What does Sup Forums feel about the last true MMO left?
What does Sup Forums feel about the last true MMO left?
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>carebear shit
>carebear shit
>literally one of the last MMOs that lets you make cash IRL for PvPing
Underage detected
>I have never touched a real MMO
Thought so, children. You are just as bad as the WoW babbies talking about PvP.
I really love Runescape. I'll be called a shill for it but I've been playing NXT and started a clan grossing a ton of new members. I had no idea it would get so big so fast. Regardless we do lots of community stuff like go out bossing, pvp, dungeoneering, and general putzing around having fun. I quite like it and it reinvigorated my desire to work on my character.
Lmao what's a real MMO? Please? There's a reason why WoW is still king in current year. Everything else is complete shit. WoW ruined MMOs. Remember when playing an MMO meant putting in time and making your character good? Remember when you saw that guy in super good gear that was almost like a god because he was so good? Those days will never happen again, ever. Everyone gets a participation trophy now. Dumb down the game for the casual masses. Normies were allowed to invade MMOs for a quick profit. Of course, normies don't last. So MMOs died off.
Most subtle barneyfag troll I've seen in a while.
OSRS over 3
Pathetic, the PvP is braindead and there's barely any content. The only good thing is the graphics
its pay 2 win trash now though
the whole point of runescape was working towards arbitrary goals
>want to get 99 woodcutting
>want to get an abyssal whip
But now you can buy both xp and gold with money
So theres nothing to work towards
And if you do it just feels devalued since other people will have invested money instead of time to achieve the same
>see a max level in vanilla
>wow i cant wait to get there, i love this game and being max level looks so fun
>see a max level now
>they probably bought gold for their gear
>they probably used the free (hit last expansions level cap token)
>theyre probably power leveling with heirlooms
its not the same
mmos were meant to be about community, economy and progression
I remember when Runescape players were laughed at for their faux MMO
Then the 12 year olds who grew up playing it became adults and now we pretend it was a good game.
the only mmo better then runescape was ultima
I miss legend of mir...anyone else used to play ?
RuneScape was fantastic 10 years ago when I was 12.
No reason to play it now
I do actually, I made fun of my little cousin for playing it when I quit a year after it came out.
Looking back on it it wasn't half bad.
expected as much from runescaper
>Shit on WoW for being to casual
>The current grind is killing all the top players
The grind might not be as fun as it was in other MMOs or vanilla wow, but its just as hard, if not harder since its so boring since you just run the same instance over and over again for AP.
what is zoophilia? New game
It's a Disney movie.
fucking die