Sequels that killed franchises

Sequels that killed franchises

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Oh no you didn't.

I vaguely remember the ending of this game hinting at a sequel in India. I guess it never happened.

What did this game fuck up from the first one?

I was pretty young when I played them so I can't really remember much of it.

Dead Space 3
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Yeah it was going to have drones and shit in it.

it was basically just Mercenaries 2 with all the problems the game had but in a new location.

>Want to go out and hunt for the pack of 52? Fuck you
>Want vehicles that are nice and a comfy war torn setting? Fuck you
>Want to do an air strike RIGHT NOW or you need equipment? Fuck you! Go resource gather for an hour and then you can call in ONE

I just wish they'd release the first as a PS2 classic so I can fucking play it again. One of my favourite games ever.

I rememeber this commercial

The game wasn't good?


The song was really catchy


>TFW the original mercenaries is only emulated well in software mode

This is the worst kind of pain

mankind divided

but mercenaries 2 was a great game

Mercs 2 didn't kill the franchise, the series was going to be canned regardless.

I always thought just cause 2 replaced mercenaries

You can thank EA for this and many other series going to shit.

Isn't Just Cause basically the same thing?


2 was fun as fuck too

Just Cause is just boring.

True, but Mercs 2 had a really fun campagn co-op mode

Here's a real recent one...

Just Cause is like Mercenaries if it were boring as fuck.

Is it safe to say the series is more or less dead at this point? No pun fucking intended.

Crysis 2

Dead Space 3

dead space 3

>tfw dead space 4 will make everything right again and be incredible

it's not fair

how did they screw this up so bad?

those animations were horrendous.

I only got to play for 20 mins or so. What problems did it have?

There was a 4th one?

It's stupid to have it set in the holidays imo. The Christmas deccor gets boring after acouple hours

>Command & Conquer generals

get out

>*hey why does smoke fill cockpit"

I remember playing it, it was fucking awesome, i called and airstrike on myself in a castle and the castle crumbled

Also i remember it being 3€ for the PC and 30€ for the PS2 in Tesco, thex were literally next to each other and the price difference was baffling

>no sexy Russian girl to play
>only generic black military man and generic white military man

Thats why it flopped

Mercs 1 was great 2 was hot garbage really shouldent have been a mercs game

Yup. Sadly it couldnt even be a copy paste of 3 because they removed the time limit, theres only one ending, they replaced Frank's VA, the equivalent of Overtime Mode is being sold as DLC with no release date yet, they removed the psychopaths, it took them until now to add in difficulty setting which made it challenging, there were so many bad design choices which were apparently made so there would be a Dead Rising 5 or 6 and to "appeal to a wider audience"

I dont mind it since I kinda like it when games have settings which match up with the timeframe they were released in

Idrc i had fun playing it as a kid and thats what videogames are for

>that year Capcom gave all its IP's to shitty western devs

Never Forget DmC and this trash


What game is that

Mui is best girl.

>we will NEVER get another Def Jam game

Mercs 2 was fun though. Definitely not as memorable as the first, but still pretty good. It was a shit load of fun to play co-op.

prototype 2

I hate bald black protagonist just as much as bald white protagonist

Prototype1 was so fucking good and the first two minutes of 2 fucked it all up

>friends favourite game is DR1
>he knows this will be shit
>buys it anyway
>listen to him suffer and complain about how bad it was throughout the game
>by the end he's literally forcing himself to play and complete it

it was glorious, I told him not to do it to himself

game sounds like major garbage though

>we're taking it back to it's roots!
>they remove the timer

It's been almost 10 years.

it wasnt the protagonist

it was the retarded story and terrible sales

meant for

Episode 3 doesnt exist
It was all a ruse

I was going to buy 2 but then I heard all the smack talk the MC does during the final fight, good god why did they think that was a good idea?

Still better than the second game in my opinion but they seemed to have a serious problem in creating likeable protagonists.

If only, user.

>not a sequel

Why did they fucking change such a good fucking system.

I thought the third game was the only good one in the series.

First was so damn good.

Shame 2 was such shit.

Bought it on my 360, first thing I noticed was how ugly it looked. Then it ran like shit. Then it played like shit. Then I returned it and demanded a full refund from Shitstop.

The protagonist in psp resistance game was really good

With a little help from EA

Blood 2: The Chosen
Unreal 2
SiN Emergance

>No media molecule
>New OP characters
>Buggy as fuck at launch
>Still buggy years later

I forgot these games existed, fuck.


Red alert 3

Most boring game of all time?

with Gearbox, he'll never recover
like trying to revive someone with inflated whoopee cushions

I replayed the whole series last year, and 3 is the only one that feels completely unmemorable.

Well, except for the half year time skip and shit ending.

No that didn't kill it that failed to zombify it

Probably the best example. Whenever you mention Duke Nukem now people will immediately think of this game. A lot of people haven't even played the others.

It tried too hard to be CoD.

Simcity 2013 shut down maxis

Honestly I keep forgetting this game even exists because I keep confusing it with the previous game.

>titles are very similar. human revolution/mankind divided
>the cover of both games are extremely similar

Whenever I see someone talk about Mankind Divided my mind immediately goes to Human Revolution.

>Being this simple minded

Who's doing The Sims now?

It's better than DX:HR on all fronts
Fuck Square

It doesnt help that Gearbox loves to piss on his corpse by forcefully acquiring the Duke Nukem rights, taking down Megaton Edition and replacing it with a worse expensive version, and relegating Duke now to appearing in pre order DLC.

Its depressing since it had the same studio who made 4 also did 2 and Off The Record, but at this point its hard not to say the shit they're getting is undeserved.

Lost Planet 1 and 2 were amazing.
Then this turd happened.

Fucking Crapcom.

This game was bizarre, no one wanted it.

How so champ?

It's poor marketing.

yeah. MoH2010 was a pretty good game, and I would like to see them continue in the same direction, but this? This was just odd.

You are one of those people who calls a controller a remote arnt you?

What was wrong with sands of time?

Its clear they wanted to have a Battlefield clone to complete during BF's off time.

Tell me these covers don't look similar at first glance.
Like one is a special edition of the other.

>Different shade of yellow
>Different pose
>One has three people and the other doesn't

It's easy to see the difference

Mercenaries 2 was better than Mercenaries 1.

Sue me.

The worst sin committed by Mercs 2 was turning every hijack into a series of QTEs. Even the "final boss" was a QTE of like twenty things as you're trying to hijack his escape helicopter.

The effortless hijacks in Mercs 1 felt so satisfying. Nothing was cooler than emptying a tank while war waged around you and commandeering it to fuck shit up.

Goddamn, and i honestly enjoyed one and two

You'll be hearing from my lawyer you tasteless fuck

Can't make the legal system give you taste.

What was so bad about mercs 2 again? I remember it being a pretty standard open world TPS.

Buggy as hell with a story even Just Cause would cringe at, I still enjoyed it though.

I'm still sad about this, fucking Gearbox.

I hope some other game company like Devolver Digital saves the Duke.

LP2 was worse. LP3 had extra-comfy soundtrack and style.

>I'm still sad about this, fucking Gearbox.

As shit as Gearbox is, they don't really deserve much blame for DNF.


>devolver digital duke nukem
I am completely erect
