. infact men are either portrayed as evil or pathetic/inferior to women
I ordered 4 copies, one for me, one for my wife, two for each of my wife's sons, I'm getting them all PS4 pros so they won't move out
I wish they would have made Killzone 5 desu, other than looking pretty this feels like a Ubisoft game
No one hyped it up you nigger
>tfw BotW and Horizon are pretty much equal in terms of quality but Sup Forums's hate boner for Horizon, Nostalgia for Zelda, and Sup Forums tendencies won't let them see that
>How many copies did you preorder
Five. Two for myself and one for my friends that have PS4s.
Yes that line exists in the game. They also talk about how only men of color are worth shit and white men are the most pathetic of all.
I hate the game too but you can't say the graphics look like oh Xbox,one thing geurilla games has always been good for is graphics
I remember shitting myself at how Killzone 2 looked at launch
Hands down this game just looks breath-taking. You almost forget that you are playing a game cause the wolrd just seems so immersive. How GG managed to pull that off on their first try is astounding to me. And damn once you leave the first area it opens up so much.
Have you not seen the webm of the girl running through a cat us with zero collision
Hey that sounds good what's your name ?
The game is amazing OP, I'd be playing it but at work right now. Is everyone salty because Zelda looks like shit?
>Hands down this game just looks breath-taking.
THIS. I took a screenshot but it doesn't even capture how good it really looks on a 4K HDR hdtv.
>you forget it's a game because you're so immersed
Not at all, you're constantly reminded it's a game because you takedown super advanced robots with arrows and spears. Also every time you scout one out it shows you it's flashing walk patterns, why would a robot built to kill have a designated walking zone? And not have infrared vision?
The archery gameplay is satisfying; that's about all the game has going for it so far.
2--one for me and one for my husbands daughter
That doesn't look very good. It's not shit but it's not breathtaking either.
My favorite part is all the icons covering the screen
Switch dynamic HUD on you fuck
Shut the fuck up. This game is absolutely beautiful
Zelda has less than 1/100 of the amont of bugs.
Probably even less.
It would if you could see very far into the distance. I will say this: the fog looks particularly shit.
I'm not impressed.
>Zelda 2.0.
>cant glide
>can't climb
>can't burn things
>can't cut trees
>can't use wind physics
>can't push rocks
>can't snowboard
>can't crossdress
>can't color clothes
>can't breed horses
horizon core gameplay can't even scratch Zelda1. since even Zelda 1 could burn trees and move rocks.
>BotW and Horizon are pretty much equal in terms of quality
zelda shits all over that pajeet generic trash. Horizon has the laziest game design this year so far, including ports and rehashes.
My only complaint is that the textures look bad from upclose (Shadowfall had better textures).
But the game is really pretty.
>game has dinosaurs
>can't breed them
How the fuck is this allowed?
Heavy, heavy Nintendo shilling going on in here.
Played both Zelda and Horizon. Botw score: 7/10 Horizon score: 8/10 only because its not child shit
Well they are robots
Zelda 2 is a shitty game, so that's fitting.
>Zelda is child shit
That's even worse, when Nier Automata exists.