I need a list of strong video game women without it being cringy
I need a list of strong video game women without it being cringy
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Let's be honest, Sup Forums, none of you would refuse.
You're supposed to say that when it isn't obvious.
>Implying the Horizon fags wouldn't make some shitty excuse and post Alloy as a 'better stronge female'
The woman in OP's pic is both more feminine than all the women in HZD while also being more masculine than every man in it.
They're only strong because they're controlled by men.
oh god my penis
No, I will not help you make a shitty clickbait list video for youtube.
I can't think of a lot of situations where I'd turn down free sex from an attractive female.
If I suspected STDS I'd wouldn't and that's about it.
They fucked up so hard by turning her into a bulldyke.
Now the game is a broken piece of shit with an anti white agenda and has a ugly protagonist.
A few gambles too many.
People wouldve probably swallowed that anti white propaganda if they had kept her cute.
I bet she doesn't even have chiseled abs.
Anti white? How? Is it like mafia 3?
>this is my swamp!
Sorry but I'm a pleb that is not into muscle girls
White guys are either cowed and stupid, or outright evil.
The creator of the human-machines was a Muslim women who was killed by an angry White Guy.
this PCuck damage control
Your punishment shall depend on your actual fetishes.
Tell me, my child, how degenerate are you?
>sjw dyke looking bitch
Nah, fuck off. Shes a weak slut
So the Muslims destroyed the world? Fitting.
Wow, you're fucking retarded. Talk about a fucking pathetic persecution complex.
post more ripped or thicc wymynz you fucks
t. high test male
Is she strong enough?
i want to be a tall sexy brown gerudo musclegirl
I'm into shit like oyakodon
Has there ever been a game about a white male murdering a group of women who destroyed the world? Also, a game where every single woman is completely evil, coward, weak and stupid?
How can she be so perfect?
post the "no way fag" edit, it's much better than this
Strong women are only good for breaking into feminine, subservient sex toys.
That Gerudo bitch? She's probably really coarse and harsh in her manners. I would put a collar on her and make her learn to cook. I would force her to wear heels.
Amazon is fun to play as too.
>failsafe to purge blacks and muslims
>world goes to shit after the dissapearance of whites
Seems pretty redpilled to me
yeah you are right, for too long white people have been pushed to the edges of society and denied our rights and freedom just because of the color of our skin. Society just refuses to accept us and the media always depicts us as angry savages and villians.
Can any of you even think of a game where a white man is the protagonist and the antagonist is non-white? Didnt think so
>tfw you will never go back in time to pound that prehistoric pussy
why even live
Evil rich white men as the villains have been a staple of gaming and cinema for decades though.
My point is that making games where women, black people and muslims join together to take down the white males is very reductive and is not an effective criticism of anything, since even in games made for white males, you usually still see a cast of diverse supporting characters working together for a greater goal.
If you wanted to make a point about diversity, wouldn't it be better to just have a white dude in a supporting role while you play as someone else, instead of making a game about how all white dudes are evil?
Strong women are good. But.what makes them REALLY good is when they also have big fat futa girlcocks
Jade from Beyond Good and Evil
I refused to snu snu with an amazon goddess once...I still feel stupid for that.
>I want my strong women to be strong men
You are the problem
I wish laura was my sister
Women are cringy, now fuck off
I want strongfat women in games
>tfw no female shugoki in For Honor
>t. Beta virgin.
What games have barbarian catgirls?
I'm more of a katsudon guy myself
final fantasy x, final fantassy 14
>Tit resting on the table
My dick knows no boundaries
Wow that weapon is absolutely retarded
Whos is this semen oni?
>barbarian catgirls
>final fantasy 14
Not with those no ass twig figures.
Look at the clock, user, it seems like it's story time
The fuck?=!
I would let her bully my dick all day
>Today is leg day user! Come with me to the gym!
he never say STRONG barbarian catgirls
Strong women look better when they have dicks. Especially when they are fucking.other girls
Traps/shemales/futa > female
Oh (You)
"I'm going to get some extra ammo, a few bottles of whiskey, then show them how Cassidys settle accounts."
>implying you can even reach high enough to put a collar on her
She does fantastic paint work.
How is she hiding that 10 inch dick?
Is there more OC being drawn by the hour? I can only fap so much.
Was there any new fish grill OC?
>BotW is already a top tier through its girl cast alone
Gonna have to ask Aniki first.
I want this Zarya futa meme to end
But I wouldn't say the thought of her ramming a massive cock in my mouth and throat fucking then cumming so much my belly bloats out completely round me didnt sound hot as fuck
she's very strong
Is this really Plague?
Uncharacteristic face
It would be fun to wrestle with her.
You need to do your research m8...plenty of things have evil black characters in it as well.
What do you do to try and spark up a conversation when she's carrying you off to Gerudo Valley?
Y'all some faggots
i did this too, a whole island full of people sunk into hot lava for my mistake.
i still hear the children screaming...
there is a white guy in a supporting role you nigger..hes Aloy's teacher/adoptive father
>oh but in the story he kneels down to the MATRIARCH of the village so now I'm offended!
At least we got FemRaider's delicious abs out of it, sorry you couldn't get FemShugoki's bouncy belly user.
I love the sound of choking on cock
Agrias from Final Fantasy Tactics
Same, wish all Futa taker POV SFM used throatfucking sounds, its such a let down if its a good vid without any good sound
The stupid hair bothers me the most. It doesn't at fucking all and makes her ears look retarded too.
I'm assuming you want literally strong women, in which case Yuugi the Strong.
>ITT: It is okay when Nintendo does it
Why don't you all give the same love to pic related?
The haircut, for one, and the game she's from to boot.
>implying I don't
But OW doesn't have Zarya in a sport bra and speedo showing off her sexy abs and legs soooooo
Tumblr hair.
Remove that and she would be fine.
Get her summer skin.
Cirno is the strongest; but loneliest.
The pink hair ruins her. Heroes of the Storm's skin design blowns the fuck out of Overwatch's. She's still pretty hot because of 's artist.
Well lets see
>Actually aesthetically pleasing outfit
>muscles without fat
>non-dyed hair
>semi-original design and not an obvious rehash
>diminishing a PoC
Check yourself before you wreck yourself, its bad for your health
>he likes bald women