Jeuxvideo (biggest french gaming magazine and website) hasn't given any game a 10/10 in 14 years

>jeuxvideo (biggest french gaming magazine and website) hasn't given any game a 10/10 in 14 years
>they're about to give it to Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Goddamn, we're really witnessing history in the making here.
Couple that with quotes of other gaming sites such as
>" Best console launch title since Super Mario 64?"
>"Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda."
>"It’s the best opening of any console launch title I’ve ever played, at least back to Super Mario 64"
>"Five hours in, it feels like a contender for the strongest game Nintendo has launched a console with"
>"Allow yourself to make a memory that will last a lifetime because The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of those rare games. It's an Ocarina of Time level game, it's a Super Mario Galaxy level game."

as well as Edge giving it a 10/10 already and I think we know what this means:

We truly have the GOTY, no, dare I say Game of the Decade on our hands. Get excited.

Other urls found in this thread:



why can't I draw like that...?

There are people, some are even here right now, who honestly believe that the opinions on video games by people who play them this poorly has any relevance.

>tfw you have both wii u and ps4

>implying matters is the the most sellout site ever created.
We payed them around 10k for 3 news, skin website, for a fuckin web browser game. they even give us users account to chill our game on the commentaries.

Same :)

Look man, I know what you are saying and all, but when literally the entire world and all the gaming sites, journalists, publications and newspapers on this planet agree so far that this game is on the level of Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and possibly even the best launch game yet in history... I mean

I'm not telling you how to live your life, but if you truly enjoy video games, don't let brand loyalty and hatred for a company or a group of fans get in the way of you experiencing these once-in-a-lifetime masterpieces.

I didn't let it get in the way with Bloodborne either, bought a PS4 for it.

WE DID IT BROS! is full of corporate cum guzzlers. Do not trust their reviews.

didnt horizon get a 10/10 from them or is that some other french site

Who can I trust?
EDGE? Destructoid? Polygon? IGN? Gamespot? USgamer? Gamecentral? Eurogamer?

Because all of them praised the game to the high heavens in their previews.

Oh, right, they were all paid off by Nintendo to say that.. silly me right

we did it bros....
we finally won.......

You can. It takes a lot of practice. Don't start with anime if you want to get good. Circle back to anime later if you like.

They also gave a 10/10 to wind waker gamecube.

Is it Romendil?
She always was a huge Nintendo fangirl, especially for Zelda. (The only game with a 10/10 score was actually Wind Waker until now was actually Wind Waker, reviewed by her)
At least she was the only one to not have been a bitch to Franck.

This. I'm really hyped for BotW and Nier: Automata

Oh, no. I tried.

I even made 2 oil paints. I leave and now I am musician.

But I want to draw...

That's not discrediting in the least. Now if you were talking Skyward Sword, I would've believed you

>tfw pc + wii u

>tfw used to browse the 15 - 18 forum years ago on jeuxvideo .com
>forum was known as the Sup Forums of the french
>learned about Sup Forums on this site, we used to go on raids on Sup Forums
>mods banned any mentions of Sup Forums on the site

I loved that forum as a teenager
pic related was the image we used to raid with

>tfw PC + Switch + WiiU + N3DSXL + PS4 + PS3

>tfw have a PS4, Wii U and getting a switch on release

>a literally who site.


Franck did nothing wrong

>trusting jeuxvideo.con

Fuck off shill, I can see your ip adress

What is it?

>"Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda."
It's Overwatch verses Battleborne all over again. Except this time Battleborne has paid shills and drones to buy it to make it not a massacre.


I don't want to publicly post it on this website (there are lots of hackers here) but I'll give you a hint: it starts with 192.

Scared now motherfucker? I'm not messing around. Consider this a warning. If I catch you shilling again I'm posting the rest of the ip.


> Squenix trolling in the replies


It's actually pretty cute.

Franck was best boi

So do we finally know why he was fired/left ?
Gaming Live became unwatchable without him.

so what? everyone knows that the french are fucking gay and like gay stuff

It's pretty sad how a lot of people will end up buying that Horizon garbage cause they don't know any better.

>Il pense que est fiable

Reviens quand c'est gamekult et peut-être je t'écoute.

Doing it right.

He got blacklisted

Oh shut the fuck up already you goddamn shills. Game's been leaked already. I've been playing it on my WiiU since yesterday. It's alright, but it's certainly not as great as you're hyping it up to be.

Overall, it's better than SS, and roughly about the same as TP/WW.

It's an unconventional Zelda, and it does a of cool new things, but it also comes with its fair share of flaws. Among which, the baby-tier difficulty and empty OW.

remember hearing an interview on a Rennes' sudent radio where he finally lashed out about why he left/was sacked.

Basically he was recluded in a shoddy office and was considered the redaction's idiot by everybody, while doing a shit ton of work to make the site running and not being aknowledged for it.

Gaming Lives have never been the same without him :snif:

you can find new stuff from him here though :

>review scores are meaningless unless they align with my own fanboyism

>literally confirmed to be the hardest zelda by everyone

>overworld benefits from not having a blinky POI every 20 meters making it look more real and believable

you tried

>pirate fag
>thinking his opinion matters
Everyone laugh at the thief.

hardest zelda does not mean difficult maybe hard for nintenkiddies though

I'm playing the game and you aren't, so my opinion is actually infinitely more valuable than yours :)

It was the good old times, then it went shit.

18-25 was good but now became shit too with the amount of shitty meme about a Spanish guy laughing.

C'est devenu plus cancer que Reddit.

Remember in Zelda 1 when the guys in the caves would mark your destination on your map?

And how you'd climb Ubisoft towers to reveal more of the map?

You're French right?

Oh yeah fuccboi? Yours stats 192.168. Get scared nerd. We're are user and we don't forgive forget or faggot! >:( be scared

I'm reading all the reviews and they all contradict yours.

It's a 10/10

>Hardest Zelda
Yeah, clearly you haven't played the NES ones. It's definitely more merciful than those two you shill. It's roughly on par with the Capcom ones in terms of difficulty, yeah, more punishing than the latest 3D Zelda's but definitely easier than MM and OoT. Saying it's the "hardest Zelda" when all you babies have played are the 3D Zeldas, is nothing to be proud of.

Cry harder fanboy. Truth is the truth, stop hyping up this game for more than it's worth, it's not GotY, not by a long shot.

>Faire confiance à des testeurs blasés

Aucun site français ne valent le coup.
Aucun site de review tout court en faite

And what is GOTY?

>it's a piratefag tries the first hour of a game and thinks the whole game is that easy
i'd be afraid of progressing through the game too with your shitty skills user


Reviewers have incentive to fluff up a game. Page views, increased revenue, more favor with developers. I have no ulterior motives.

People disliked him and he was considered a buffoon because he was not a true journalist.
Lightman was always decent with him though (even if he refused several requests from Franck to make himself more accepted or valued because he knew it wouldn't works) but several people managed to convince the Management Board to technically forbide Franck to hold any office here so Lightman was forced to fire him.
Him and several other instances of the campany tried to employ him again but it was always prevented from higher up.

Thus far, I'd give it to Nioh. Haven't played GR2 and Nier Automata yet.

Also, Red Dead 2 drops this year as well.

Nier Automata

Maybe harder than recent Zelda but you seems to have never played any 2d Zelda.

>a forgettable worse souls clone being GOTY

I like how everytime a big game comes out, people (shills) cite these random half-dead or relatively unknown publications as worthy sources for noting how highly the game scored.

>generic Souls clone but with weebs xDD
Opinion disregarded, sony cuck.

>it's a fanboy who hasn't played the game tries his hardest to hype up a game that isn't all that episode
Been here for this 3 times now. Happens every time a new Zelda comes out. Remember 8.8? I'm playing the game right now, you haven't even gotten it. Get over it.

Sup Forums c'est l'équivalent de "guerre des consoles".

Remplis de fanboy critiquant des jeux qu'ils ont jamais joué.

I'm actually happy Zelda turning out good, and I haven't touched a nintendo console since GC

never ever

Why are you mad about a game you haven't played?

>Generic OW game with a Zelda coat of paint
Keep dreaming. Red Dead 2 is gonna shit all over it.

>tfw you have a PS4, Wii U, PC, and eventually plan to get a Switch

Platform arguments are dumb, and brand allegiance is even dumber.

But I have a PS4. I could play it right now. Trial weekends were pretty lackluster, game seems no more than "ok"

>GTA with cowboys

Ouais, je suis d'accord. GK est au moins critique des jeux qu'ils testent. Je peux pas dire autant de

De toute façon, cette guéguerre sur Zelda et Horizon est trop nulle.

>babies first OW game

omellete du fragance

I feel you user, drawing is so relaxing and comfy. I practiced for 5 years, then I became a cuck white collar and gave up on drawing.
I miss make sketches in the evening chilling with music.

>Open World

>we're really witnessing history in the making here

We really are.

BotW is the new SS which was the new OoT.

This man is my nigga. He was made for me.

It's the most well-known source of video game news and reviews in France and it's been there way longer than all the sjw "journalists" that hold the industry by the balls and make up the majority of reviews.
They went full shills for a time by giving high marks to all the overhyped shit (probably started with MW2 like with a lot of other sources) but they've been pretty accurate lately so I trust them.


What's next, believing that games are fun?

This is Nintendo we're talking about. Xenoblade X was great, and BotW is great.


Ouais mais au moins les memes sont drôles et ça arrive d'avoir des vraies discussions.
Guerre des consoles la moyenne d'âge doit pas dépasser les 15 ans et le forum a été spécifiquement créer pour se jeter de la merde au visage publiquement.
Ici c'est anonyme et pris avec une pincée de sel c'est souvent hilarant.

>Xenoblade X was great


That game was ass, and everyone who defends that poorly designed garbage should be gassed.

Dude, OoT and MM are laughably easy, and notably easier than any of the 2D games. You have no idea what you are blathering about.

C'est ça.

Y a pas de site qui monte un joueur donner son avis sans passer par un système de notation par chiffre, sans abuser ou surnoter.

Bien sûr je parle de l'avis d'un joueur qui n'est pas débile où un petit bras.

Après moi je ne pourrais pas être testeur vu que j'écris comme un autiste.

Sage all zelda threads
Hide all zelda threads
Do not respond to zelda threads
>only 14 enemies
>only 5 magic
>only 4 dungeons
>each dungeon boss is basically the same
>CHINESE-tier dog-eating bullshit

6/10 average game if they took out all the fucked up dog eating shit. 0/10 otherwise, not even for jews and muzziws who hate dogs but need kosher halal meat.

and of course, not okay for the rest of the world that isnt fucking rural china who don't eat anything that just happens to not be human.

Nintendo fucked up B A D with this game on almost all fronts. The music is shit, the gameplay is uninspired, the combat is terrible, the enemy variety is a joke, and LITERALLY EATING DOGS

NOT A SINGLE THING DONE RIGHT WITH THIS HUNK OF FUCKING GARBAGE GAME. Iwata dying was clearly something that wasnt suppose to happen on the normal timeline.

You're an idiot. It's the best open world with the most compelling world to explore ever until BotW.

Read my posts again you blithering idiot. None of what you're saying contradicts any of what I said.

You are both talking about RDR, right?

XCX's problem was the actual gameplay, the combat and the fucking music in town

>almost on par with the Capcom games, but not near as hard as OoT and MM
This directly implies that there are 2D games that are easier than OoT and MM, which is beyond wrong. Jesus, you can't even read your own posts.

MM water Temple was Fucking hard though.

Agree for the rest except OOT master quest, but it's more bullshit difficulty than challenging difficulty.


I unironically love that track though, the joys of having shit taste I guess